
CEO Newsletter ISSUE20– PC




十月也是数字化和大数据之月。我们开展了数据周和Data Open Day活动,发布了《安盛天平数据治理白皮书》,正式开启公司数据治理的新篇章。另外,在信息技术团队的努力下我们赢得了今年的保险数字化生态创新先锋奖。




CEO Message

To AXA Tianping Family, 

I hope you all enjoy the gorgeous weather of this season. As we enter the cooler months of 2021, I reflect on how time passes so quickly and when we launched the Beijing Jinghuibao Inclusive PPP Insurance and supported broader communities this time last year. We are carrying out this commitment and joined hands with more partners and rolled out the 2021 version of Beijing Jinghuibao inclusive PPP Insurance in October this year. The program has been updated with broader coverage, more specific remedies and health management services to benefit Beijing residents, and support the multi-level medical security system.

It’s also the month of digitalization and big data. We’ve kicked of the Data Week and held the Data Open Day events, where AXA Tianping Data Governance White Paper was released and opened a new chapter of the company’s data governance. The team was also awarded the Insurance Digital Ecosystem Innovation Pioneer.

In this month issue, you will also read about group chairman Mr. Denis Duverne’s speech about green finance and sustainability at the 2021 Financial Street Forum and AXA Tianping’s health insights at the Economist seminar.

Stay safe and enjoy the wonderful season!



对话安盛亚非 – 亚洲分销中心负责人 Stephen Appleyard Dialogue with AXA Asia & Africa – Chief of Distribution Hub, Asia

对话安盛亚非– 亚洲分销中心负责人 Stephen Appleyard

Dialogue with AXA Asia & Africa – Chief of Distribution Hub, Asia



渠道分销对保险公司来说至关重要。十月,我邀请了亚洲分销中心负责人Stephen Appleyard 分享了他对安盛在中国尤其是财险分销的看法,以及安盛尊享会在中国的进展。


(供中国大陆区以外同事观看,For AXA colleagues outside mainland China)

Distribution network is vital to the insurance companies. This month, I have invited Stephen Appleyard, Chief of Distribution Hub for Asia, to share his insights in AXA distribution in China especially in non-life side, and how AXA Prime is going in China.

Many of you might have met Stephen before because before COVID, he was in China four days a month for twelve months. He was very impressed by the AXA Tianping team, which he said is with lots of energy, clear goals and strong execution in China’s dynamic market. Please watch below clip to know more about him and his experience.


集思广益,健康前瞻 AXA Tianping Gives Health Insights at Economist Event


AXA Tianping Gives Health Insights at Economist Event






  • 中国健康险市场在过去十年中取得了极大发展,最大的挑战是市场本身。随着人口老龄化、人均收入增加、中等收入家庭增多以及攀升的医疗支出,中国的健康险行业将继续高速成长。同时,中国商业保险仅占其健康支出的5%,有巨大的发展潜力。
  • 数字化大势所趋。全球的健康产业和健康险行业在数字化转型上都有所滞后,现在这一进程正在加速,而中国正是引领健康领域数字化的佼佼者。数字化赋能健康产品和服务更加贴近每个人,更便捷,更个性化。
  • 中国的新药研究进程在加快。十年之前,在国外研发生产的新药需要经历很长时间才能在中国面市。自2017年以来,得益于政府的政策支持,中国开始参与跨国临床研究,让中国的患者也能够在第一时间享受新药。

We were invited to Economist’s close-door Seminar on October 13th to discuss opportunities and challenges of China’s healthcare market under the Healthy China 2030 policy initiative as well as the changing dynamics of the Chinese economy. On behalf of the company, the Chief Health Officer Kevin Zhou spoke at the panel joined by spokespersons from Ping An Health, GE Healthcare and Parexel.

Below are some takeaways from the seminar:


  • The biggest opportunity for China’s healthcare insurance industry is the market itself, which has seen tremendous growth in the past decade. And because of the aging population, the rising average income, the expansion of the middle income class, and the increasing medical cost, the health insurance market in China will continue growing at a high speed. Also, private insurance only accounts for about 5% of the total health spending in China, which has a huge growth potential.
  • Whatever can go online will go online. Healthcare and health insurance have been lagging in that regard globally, but digitalization is now accelerating and China is leading the field. Digitalization makes healthcare services more accessible to everybody, and in a more personalized way.
  • New drug development has been accelerated in China. Ten years ago, there was a significant time lag between new drugs being developed abroad and becoming available to Chinese patients. Since 2017, China has had a series of regulatory improvements, which allowed China to participate in multinational clinical studies and enable Chinese patients to access the new drug in development simultaneously as those in countries of origin.



气候友好,绿色金融 Climate and Sustainability as one of our Strategy Priorities


Climate and Sustainability as one of our Strategy Priorities




受北京市政府和中国工商银行董事长邀请,安盛集团董事长德尼· 杜威先生远程出席论坛并发表了重要讲话。他表示,“关注气候变化”已经上升为安盛集团的战略重点,并坚信通过一系列重大举措,安盛能够在促进气候友好、绿色金融和可持续发展等方面发挥积极影响。



The 2021 Financial Street Forum, aims to further strengthen China’s participation in global financial governance and promote healthy interaction between finance and the real economy, was successfully held on 22-October.

At the invitation of the Beijing Municipal Government and the ICBC Chairman, our group chairman Mr. Denis Duverne joined the forum virtually to deliver an important speech. He said that the focus on “climate change” has risen to the height of the AXA Group’s strategic priority, and firmly believes that through a series of measurements in place, AXA can play a positive role in promoting climate-friendliness, green finance and sustainable development.

As a leading global insurance company that puts “Act for human progress by protecting what matters” at heart, I believe that we can, through leveraging Group’s expertise and technology,  contribute to the further development of green finance and the realization of the dual carbon goal.


《中国日报》与《上海日报》采访 Recent Interviews with China Daily and Shanghai Daily


Recent Interviews with China Daily and Shanghai Daily



China Daily 中国日报:

Shanghai Daily 上海日报:

Thanks to the interview invitation from China Daily and Shanghai Daily, I was very honored to share my views on Shanghai’s growth into an international financial center as well as how foreign institutions help drive the process.

Shanghai is becoming more appealing to foreign financial businesses as it improves the environment for institutions along its journey to becoming a top global financial hub. As the wholly owned property insurance subsidiary of AXA Group, AXA Tianping has experienced firsthand the improved business environment for the financial industry, and will continue to double down in China, in Shanghai, and to provide world-class solutions to Chinese consumers.


保险数字化奖项 Winning in Insurance Digitalization


Winning in Insurance Digitalization






Congratulations to the Information Technology team winning the Insurance Digital Ecosystem Innovation Pioneer at the 3rd Insurance Innovation Summit. It recognizes the progress we have made in the digital transformation journey to bring the most convenient solutions to our customers.

Our Chief Operation Officer Philip Yu also spoke at the summit, sharing AXA Tianping’s best practice in digitalization and big data towards the Payer to Partner transition.


洞见数据 赋能业务 Data Open Day

洞见数据 赋能业务

Data Open Day


10月11日-15日,为期一周的“第二届Data Open Day数据开放日”活动圆满落幕。非常感谢大数据应用部、市场营销与公共事务部、精算与定价中心、客服运营中心和数字化运营部的辛勤筹办,为总部与机构同事呈现了精彩纷呈的线上线下直播互动、问答等内容。


其实,向数字化转型已经成为行业共识,整个业内也呈现出一片开拓与创新的景象。“洞见数据 赋能业务” 决不是一句空话。基于OneData大数据体系,我们的数字化生态圈解决方案、统一数据服务平台正在构建中。相信在不久的未来,我们一定能通过洞见数据来赋能业务发展,为保险行业的数字化转型共享安盛的价值与力量。

(供中国大陆区以外同事观看,For AXA colleagues outside mainland China)

From October 11th to 15th, the week-long “Data Open Day” has been successfully held. I am very thankful for Data application department’s hard work, together with the Marketing & Communications, Actuarial and pricing center, Customer service operation center, and Digital operation department, for giving us a series of online and offline educational activities for staff from HQ to branches.

During this week, the management team and I have also visited Zhong An insurance company, and have shared our insights on digitalization with industry experts, who have witnessed the launch of AXA Tianping Data Governance White Paper opening a new chapter of the company’s data governance.

With digital transformation becoming the consensus of the industry, the whole industry is showing a tendency of development and innovation. “Insight into data empowers business” is by no means empty words. Based on the OneData big data system, our digital ecosystem solutions and unified data service platform are under construction. I believe that in the near future, we will be able to empower business development through insights and data, share our value and contribute our strength to the digital transformation of the insurance industry.


爱心集市,金桥接力 Relay of love in Jinqiao


Relay of love in Jinqiao






I think we all recall the first charity flea market held in Ruiming office on 24 September: 52 items out of more than 100 donations were sold out within one hour after when the market was open, and cash generated donations went to Aiyou x AXA Play room directly to aid those severely sick orphans. I was so glad to see that the love has been passed on to our Jinqiao office and you have rocked it with a record of 81 purchased items within one hour, bravo!

Two weeks, two charity flea markets. I am moved and touched by your efforts, your actions. While we are unable to provide onsite visit to those children due to the covid-related restrictions, we are our love and care have been expressed through other formats. Haohao, a nine-year-old boy, one of the many children that turned healthy after getting cured and being taken care of in “Aiyou x AXA Playroom”, showed his gratitude through his created eyes by presenting a beautiful little painting.

I really hope to see the relay of love travel across China, to accompany and warm those kids who are much in need, and I believe that this continuous loving caring energy will eventually grow into something bigger, as we are never alone, on this journey of love.


“北京京惠保二开”延续温暖 Beijing Jinghuibao Inclusive PPP Insurance Updated


Beijing Jinghuibao Inclusive PPP Insurance Updated



今年的“北京京惠保” 也延续了去年的温暖:低至79元的年保费,覆盖了北京所有医保在保参保人;特药目录也从17种扩充至60种,健康服务也由18种服务扩充至七大类型24种健康管理服务项目。



I am very proud of the “Beijing Jinghuibao” Inclusive PPP Insurance, officially launched in Beijing on 25 October, as this is the second year of us joining this great initiative, providing the capital citizens with a variety of protection solution and health management services at a competitive price, showcasing our global expertise while contributing to the construction of Beijing’s multi-level medical security system.

Via this product, we have also extended our commitment to the society: all of those who are insured by Beijing medical insurance can be covered by this product, with the annual premium being 79 RMB only. Even the list of special drugs has been expanded from 17 to 60, with health services expanded from 18 to 24.

At the occasion of the product launch, I was honored to have donated Jinghuibao products to a group of outstanding community workers under Beijing Civil Affairs as a gesture to express our highest respect and gratitude to them, by providing high-quality health protection.



陪伴成长,共续辉煌 Grow with our business partners and extend our successful results


Grow with our business partners and extend our successful results




9月29日晚,应法国液化空气集团中国区CEO Nicolas Poirot先生盛情邀请,在法国驻华大使Laurent Bili的见证下,我与首席商业险业务官曾翔、商业险国际部李丹参加了液化空气在华30周年庆典,与液化空气集团回顾辉煌历程,共庆非凡成就。


With the presence of Mr. Laurent Bili, French Ambassador of China, I was very honored to joining the celebration of “Air Liquide Entering China’s 30th Anniversary” during the night of 29 September together with Mr. Shaw Zeng, CCO of Commercial Business and Ms. Linda Li, Head of Global Business to express warm congratulations of its outstanding achievements and fruitful results thanks to Mr. Nicolas Poirot , CEO of Air Liquide China’s invitation.
Serviced by AXA Group for more than 20 years, Air Liquide is the world’s largest manufacturer of liquefied air. During the celebration, we also had a cordial exchange with Ms. Tammy Chen, CFO of Air Liquide China, Ms. Clare Wu, CEO of AON China and DGM of international Department of PICC head office & Tianjin branch around the possibility of a further cooperation with Air Liquide China to provide good quality services that can reflect Chinese efficiency in the near future.