
安盛天平全面开展“78全国保险公众宣传日”系列活动AXA Tianping Joined the “78 National Insurance Day” 


AXA Tianping Joined the “78 National Insurance Day” 













AXA actively responded to the call of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and the China Insurance Industry Association, and actively participated the “7.8 National Insurance Day”. Centered around the annual theme of “Insurance, Empowering Every Step Forward with Confidence”, the company uses diverse promotional methods to spread the positive energy of insurance, popularize insurance knowledge, and showcase the original intention and mission of the insurance industry.

AXA Tianping continued to promote knowledge of the industry through the official website, official Wechat, video number, Tiktok and other We Media matrices. At the same time, themed promotional arrangements will be made in the workplaces and business outlets of various branch offices, and insurance protection and financial security knowledge will be disseminated to the general public through electronic screens that rotate videos throughout the day and posters will be posted.

In addition, AXA Tianping is actively preparing to shoot a short video titled “My Insurance Life”, which will explain the functions and dedicated services of insurance while engaging employees to watch themed live broadcasts, interpreting policies to the public, popularizing financial and insurance knowledge, conveying the spirit of the insurance industry and practitioners.

In terms of public welfare, AXA Tianping relies on the online mini program of the China Insurance Industry Association to mobilize all internal and external staff and more insurance consumers to participate in insurance public welfare walking activities, promote insurance knowledge, and advocate the concept of national fitness.

At the same time, AXA Tianping actively responded to the call of the China Insurance Industry Association and launched the “Insurance Five Entry” activity, delivering services to the public, allowing them to have a more direct understanding of the insurance industry, and effectively improving the satisfaction and sense of gain of the people. Through a variety of promotional activities, we aim to spread insurance culture, popularize insurance knowledge, demonstrate the responsibility and commitment of the insurance industry, and contribute to building a harmonious financial environment.

For example, AXA Tianping Shaanxi Branch teamed up with its local partners to visit Shangchuankou Village in Yangling District, Xianyang City, to promote financial knowledge such as telecommunications anti fraud, prevention of illegal fundraising, and personal information protection to local villagers, especially the elderly, and enhance public awareness of financial prevention.

AXA Tianping Yulin Branch went to commercial districts, campuses, communities and other places to carry out consumer protection publicity and education, explaining consumer protection knowledge, and conducting financial consumer protection education and publicity activities by distributing anti fraud and anti money laundering brochures.

AXA Tianping Suzhou Branch, in collaboration with multiple peers, launched an insurance on campus event and visited Suzhou Agricultural Vocational and Technical College together. Using promotional materials such as brochures, posters, banners, and exhibition stands, the event promoted insurance knowledge to students and faculty, and face-to-face popularized the concept of financial insurance.

AXA Tianping Yunnan Branch went to Jinkangyuan Agricultural Market in Panlong District, Kunming City to carry out financial knowledge education and publicity activities. Original promotional materials were distributed to former citizens, patiently explaining the current fraudulent methods, reminding them to establish a rational consumption concept, enhance risk prevention awareness, and strengthen self-protection.

AXA Tianping Yunnan Wenshan Middle Branch launched a publicity campaign to prevent illegal fundraising into the community, focusing on explaining new types of fraud such as online scams and AI technology scams to the elderly, and reminding them to protect their pensions.

Dongguan branch employees gathered at Huangqi Mountain to showcase the sense of responsibility and vitality of the insurance industry through the practical actions of participants. Participants not only enjoyed the natural scenery and exercised their bodies, but also promoted knowledge on preventing illegal fundraising and anti insurance fraud to passersby, contributing their own strength to public welfare undertakings.

In the future, the company will continue to participate in various public welfare activities, practice social responsibility through practical actions, and contribute to social harmony and stability.


安盛天平首推中医药特色保险“杏林宝”“Xing Lin Bao”, A Protection Solution Featuring Traditional Chinese Medicine


“Xing Lin Bao”, A Protection Solution Featuring Traditional Chinese Medicine






On July 6, 2024, AXA Tianping Beijing Branch successfully held an international health service with integrated Chinese and western medicine and“Xinglin Bao” personal comprehensive medical insurance conference. At the press conference, the first commercial personal health insurance with traditional Chinese medicine features-“Xinglinbao”-was launched in Beijing, which realized the integration of traditional Chinese medicine features and commercial insurance, which provides services such as traditional Chinese medicine treatment, family health care, integrated Chinese and Western medicine consultation and health testing.

Speaking at the press conference, Tu Zhitao, director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Health and health and administration of traditional Chinese medicine, said that commercial insurance of traditional Chinese medicine can help solve five major problems: highlighting traditional Chinese medicine-specific therapies and changing service models, shift from project services to package services, and focus on health rather than just treating disease; take advantage of the family health officer team, combining Chinese and western medicine to relieve the pressure of medical treatment and meet health needs.

Mr. Kevin CHOR, CEO of AXA Tianping , attended the event and made a speech. AXA, based in China for 25 years, has been working to integrate global resources with local customer needs, promote innovation and expand the scope and depth of insurance services. He stressed that the deep integration of traditional Chinese medicine health services and commercial insurance is essential to build a new development pattern. AXA will focus on the well-being of the people, to promote the deep integration of health insurance and health management, to provide security for the good life of the people.

Liancheng ZHOU, Executive Vice President and Chief Distribution & Sales Office of AXA Tianping, said at the scene that the launch of “Xing Lin Bao” personal comprehensive medical insurance, is a useful attempt for the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine.

The event also showcases traditional Chinese medicine culture and clinical experience, allowing international friends and insurance customers to have a deeper understanding of the heritage of traditional Chinese medicine culture and its application in modern life. The event helps promote the integration of TCM Health Services and commercial insurance, and aims to implement the state policy of “Healthy China” and improve people’s sense of gain, experience and happiness. AXA Group promotes the combination of health insurance and health management to provide comprehensive and diversified medical insurance, which plays the role of economic shock absorber and social stabilizer. The combination of traditional Chinese medicine and commercial insurance has broad prospects for development and will jointly contribute to the health of China.


“清查违规操作、严查内部欺诈” ——“惊雷”行动拉开序幕Project “Thunderbolt” Kicked-off to Inspect Illegal Operations and Investigate Internal Fraud

“清查违规操作、严查内部欺诈” ——“惊雷”行动拉开序幕

Project “Thunderbolt” Kicked-off to Inspect Illegal Operations and Investigate Internal Fraud 




随着专项行动的深入开展, 后续将推进“异常行为”理赔人员排查、高风险案件“旧案新查”、投诉案件回顾、异常指标人员案件回顾、收款人多次支付案件检查、内部欺诈风险防控工作检查、开展警示教育培训等各项工作, 确保专项行动稳打稳扎落到实处。

In order to implement the company’s high-quality development strategy and safeguard the company’s operation, the entire staff of the Claims and Customer Service Center of the head office recently held a kick-off meeting for the “Thunderbolt” action at Jinqiao workplace. The meeting focused on the theme of “inspecting illegal operations and strictly investigating internal fraud”, aiming to unite efforts to build a strong and incorruptible claims team with high combat effectiveness.

At the kick-off meeting, Yang Yong, Chief Claims and Customer Service Officer of AXA Tianping, emphasized the importance of integrity and self-discipline for claims positions. He urged all personnel to remain clear-headed, adhere to integrity, abide by the law, and follow the rules. He expressed his hope that the claims personnel could truly practice the values mentioned above, and continue to intensify the efforts in conducting internal anti-fraud work to safeguard the company’s sustainable development.

Following the session, claims across various branches will also sign the “Collective Commitment for Integrity and Honesty of Claims and Customer Service Personnel”, jointly committing to follow all the company’s claims processes, abide by the company’s rules and regulations, and safeguard the interests of customers.

With the in-depth implementation of the special action, the follow-up work will include the screening of “abnormal behavior” of claims personnel, the “re-examination of old cases” of high-risk cases, the review of complaint cases, the review of cases involving personnel with abnormal indicators, the inspection of cases with repeated payments to payees, the inspection of internal fraud risk prevention and control work, and the conduct of warning education and training. All these efforts will ensure that the special action is steadily implemented in a down-to-earth manner.


净水守护,安盛筑爱——安盛天平年度志愿者活动启幕AXA Hearts in Action For Sanitary Water——AXA Annual Week for Good Campaign Unfolds



AXA Hearts in Action For Sanitary Water

AXA Annual Week for Good Campaign Unfolds





  • 2024年6月18日,反渗透纯净水设备完成安装
  • 6月19日,全校师生开始饮用洁净水源



  • 安盛上海分公司员工志愿者活动
  • 安盛浙江分公司及支公司员工志愿者活动

AXA’s All-Staff Volunteering Week kicked off from June 3rd to June 7th, embodying Group spirit “AXA Hearts in Action” partnering with Aiyou Charity Foundation to ensure safe and sanitary water for children in the Naituo Town Central School in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province.

This year, we continued to expand our commitment in the field of corporate philanthropy, engaging employees from across branches. In just five days, the “WeChat Step Donation Challenge” initiated through “Emma by AXA” has attracted a total of 5,223 participants, generating a donation of 31,413,483 steps.

This year’s campaign boasts several highlights: First, volunteering hours have significantly increased, rising from 5,246.5 hours last year to 11,804.6 hours this year; the number of volunteers has grown, with participation in the step donation increasing from 5,163 last year to 5,225 this year. Furthermore, local volunteering activities have been organized in Shanghai and Zhejiang, greatly enriching the diversity of volunteering week activities through active innovation.

With the enthusiastic support of the staff, a total of 90,000 RMB cash donation has been collected to install reverse osmosis water purification equipment for the central school in Naituo Town. On June 18th, the reverse osmosis pure water equipment was installed, ensuring safe and sanitary water for teachers and students in the school. Meanwhile, it has also been planned to launch a science education program focused on the theme of scientific water use for the children leveraging the Children’s Home set up by the Aiyou Charity Foundation in the local area, apart from purchasing health packages such as kettles, insulated cups, and hand sanitizers, to further enhance the children’s health awareness and cultivate good hygiene habits.

Moving forward, three outstanding staff volunteers who outperformed the wechat step donation challenge will be assembled for an onsite visit to witness the project progress and perform home visit to the children in need. At the same time, we will continue to mobilize employees from various branches to organize diverse public welfare activities locally, working together with the headquarters to inject more strength into the company’s philanthropic actions.

“Act for Human Progress by Protecting What Matters” is what has been guiding us in balancing economic benefits with social responsibilities. Actively responding to the call of regulators, and implementing the Group’s cutting-edge sustainable development strategy, we are committed to promoting protection solutions to include those in need.


CEO Newsletter ISSUE47–Mobile








Dear Colleagues,

The fragrant aroma of rice dumplings from the Dragon Boat Festival still lingers in the air, and the excitement of the dragon boat racing endures. On June 2nd, AXA’s “Surfing Forward” dragon boat team gave their all and achieved a historic best at the 5th Lujiazui Financial City Dragon Boat Race. This remarkable fest exemplifies AXA’s spirit of surpassing oneself and striving for the best.

As we approach the culmination of our four – year – transformation journey, we can proudly reflect on our remarkable achievements in business diversification, distribution cultivation, and team capacity building – testaments to our resilience and perseverance. Yet, as the transformation deepens, we face the formidable challenge of a declining premium scale. This challenges us to embrace the “dragon boat spirit” – to strive together in union to achieve greatness.

We must fully harness the wisdom and innovative capabilities of each organization, continuously optimize our business structure, vigorously expand our business, and actively explore new growth opportunities to address the limitations of our current business models. This bottom-up initiative named “Spark Transformation Plan”, symbolizes the idea that a single spark can eventually ignite a prairie fire, infusing our company’s development with continuous vitality. This will empower us with robust resilience and agile adaptability facing market fluctuations when both internal and external environment change.

On June 19, the 2024 Lujiazui Forum convened with a significant milestone: AXA Hong Kong signed a memorandum of cooperation with PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited. As the prelude to cooperation at the group level, it marked the first announcement of a strategic partnership between the two parties in global reinsurance business. This move not only aligns closely with the theme of this year’s Lujiazui Forum “Promoting World Economic Growth through High-quality Financial Development,” but also actively responds to the national strategy of two-way high-level financial opening-up. Having been rooted in China for 25 years, AXA will continue to support the country’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative through innovative cooperation and exchange models, actively expand cooperation with large state-owned financial institutions, and achieve complementary advantages and win-win cooperation.

From June 3 to 7, the “AXA Hearts in Action” employee volunteering campaign kicked started as scheduled, with this year’s theme focusing on “water”. Thanks to the active participation of colleagues, the company collected cash donation to install water purification equipment to the Naituo Town Central School in Liangshan, Sichuan, greatly improving the drinking water quality for the children. “Act for Human Progress by Protecting What Matters “put at heart, AXA always prioritizes in balancing economic benefits and social responsibilities, guiding us to care for vulnerable communities with the aid of insurance protection, to include more disadvantaged groups in our offer.

Starting from this month, various regions across the country have entered a period of high incidence of extreme weather. The company has launched a special action for disaster prevention and mitigation, shifting its role from a “payer” to a “risk manager,” and focusing on building a risk prevention and control system that includes “pre-disaster prevention and warning, rapid response during disasters, and precise claims settlement after disasters.” Actively providing risk reduction services is not only conducive to improving society’s ability to resist risks and reducing social risk costs, but also an unwavering exploration of service innovation, crucial for ensuring the company achieves its operational goals and enhancing its long-term competitiveness.

The journey is long and arduous, but with unwavering perseverance, we will reach our destination. Together, hand in hand, let our sparks ignite a blazing trail across the prairie. Let us dedicate ourselves wholeheartedly to the company’s transformation and embrace a future radiant with promise!

安盛天平首席执行官 左伟豪
CEO of AXA Tianping Kevin Chor


CEO Newsletter ISSUE 47–PC








Dear Colleagues,

The fragrant aroma of rice dumplings from the Dragon Boat Festival still lingers in the air, and the excitement of the dragon boat racing endures. On June 2nd, AXA’s “Surfing Forward” dragon boat team gave their all and achieved a historic best at the 5th Lujiazui Financial City Dragon Boat Race. This remarkable fest exemplifies AXA’s spirit of surpassing oneself and striving for the best.

As we approach the culmination of our four – year – transformation journey, we can proudly reflect on our remarkable achievements in business diversification, distribution cultivation, and team capacity building – testaments to our resilience and perseverance. Yet, as the transformation deepens, we face the formidable challenge of a declining premium scale. This challenges us to embrace the “dragon boat spirit” – to strive together in union to achieve greatness.

We must fully harness the wisdom and innovative capabilities of each organization, continuously optimize our business structure, vigorously expand our business, and actively explore new growth opportunities to address the limitations of our current business models. This bottom-up initiative named “Spark Transformation Plan”, symbolizes the idea that a single spark can eventually ignite a prairie fire, infusing our company’s development with continuous vitality. This will empower us with robust resilience and agile adaptability facing market fluctuations when both internal and external environment change.

On June 19, the 2024 Lujiazui Forum convened with a significant milestone: AXA Hong Kong signed a memorandum of cooperation with PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited. As the prelude to cooperation at the group level, it marked the first announcement of a strategic partnership between the two parties in global reinsurance business. This move not only aligns closely with the theme of this year’s Lujiazui Forum “Promoting World Economic Growth through High-quality Financial Development,” but also actively responds to the national strategy of two-way high-level financial opening-up. Having been rooted in China for 25 years, AXA will continue to support the country’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative through innovative cooperation and exchange models, actively expand cooperation with large state-owned financial institutions, and achieve complementary advantages and win-win cooperation.

From June 3 to 7, the “AXA Hearts in Action” employee volunteering campaign kicked started as scheduled, with this year’s theme focusing on “water”. Thanks to the active participation of colleagues, the company collected cash donation to install water purification equipment to the Naituo Town Central School in Liangshan, Sichuan, greatly improving the drinking water quality for the children. “Act for Human Progress by Protecting What Matters “put at heart, AXA always prioritizes in balancing economic benefits and social responsibilities, guiding us to care for vulnerable communities with the aid of insurance protection, to include more disadvantaged groups in our offer.

Starting from this month, various regions across the country have entered a period of high incidence of extreme weather. The company has launched a special action for disaster prevention and mitigation, shifting its role from a “payer” to a “risk manager,” and focusing on building a risk prevention and control system that includes “pre-disaster prevention and warning, rapid response during disasters, and precise claims settlement after disasters.” Actively providing risk reduction services is not only conducive to improving society’s ability to resist risks and reducing social risk costs, but also an unwavering exploration of service innovation, crucial for ensuring the company achieves its operational goals and enhancing its long-term competitiveness.

The journey is long and arduous, but with unwavering perseverance, we will reach our destination. Together, hand in hand, let our sparks ignite a blazing trail across the prairie. Let us dedicate ourselves wholeheartedly to the company’s transformation and embrace a future radiant with promise!

安盛天平首席执行官 左伟豪
CEO of AXA Tianping Kevin Chor


乘风破浪,奋勇争先——2024陆家嘴金融城第五届龙舟赛安盛速度再创新高Braving the Waves and Surging Forward with Courage AXA Tianping sets a new record at the 5th Lujiazui Financial City Dragon Boat Race in 2024



Braving the Waves and Surging Forward with Courage AXA Tianping sets a new record at the 5th Lujiazui Financial City Dragon Boat Race in 2024






On June 2, 2024, the AXA Tianping’s Dragon Boat Team named “Sailing Forward” enthusiastically participated in the 5th Lujiazui Financial City Dragon Boat Race in 2024.

Hosted by the Comprehensive Party Committee of Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone in Shanghai, the General Union of Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone in Shanghai, and the Comprehensive Youth League Committee of Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone in Shanghai, this dragon boat race attracted 7 participating teams coming from various enterprises and institutions in Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone. Joining the race for four consecutive years, AXA Tianping hopes to convey its solidarity and perseverance while expressing its best wishes to the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the 25th anniversary of AXA’s establishment in China.

The recruitment email received positive responses from IT, claims customer service, audit, distribution, and health. Leader and Drummer Zhongyun LU,together with Wei YANG, Shouhan LIU, Haojie FAN, Lin YE, Peng GONG, Pengle AI, Mingzhu JIAO, Yuzhi YAN, and Qiaobian NIU  some of whom were experienced players that have achieved excellent results in previous raches, teamed up this year for a better coordination and teamwork. Although the newcomers lack experience, they are fully committed with high enthusiasm and fighting spirit, contributing their strength to fight for honor and victory.

The team underwent two training sessions and a water trial before the competition. All participants adhered strictly to the schedule and cooperated seamlessly in spite of the hot weather.

Ye Lin, “The training was tiring, but no one complained. We arrived on time and spared no efforts paddling, although my back couldn’t bend and my legs couldn’t lift. Everyone took it seriously has put a lot of efforts in it. I would like to express my gratitude and my love to all of them.”

On the day of the competition, with the sound of the starting pistol, all the AXAers of “Sailing Forward” Dragon Boat Team put in their full effort. Accompanied by the sound of the drumbeat and the cheering from the sidelines, they struck the water despite the waves that were holding back the flying boat. There was nothing but AXAers’ spirit and vitality that was demonstrated.

The competition was fierce as there were professional teams that had been trained for years. Facing the challenges, the “Sailing Forward” Dragon Boat Team cooperated sincerely and united as one. Not only did they complete the race smoothly, but they also achieved their best result in history – 13 seconds faster than last year and even 0.24 seconds ahead of this year’s third-place team. However, due to the competition rules, we were in the “Group of Death” and narrowly missed the trophy. But our resilience and tenacity in facing strong opponents have stood out. We believe that in the coming year, we will definitely break through and achieve even better results!

Mingzhu JIAO: “It is my first time participating the race. I am touched by the solidarity and the conviviality of the team. The training was highly effective and we all got along with each other. During the competition, we all gave our best, and hang in there despite the challenge. It has been quite an inspiring and encouraging experience for me.”

Lin YE: “I knew that the other teams were so much stronger but no one from our team gave in. We all did our best and made our way to the final stage, thanks to our perseverance and insistence.”

Lin YE: “We were a bit anxious in the group competition and were not performing well, but we adjusted ourselves in time, and have summed our ‘lessons learned’ after the competition.  We pulled together as a team in the semifinal, and improved by 4 seconds despite our physical exhaustion, achieving our best result in history. Our team members are just amazing!”


安盛天平荣获“年度保险业数字化转型突破奖”AXA Tianping Recognized for Its Innovation in Digitalization


AXA Tianping Recognized for Its Innovation in Digitalization 

2024 年 6 月 13 日,在上海举行的“第六届中国保险业数字化与人工智能发展大会”上,安盛天平财产保险有限公司荣获“年度保险业数字化转型突破奖”,连续第三年在保险科技领域获得业界认可。作为一家倡导数字化转型与科技创新的企业,安盛天平高度重视数字化手段在业务运营中的应用,通过不断探索和创新,持续提升客户服务品质。此次获奖不仅是对安盛天平在数字化转型道路上持续探索与创新实践的肯定,更充分展现了安盛天平在数字化领域的引领地位。


安盛天平数字化营销总监黄蓓莹受邀发表了题为《数字赋能 转型求盛:安盛天平数字化营销的探索与实践》的演讲。她从运营创新、营销创新和服务创新等三个维度阐述了安盛天平数字化营销的创新方向和品牌实力,分享安盛天平数字化平台在不同场景中的实操应用,展现了公司在探索、实践并利用数字技术来提升自身核心竞争力,优化客户体验的精彩旅程。

On June 13, 2024, at the “6th  China Insurance Industry Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence Development Conference” held in Shanghai, AXA Tianping Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. was awarded the “Annual Insurance Industry Digital Transformation Breakthrough Award,” marking the third consecutive year of recognition in the insurance technology sector. As a company that is backboned by digital transformation and technological innovation, AXA Tianping attaches great importance to the application of digital means in business operations. Through continuous exploration and innovation, it has continuously improved the quality of customer service. This award not only affirms AXA Tianping’s continuous exploration and innovative practices on the path of digital transformation, but also fully demonstrates AXA Tianping’s leading position in the digital field.

Fred Ding, Chief Health Officer of AXA Tianping, was invited to attend the event and presided over the roundtable discussion on “Promoting Integration of Industry and Technology to Boost the High-Quality Development of Financial Insurance.” With his profound industry experience and forward-looking insights into cutting-edge technology, Mr. Ding conducted an in-depth analysis of the innovative potential of artificial intelligence and big data applications in the insurance industry.

Catherine HUANG, Director of Digital Marketing of AXA Tianping, delivered a speech titled “Digital Empowerment and Transformation for Prosperity: Exploration and Practice of Digital Marketing in AXA Tianping.” She elaborated on the innovative direction and brand value of AXA Tianping’s digital marketing regarding operational innovation, marketing innovation, and service innovation, and shared practical applications of AXA Tianping’s digital platform in different scenarios, demonstrating the company’s exciting journey in exploring, practicing, and utilizing digital technology to enhance its core competitiveness and optimize customer experience.


安盛天平:全球协同合作 助力金融高质量发展,推动世界经济增长AXA Tianping: Global Collaboration For High-Quality Development of Finance and Global Economic Growth

安盛天平:全球协同合作 助力金融高质量发展,推动世界经济增长

AXA Tianping: Global Collaboration For High-Quality Development of Finance and Global Economic Growth






On June 19, during the grand opening of the Lujiazui Forum, AXA Hong Kong and the PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited solemnly signed a memorandum of cooperation with overseas partners, marking the official launch of a new chapter in strategic cooperation in the global reinsurance business.

Against the backdrop of multiple uncertainties and a new round of changes and opportunities in the current world economy, we deeply realize the importance of reform and innovation in the financial field, especially in promoting high-quality financial development as a key force to solve global economic issues and promote sustained growth. In response to the theme of the Lujiazui Forum, “Promoting World Economic Growth through High-Quality Financial Development”, the Shanghai Bureau of the China Financial Regulatory Commission grandly held the “Signing Ceremony of the Memorandum of Cooperation for Jointly Building the Shanghai International Reinsurance Registration and Trading Center”. This not only reflects China’s financial two-way opening-up strategy of equal emphasis on “bringing in” and “going out”, but also demonstrates our firm commitment to global financial cooperation and development.

It is reported that AXA and PICC are about to reach a strategic cooperation at the group level. Been deeply rooted in the Chinese market for 25 years, AXA has always been committed to fully supporting the national “Belt and Road” initiative through innovative cooperation models and actively seeking in-depth cooperation with large state-owned financial institutions, aiming to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

At the grand event of the Lujiazui Forum, Mr. Kevin CHOR, CEO of AXA Tianping stated that “On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, coinciding with the 25th anniversary of AXA’s establishment in China, we feel deeply honoured and have a great sense of responsibility. AXA will continue to leverage its global expertise and local networks to continuously expand the breadth and depth of insurance services, contributing to promote high-quality financial development and boosting world economic growth.”

AXA Tianping remains fully committed to the Chinese market and continues to increase its investment in reinsurance business. As an important witness to the first anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai International Reinsurance Registration and Trading Center, AXA Tianping will leverage its global sophistication and expertise to actively explore innovative cooperation and for the purpose of promoting the vigorous development of reinsurance business, supporting the construction of the Lingang International Reinsurance Functional Zone, and promoting high-quality financial development and world economic growth.

In the future, AXA Tianping will continue to embrace innovative development, enhance service quality, leverage policy advantages, response to market demand, coordinate resources from all sectors, and collaborate for mutual growth to achieve collective success together.


第八届新员工融入成长项目圆满举行The 8th New Employee Orientation & Training Successfully Convened


The 8th New Employee Orientation & Training Successfully Convened



执行副总裁兼首席渠道管理和销售官周连成为本次新员工培训做欢迎致辞,提出在行业历史性变革的时代,追求卓越、转型求盛是安盛天平的每一名员工都应该有的 “文化自信”。

学习和发展总监张洁以The history of AXA为脉络,为大家生动展示了“摘星之旅”、“沙漠开会”、“不死鸟图腾”等安盛标志性场景,感召新员工学习安盛在逆境中所秉持的坚韧品质与适应能力。











首席财务官LAUR PIERRE DENIS详细介绍了大财务的三个关键团队的职能和工作内容,提出在2024年实现盈亏平衡,并通过关键战略举措为2025年和2026年的盈利增长奠定基础的三年战略规划,最后期望大家能为实现公司目标持续努力。





The 8th New Employee Orientation & Training was successfully convened to help new employees quickly integrate as well as to gain a deeper understanding of the company’s culture and its values. Organized by Learning and Development team, a one-day project was planned, engaging part of the company’s senior management team and department heads, who have lent their expertise and experiences regarding the functional roles of the departments, the overall business development to new employees. Through a series of well-designed activities, new employees deeply felt the mission and vision of AXA while accelerating interdepartmental communications with colleagues across different teams.

We would like to invite you to have a quick go-through of the training day:

Liancheng ZHOU, Executive Vice President and Chief Distribution & Sales Officer greeted new employees for joining AXA family, followed by emphasizing that every member should embrace the “cultural confidence” of AXA and to pursue excellence during the company’s transformation journey.

Jie ZHANG, Director of Learning and Development team, took The history of AXA as the context to vividly demonstrate some of the iconic scenes of AXA, namely “The Journey to the Stars”, “Meeting in the Desert”, and “The Phoenix Totem” to inspire new employees to learn the resilience and adaptability that AXA upholds in adversity.

Shuai TIAN, Assistant General Manager of Pricing and Underwriting team, embodying the spirit of AXA’s first “Star of COURAGE”, explained the values of AXA to the new employees and encouraged everyone to boldly express themselves and speak for themselves in AXA, where Inclusion and Openness are welcomed.

From a macro perspective, Siyuan DAI, Director of CEO Office & Chief Transformation Officer, introduced the company’s unique strategic positioning and brand value, which combines both the “entrepreneurial spirit” of Taiping Insurance and the group sophistication, diversity and inclusion of AXA’ Group. Furthermore, from a micro perspective, she shared her personal involvement in strategic changes and transformation projects, encouraging everyone to find their own value in this workplace.

Yan ZHENG,director of Distribution Support, provided an in-depth overview of the company’s broker distribution development and the advantages of its long-term strategy from three perspectives: sales channels, distribution empowerment, and typical case studies.

The General Manager of the Sales Planning team, Zhijun QU, thoroughly explained the company’s institutional development layout and business strategy, stating that in 2024, value creation and compliant operations will be prioritized and focused.

Fred DING, Chief Health Officer, introduced AXA’s diversified health insurance solutions launched against the backdrop of DRG/DIP reforms. These solutions cover a wide range from the mass market to the high-end segment, not only simplifying the claims process but also enhancing the security throughout the entire health management service cycle. This reflects AXA’s professionalism and innovation in the field of health insurance.

Cherry WANG, head of Group Insurance and Inclusive Insurance, introduced in detail the functions of the department, including the business model of group insurance, as well as the clientele and development direction of inclusive insurance.

Based on the responsibilities of various departments in commercial insurance, main insurance types, key customers, and the underwriting capacity and preferences of each insurance type, Haiyong LIU, general manager of the Claims Department of the Commercial Insurance Business Unit, shared the business operation ideas of commercial insurance with the audience.

As the Assistant General Manager and Chief Claims and Customer Service Officer, Yang Yong provided an in-depth analysis of various factors to be considered in the claims process through a case study of motor insurance claims. He also introduced the departmental structure, data services, digital progress, and complaint management strategies.

Xiaofeng Zhang, General Manager of Pricing and Underwriting Department, elaborated on the three prominent characteristics of motor insurance business, which led to the discussion of the complexity of its pricing and decision-making, emphasizing on the importance of refined management and cross-departmental collaboration.

Norman Luo, head of the Legal and Compliance Department, outlined the responsibilities of the department and introduced the requirements of the group’s compliance system, including data privacy, anti-bribery & corruption, anti-money laundering, and sanctions compliance. He emphasized on the importance of compliance in the company’s operations.

Chief Financial Officer, Pierre LAUR, detailed the functions of his three key teams in the finance department, and introduced a three-year strategic plan to achieve break-even in 2024 and lay the foundation for profitable growth in 2025 and 2026 through key strategic initiatives, expecting everyone to continue to work to achieve the company’s goals.

Richard QIU, Assistant General Manager, Chief Risk Officer and Secretary of the Board, used an analogy of crossing a river to illustrate the importance of risk management, emphasizing that the value of risk management lies in defining the boundaries of action and ensuring that goals are achieved within a safe range. He also introduced the company’s sophisticated risk management system, the company’s internal control and governance structure, the responsibilities of the risk management team, and the management of potential risk events.

The Chief Operation Officer and Chief Data Officer, Philip YU, showcased the department’s development in various areas, ranging from IT to data,to security, and operations. Meanwhile, he also emphasized the technological advancement of the company’s IT environment, demonstrating the company’s technological strength and its 24-hour service capability.

Senior Compensation and Benefits Manager Ruyi ZHANG and Senior Human Resources Business Partner Xi YU separately introduced the compensation and benefits policies as well as the performance management policies. Through detailed introductions, they helped employees gain a better understanding of the company’s compensation, benefits, and performance management systems, as well as how these systems can promote personal and organizational development.

As we step into the new era of the company’s transformation journey, challenges and opportunities coexist. Every new employee is expected to offer vitality and energy, seizing the opportunities to progress with the company.