
参加中国法国工商会晚宴 Attending CCIFC Gala Dinner



Attending CCIFC Gala Dinner


On the evening of May 28th, I was invited to attend the Shanghai Gala dinner hosted by the French Chamber of Commerce at the Shangri-La Hotel, Pudong. It was, beyond the gluttonous feast, a great opportunity to meet Chinese and French business elites, as well as a perfect platform to showcase the company’s strength and power.



健康险服务受客户认可Customer Recognition in Health Service



Customer Recognition in Health Service





We have received the customer’s thanks again! On April 30, 2021, Ms. Peng, on behalf of her family, sincerely presented a golden flag to Jiangsu Branch to thank for our excellent service of health insurance claim settlement. I would like to express my sincere thanks and praise for the customer recognition our colleagues have achieved.

The customer recognizes not only the claim process but also the sales service, which brings her and her family members a pleasant customer experience.

It was the Family Million Medical Insurance the customer bought for the family. The claim was settled in only two days since the customer submitted all reimbursement documents on April 12. The total medical fee was RMB 74527.8, in which RMB 39522.0 was paid by the basic medical insurance system, and AXA Tianping paying the remaining 35005.8 to close the gap. 

Thanks to our Jiangsu branch colleagues for winning the customer trust and recognition! I feel proud of you. 


湖北、深圳之旅 My Trip to Hubei and Shenzhen



My Trip to Hubei and Shenzhen




In past month, I also met with our colleagues in Hubei branch, Wuhan Call Center and Shenzhen branch. What strikes me are the vibes of their high morale and dedication to work. Besides work meetings, they also helped arrange visits to local CBIRC (China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission) bureaus where I had the opportunity to introduce our position and vision to local regulators and get their positive feedbacks as well.

In Hubei, I also had the chance to meet the Consulate General of France in Wuhan, Mr. Oliver Guyonvarch and Hubei’s largest internet insurance brokerage house Wutongshu for future collaborations.

In Shenzhen, together with the Region GM Hui Wang, I also participated in the health insurance discussions with local leading brokers from Fanhua, Datong, Mingya and Yicheng. In the following training session, I spoke to the top brokers from Datong and learned a lot from them on product, marketing and sales, which in turn inspires us to enhance the solid relationship with distributors.


走近精算与定价中心团队Spotlight on Actuarial & Pricing Team



Spotlight on Actuarial & Pricing Team



I’ve seen tons of interests about last video towards the Legal & Compliance team. I’m glad that you all have interests to know what other colleagues are doing in their daily work and life. This month I invite the Actuarial & Pricing team to share their stories. When in work, my perception of the team stays on rigor and seriousness. But through below clip, you will get an idea of how they can turn their ingenuity and creativity into a fun teamwork video.

Please click below video to know more about the team. I look forward to seeing more teams’ vlogs soon!


Health Accelerates with New Products Released 健康加速 ——新产品发布


健康加速 ——新产品发布

Health Accelerates with New Products Released





This month, our health team has launched three new products in total:

One is the Malignant Tumor Medical Insurance for Women (HuiTaBao) released on the Mothers’ Day. It was the second inclusive insurance product rolled out by the Beijing Jinghuibao project team comprising AXA Tianping and Beijing Life. Priced at RMB 89 per person per year, the product is supplementary to Beijing’s basic medical insurance, providing up to RMB two million coverage of inpatient care and specific medicine for women aged 18 – 65.

One is the Critical Illness Insurance launched on May 27, which is the first critical illness insurance product since the official release of the Use of Illness Definitions for Critical Illness Insurance in February this year. In addition, we also the TSR Million on May 10th. 

I would like to keep you all posted on the product development and business progress we make. I hope all of us can also act as AXA Ambassadors to deliver the confidence we built along the way.


你打疫苗了吗?Did you take COVID vaccine?


Did You Take The COVID Vaccine? 

近期中国大陆出现了一些本土新冠肺炎新增案例。在这些受影响地区工作的同事们,请务必保重身体并注意安全。在此和大家分享一下,我于5月22日在上海接种了第一剂新冠疫苗。我也从行政同事那里得知,截至5月中旬,我们至少有90名瑞明和金桥的同事完成了第一剂疫苗的注射。那我们分公司和中心的同事呢? 我很乐意知道你们是否接种了疫苗。欢迎在下方评论区给我留言。


我上周参与的另一个健康活动是“边走边聊”。在一个阳光明媚的早晨,我和安盛亚洲首席合作官Yi Mien Koh女士在黄浦江边散步。有益身心,尤其是对久坐台前的我们,同时还能与同事保持紧密联系。

全球Walk & Talk活动由安盛亚洲&非洲首席执行官Gordon Watson和全球人力资源官Karima Silvent于5月4日发起。很快我们将向同事们推出中国版的边走边聊活动。我鼓励大家积极参与,边走边聊,并与所有同事分享。无论与谁同行,希望行走都能带给大家力量!

Lately, there appear some new COVID cases in mainland China. For colleagues in these affected areas, please take great care of yourselves and keep safe. For myself, I hope I’m not too late to get my first dose of COVID vaccine on May 22 in Shanghai. Our Admin colleagues told me that till mid-May, at least 90 colleagues from Ruiming and Jinqiao have taken their first dose. How about our branch and center colleagues? I’m happy to know if you have received any shot since the launch of the mass vaccination in China. Please drop me a note below in the comment area.

In the meantime, the AXA Group has released the 2021 Pulse Health Survey on May 27, disclosing long-term health effects of Covid-19. The survey showed that 74% of those surveyed, including China, said they would be willing to be vaccinated against Covid-19. China is among the top five vaccine enthusiast regions with 84% surveyed saying yes to vaccination. Our Comms team will localize the report and provide details later.

Another health activity I did last week was taking part in AXA’s Walk and Talk program. I had my morning walking meeting with Yi Mien Koh, the Chief Partnership Officer of AXA Asia, along the Huangpu River at a beautiful sunny morning. It’s not only a way to support our physical and mental health in daily work, but a way to break the routine of being constantly at one’s desk and stay closer with our teammates.

The global Walk and Talk initiative was launched by videos taken by Asia & Africa CEO Gordon Watson and Global Head of HR Karima Silvent on May 4th. Soon we will launch the China version to our colleagues. I encourage you to start Walking & Talking and share with all staff. Whether alone, with a colleague or with your team, don’t underestimate the impact of a good walk!


对话AMO第三期 — 首席风险官 Dialogue with AMO – Françoise Gilles, Chief Risk Officer

对话AMO第三期 — 首席风险官Françoise Gilles

Dialogue with AMO – Françoise Gilles, Chief Risk Officer

在本期的对话AMO中,我们邀请了亚洲首席风险官Françoise Gilles和我们聊聊有关保险背景下的风险行业以及她的生平经历。Françoise来自比利时而且在八年前于比利时加入了安盛。在这轻松愉快的视频中,她向我们介绍了她加入安盛亚洲的理由,同时也给了我们一些比利时旅游建议。希望你会喜欢这段视频。

In this month’s Dialogue with AMO, we invite Françoise Gilles, Asia Chief Risk Officer to talk about risk in insurance context, and her own experience. Françoise is from Belgium and joined AXA in Belgium eight years ago. In this stirring episode, she shows us in a fun and charming manner of what brings her to AXA Asia, and where to go and what to eat if you visit Belgium one day. I hope you enjoy this episode.


CEO Newsletter 15th Issue – PC


如果用关键词来描述五月,我更倾向于增长与关爱。在增长方面我们延续着不错的势头,多款新品相继推出,—— 北京京惠保团队在母亲节发布了专为女性设计的医疗保险,另外在二月份重疾新规生效后我们推出了首款重疾险产品,助力公司在健康道路上加速前行。此外,预计本季度我们将引入更多线上平台,进一步扩大分销网络。


谈到集团,你们可能已经通过亚太月刊Amplify了解到,安盛亚洲已将业务范围扩展至非洲、黎巴嫩以及亚洲其他市场——新加坡、马来西亚、印度和越南等。此外,安盛新兴客户将作为一个全新的业务部门加入亚非市场。Gordon Watson将担任安盛亚洲和非洲首席执行官,引领这个英才汇聚、欣欣向荣的团队。在此,我谨代表安盛天平所有同事向他表示祝贺,并期待与新团队紧密合作!

Dear AXA Tianping Colleagues,

Our focus for the month of May is on growth and care, extending the momentum we’ve seen in past months. With multiple new products rolled out, we continue to accelerate the health path. This include a specially designed medical insurance for women developed by the Beijing Jinghuibao team on the Mother’s Day, and our first critical illness insurance under the new Use of Illness Definitions for Critical Illness Insurance rules taking effect in February. In parallel, we are expecting to take on board more online platforms this quarter and expand the distribution network.

Another thing I feel proud is the landing of our first CSR program – the  Aiyou • AXA Playroom, to help orphans in need both physically and mentally, and bring care and love to them. As an insurer, we always have a role to play, especially for the minority groups. That’s how we live our Purpose. I wish to express my gratitude once more to teams who spared no effort in their work to undertake business activities and practice social responsibilities.

Back to the group, you may know through the AMplify that AXA Asia has expanded the mandate to include Africa, Lebanon and the remaining markets in Asia – Singapore, Malaysia, India and Vietnam. In addition, AXA Emerging Customers will be joining Asia and Africa as a business unit. Gordon Watson will lead this renewed team of experienced professionals as the CEO of AXA Asia and Africa. Congratulations and looking forward to working with the expanded team!


上海保险同业公会来访 SIA Visited Shanghai Headquarter


SIA Visited Shanghai Headquarter


On May 7th, I also met the Shanghai Insurance Association (SIA) delegates together with our colleagues, Stephen Liu, Eva Huang, Xiaoyu Zhang and Siyuan Dai. It was a very insightful meeting. In the two-hour session, we discussed AXA’s business development, industry data, as well as anti-fraud experience. SIA as a bridge between the insurance industry and the government, has also gained a better understanding of AXA Tianping.


安盛筑爱在行动——爱佑·安盛童乐园挂牌 AXA Aiyou Playroom Established


AXA X Aiyou Playroom Established

5月9日母亲节当天,我司与爱佑慈善基金会(以下简称“爱佑”)合作的爱佑·安盛童乐园的“新生宝贝之家”在“新生宝贝之家” 十周年之际于上海儿童医学中心迎来正式挂牌。这是我们在不断拓宽公益边界的尝试后又一重要里程碑。




On May 9, Mother’s Day, Aiyou • AXA Playroom was officially established at the occasion of the 10th anniversary celebration of Ai You Reborn Children’s Home and the inauguration ceremony of the its new site at Shanghai Children’s Medical Center. This marked the important milestone of broadening our commonweal trials.

While AXA’s purpose is to ‘Act for Human Progress by Protecting What Matters’, children are what really matter to us. They are the flames of hope, and as long as these flames remain, our humanity is expected to make continuous progress.

The Aiyou • AXA Playroom is only the beginning of our loving and continuous dedication to children care. Moving forward, we aim to mobilize our employees as well as our partners across China to bring love and warmth to sick children and help them grow with confidence and hope.

Here, I want to express my sincere thanks to our colleagues Fengjiao Xi, Jianing Zhang and Jinglu Guo who have volunteered in this event.