
盛放月刊第十三期 – pc端



在2月25日,安盛集团公布了2020全年业绩报告,其中,集团优先发展的板块 —— 财险、健康和保障方面涨势良好,2020年增长3%,并于第四季度加速增长5%。其中,健康险业务各条线表现抢眼,得益于安盛天平在中国新建立的业务合作伙伴关系,亚洲市场健康险增长率高达9%,超越全球6%的增长水平。

在中国市场,三年鲲鹏万里转型计划正有序进行。我们与越来越多的经代伙伴建立了合作关系,将安盛最具价值的保险保障解决方案带给更多客户。健康之外,数字化战略也是今年的重中之重,去年十一月在上海推出EMMA后,最近我们也更新了该平台的中文名字, 更多创新功能将陆续上线。“春日近,好事生。” 我希望大家都可以尽情享受春意盎然、万物复苏的美好时节!

  • 对话AMO

自上次亚洲市场办公室(AMO)举办了全亚洲大会以来,很多同事都流露了对AMO的好奇。在公共事务处的协助下,从这个月开始,我们将增设对话亚太的固定节目,通过与AMO同事的深入沟通,进一步了解亚太市场。这一期的对话嘉宾是我们的亚洲CEO Gordon。


欢迎大家收看本期节目,我希望你们会喜欢。更多新鲜事欢迎大家联系以下地址 或在文末留言。

  • gEMMA Vlog 第一期

最近,AMO正式发布了名为gEMMA的一则vlog。大家都知道, EMMA是大约在两年前诞生的,如今她已经成为了亚太市场业务发展的核心,在去年11月也已正式来到了中国市场。Gordon在gEMMA首期的卷首语中写道,“我们希冀EMMA能够变得更加强大,所以小写的g代表着greater —— 更大、更强。将来,gEMMA将成为亚太市场所有创新项目的统一品牌出口。”


  • 泛华来访


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从左至右: 纪鹏飞(泛华销售集团总裁),郑燕(项目总监),黄长青(首席市场营销&公共事务官),阳勇(首席理赔官),田塍(首席战略与项目管理官),李大伟(泛华公估董事长兼CEO),任勇(泛华普益集团CEO),汪春林(泛华金控集团董事长兼CEO),周连成(首席渠道管理和销售官),周晞烨(首席健康险业务官),蒋盈(首席车险与零售业务官),邹丹(泛华销售集团产品合约部),寇超(泛华销售集团副总裁兼河北平台总经理)


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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is AXA-wine-1024x683.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is yamingwangchunling-min-686x1024.png

  • 商业险新客户 —— 海尔集团


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  • 交叉销售:开拓思路,铺设合作多条路径。
  • 多方协作:总分联动,共同努力签下业务。
  • 经营人脉:找准关键,提前搭建关系网络。

  • 2021国际妇女节 #勇于挑战


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 1133546_IWD_CEO_1200x628_Yamin-1024x536.jpg
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IWD-Yamin-1024x536.jpg




  • 年度杰出雇主奖


这份荣誉是对我们十余载进校活动的丰富经验,以及疫情期间积极响应 “云招聘”模式创新的高度肯定,充分表明了安盛在中国提升雇主形象过程中取得的进步,以及我们安盛对本地人才一如既往的承诺和重视。

  • 客户赠锦旗,服务暖人心







  • 分享你的赏春计划 #春天在哪里








盛放月刊第十三期 – 手机端



在2月25日,安盛集团公布了2020全年业绩报告,其中,集团优先发展的板块 —— 财险、健康和保障方面涨势良好,2020年增长3%,并于第四季度加速增长5%。其中,健康险业务各条线表现抢眼,得益于安盛天平在中国新建立的业务合作伙伴关系,亚洲市场健康险增长率高达9%,超越全球6%的增长水平。

在中国市场,三年鲲鹏万里转型计划正有序进行。我们与越来越多的经代伙伴建立了合作关系,将安盛最具价值的保险保障解决方案带给更多客户。健康之外,数字化战略也是今年的重中之重,去年十一月在上海推出EMMA后,最近我们也更新了该平台的中文名字, 更多创新功能将陆续上线。“春日近,好事生。” 我希望大家都可以尽情享受春意盎然、万物复苏的美好时节!

  • 对话AMO

自上次亚洲市场办公室(AMO)举办了全亚洲大会以来,很多同事都流露了对AMO的好奇。在公共事务处的协助下,从这个月开始,我们将增设对话亚太的固定节目,通过与AMO同事的深入沟通,进一步了解亚太市场。这一期的对话嘉宾是我们的亚洲CEO Gordon。




  • gEMMA Vlog 第一期

最近,AMO正式发布了名为gEMMA的一则vlog。大家都知道, EMMA是大约在两年前诞生的,如今她已经成为了亚太市场业务发展的核心,在去年11月也已正式来到了中国市场。Gordon在gEMMA首期的卷首语中写道,“我们希冀EMMA能够变得更加强大,所以小写的g代表着greater —— 更大、更强。将来,gEMMA将成为亚太市场所有创新项目的统一品牌出口。”



  • 泛华来访


从左至右: 纪鹏飞(泛华销售集团总裁),郑燕(项目总监),黄长青(首席市场营销&公共事务官),阳勇(首席理赔官),田塍(首席战略与项目管理官),李大伟(泛华公估董事长兼CEO),任勇(泛华普益集团CEO),汪春林(泛华金控集团董事长兼CEO),周连成(首席渠道管理和销售官),周晞烨(首席健康险业务官),蒋盈(首席车险与零售业务官),邹丹(泛华销售集团产品合约部),寇超(泛华销售集团副总裁兼河北平台总经理)




  • 商业险新客户 —— 海尔集团





  • 交叉销售:开拓思路,铺设合作多条路径。
  • 多方协作:总分联动,共同努力签下业务。
  • 经营人脉:找准关键,提前搭建关系网络。

  • 2021国际妇女节 #勇于挑战





  • 年度杰出雇主奖


这份荣誉是对我们十余载进校活动的丰富经验,以及疫情期间积极响应 “云招聘”模式创新的高度肯定,充分表明了安盛在中国提升雇主形象过程中取得的进步,以及我们安盛对本地人才一如既往的承诺和重视。

  • 客户赠锦旗,服务暖人心







  • 分享你的赏春计划 #春天在哪里







CEO Newsletter Issue 13 – PC

Dear AXA Tianping Colleagues,

First off, I would like to extend my sincere greetings and gratitude to my colleagues in Wuhan city and Hubei Province, on the one-year anniversary of Wuhan reopening after the coronavirus lockdown. Their dedication, agility and responsibility are like the city’s cherry blossom trees in full bloom, spreading vitality to the whole team.

Globally, AXA has announced the 2020 full year earnings on February 25, in which the Group’s preferred segments, P&C Commercial lines, Health and Protection, continued to perform well, growing by 3% in 2020 and accelerating in the fourth quarter by +5%. Health total revenues up 6% across all lines and geographies. In Asia the growth is 9%, mostly in China following the launch of new partnerships at AXA Tianping.

Back in our own market, we are on the right track towards the three-year Soar-to-Success transformation plan. We have expanded the distribution partnerships to bring the most relevant prevention and protection solutions to more local customers. Apart from health, digitalization is also on top of our 2021 list. We have updated EMMA’s Chinese avatar since its launch last November in Shanghai, more innovative features under the way. It’s true that “Good things always happen in springtime”. Please take some time to enjoy the beautiful season for renewal, rebirth, and rejuvenation.

  • Dialogue with AMO

Since last Asia Townhall arranged by Asia Markets Office (AMO), I’ve seen many interests from our colleagues in getting to know more about the office. From this month, with the help of Communications team, a new column of China and AMO dialogue will be set up for each issue, where we will have direct conversations with our Asia colleagues. This month, we will start with the Asia CEO Gordon Watson.

In this episode, we have our Chief Marketing & Communications Officer Eva Huang interviewing Gordon. Beside strategies, we could also get a glimpse of his personal experiences across geographies including Europe, America, Africa and Asia. Through some fun and great questions, you will get a better idea about Gordon.

Please dig more details through below video. I hope you enjoy it. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to drop an email to, or you can comment down below.

  • gEMMA Vlog Episode One

In the meantime, the Asia Markets Office has created a blog called gEMMA with first episode launched recently. EMMA is the avatar we created roughly 2 years ago. Now she is core to our business and arrived in China market since November last year. “The small g means greater as we want EMMA to be larger than what she was meant to be. gEMMA will be the masterbrand for all innovative projects across the countries.” Said Gordon in gEMMA’s launch message.

I would like to invite you to watch the episode, in which Gordon has shared his daily life to us. Gordon showed his daily routines and personal habits and displayed his way of smart working to connect with more people in Asia. I really enjoy his vlog and I believe you will enjoy it too!

  • Meeting with Fanhua

This year, we are speeding up in building more distribution partnerships in China. On March 21, we have Fanhua Inc., a leading insurance intermediary in China, in AXA Tianping’s Shanghai headquarter office. Together with our colleagues, we met Fanhua’s delegates led by its Chairman &CEO Chunlin Wang.

From left to right in the photo: Pengfei Ji(CEO of Fanhua Sales Service Inc.),Ivy Zheng (Project Director, AXATP), Eva Huang (Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, AXATP), Yong Yang(Chief Claims Officer, AXATP), Cheng Tian(Chief Strategy & Project Management Officer, AXATP), Dawei Li(Chairman & CEO of Fanhua Insurance Surveyors & Loss Adjustors), Yong Ren ( CEO of Fanhua Puyi Inc.) , Chunlin Wang(Chairman&CEO of Fanhua Inc.), Liancheng Zhou (Chief Distribution Officer, AXATP), Kevin Zhou (Chief Health Officer, AXATP), Tracy Jiang (Chief Motor & Lifestyle Insurance Officer, AXATP),Dan Zou(Product and Contract of Fanhua Sales Service Inc.), Chao Kou(Vice President of Fanhua Sales Service Inc. & General Manager of Hebei Platform )

In their two-hour stay, we showed them around the office before the meeting to discuss further cooperation. I was very happy to share with them all the updates since our last conversation, that we’ve established the Fanhua working team and took the collaboration as the top priority. In the one-hour discussion, we also explored topics on product design and timeline, loss surveyor cooperation, as well as AXA supporting the Fanhua Summit in April.

The pleasant conversations were full of idea exchanges and inspirations. I believe the win-win cooperation will drive both AXA and Fanhua’s success.

I was giving the AXA fine wine gift to Mr. Wang.
The future is bright!

  • New Commercial Insurance Client – Haier

I would like to applaud a recent milestone achievement by our Commercial Line colleagues and Hubei branch, with the help from AXA XL. With their great efforts, we won the bidding to provide Haier Commercial General Liability Insurance.

By leveraging the leading brand, extensive network, and strong service ability, as well as its extensive local networking resources, AXA has beat the competition and won fully trust of Haier.

I’ve also talked to our project colleagues about their experience, and I’m happy to share some takeaways from them. 

How to prepare for the next opportunity?

  1. Headquarter and branch collaboration is the key.
  2. Find the right target and nurture those relationships.
  3. Jump out of the box and expand partnership modes.

  • 2021 IWD #ChooseToChallenge

Each year, International Women’s Day (IWD) is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of actively challenging gender stereotypes and bias in society. The theme for the IWD this year is Choose To Challenge and I participated in the social campaigns initiated by AXA by speaking out my statement to support female leadership.

Female leadership is also my dissertation towards my DBA. At AXA Tianping, I’m very proud to be able to say that we have a 50:50 gender parity in the China GLN (Global Leadership Network), and in all staff. Besides, we have a highly diversified management team leading the teams’ growth in China.

Within each of us is the power to make a choice, to choose to seek out and celebrate women’s achievements, to Choose To Challenge.

I invite you to visit my IWD LinkedIn post, to review, comment, and write down your own statements. I will be happy to know your thoughts in how to support Diversity & Inclusion together.

  • Outstanding Employer of 2020

In a recent job fair meeting organized by Shanghai Lujiazui Finance District HR Committee and Shanghai Oracle Bay (HR platform) on January 29, 2021, we were awarded the Outstanding Employer of the Year. This is the third corporate award we’ve scooped this year. 

The honor recognizes our decade-long efforts in being a proactive member in college recruitment programs, as well as in online recruitment during the COVID period. It also demonstrates the progress we’ve made in raising AXA’s employer brand awareness in China and our commitment in investing in local talents amid the company transformation journey.

  • Thank-you Banner from Beijing Jinghuibao Client for Outstanding Service 

Earlier this month prior to the 315 Consumer Rights Protection Week, our Beijing branch received a customer thank-you banner for our exemplary customer service of Beijing Jinghuibao. This health product is an inclusive PPP insurance we rolled out on October 15 last year in Beijing together with two leading industry partners.

The customer registered in November for the product priced RMB79, which took effect from December 1. On January 21, the insured customer was hospitalized in Bejing Chaoyang Hospital. On February 26, the customer’s family filed the claim and soon got reimbursed with RMB29,581.43 on March 10.

It’s beyond our expectation that AXA Tianping’s claim service can be handled in such a fast manner.

We are so impressed by AXA Tianping’s professional guidance and efficient service.

The insured customer’s family expressed their gratitude.

  • What to do during the beautiful Spring Season? #Where is the spring?

The poetic spring is in the air and the trees of Shanghai parks and gardens brimming with color. I’ve seen many of our colleagues sharing pictures of trees tickled pink in their WeChat Moments and I would like to share with you two photos I took on my way to office – cherry blossom trees, which makes the highlight of my commute days.

Last week also saw the one-year anniversary of Wuhan reopening. Our Marketing & Communications team talked to some colleagues from Wuhan on their stories in the past year. These stories are published on AXA Tianping’s official WeChat platform, where our colleagues shared their recommendations for the best places to admire cherry blossoms in Wuhan, the home to more than half a million cherry trees, covering almost all the various species around the world (according to a report from the Paper).

Soon the Marketing & Communications team will launch a #SpringOuting photo competition across the company. The event will be held on WeCom – AXA Headline. All of us will have a chance to share the spring pictures with our colleagues. Please get prepared and win the prize!

I’d love to hear your voice on the letter! If you have any good suggestions, please comment down below or send a email to  I will send out a mystery gift to the colleague whose idea is being adopted.

That’s all for this month. Thank you for your time.


CEO Newsletter Issue 13 – Mobile

Dear AXA Tianping Colleagues,

First off, I would like to extend my sincere greetings and gratitude to my colleagues in Wuhan city and Hubei Province, on the one-year anniversary of Wuhan reopening after the coronavirus lockdown. Their dedication, agility and responsibility are like the city’s cherry blossom trees in full bloom, spreading vitality to the whole team.

Globally, AXA has announced the 2020 full year earnings on February 25, in which the Group’s preferred segments, P&C Commercial lines, Health and Protection, continued to perform well, growing by 3% in 2020 and accelerating in the fourth quarter by +5%. Health total revenues up 6% across all lines and geographies. In Asia the growth is 9%, mostly in China following the launch of new partnerships at AXA Tianping.

Back in our own market, we are on the right track towards the three-year Soar-to-Success transformation plan. We have expanded the distribution partnerships to bring the most relevant prevention and protection solutions to more local customers. Apart from health, digitalization is also on top of our 2021 list. We have updated EMMA’s Chinese avatar since its launch last November in Shanghai, more innovative features under the way. It’s true that “Good things always happen in springtime”. Please take some time to enjoy the beautiful season for renewal, rebirth, and rejuvenation.

  • Dialogue with AMO

 Since last Asia Townhall arranged by Asia Markets Office (AMO), I’ve seen many interests from our colleagues in getting to know more about the office. From this month, with the help of Communications team, a new column of China and AMO dialogue will be set up for each issue, where we will have direct conversations with our Asia colleagues. This month, we will start with the Asia CEO Gordon Watson.

In this episode, we have our Chief Marketing & Communications Officer Eva Huang interviewing Gordon. Beside strategies, we could also get a glimpse of his personal experiences across geographies including Europe, America, Africa and Asia. Through some fun and great questions, you will get a better idea about Gordon.

Please dig more details through below video. I hope you enjoy it. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to drop an email to, or you can comment down below.

Please watch the video on PC due to the size limit.

  • gEMMA Vlog Episode One

In the meantime, the Asia Markets Office has created a blog called gEMMA with first episode launched recently. EMMA is the avatar we created roughly 2 years ago. Now she is core to our business and arrived in China market since November last year. “The small g means greater as we want EMMA to be larger than what she was meant to be. gEMMA will be the masterbrand for all innovative projects across the countries.” Said Gordon in gEMMA’s launch message.

I would like to invite you to watch the episode, in which Gordon has shared his daily life to us. Gordon showed his daily routines and personal habits and displayed his way of smart working to connect with more people in Asia. I really enjoy his vlog and I believe you will enjoy it too!

Please watch the video on PC due to the size limit.

  • Meeting with Fanhua

 This year, we are speeding up in building more distribution partnerships in China. On March 21, we have Fanhua Inc., a leading insurance intermediary in China, in AXA Tianping’s Shanghai headquarter office. Together with our colleagues, we met Fanhua’s delegates led by its Chairman &CEO Chunlin Wang.

From left to right in the photo: Pengfei Ji(CEO of Fanhua Sales Service Inc.),Ivy Zheng (Project Director, AXATP), Eva Huang (Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, AXATP), Yong Yang(Chief Claims Officer, AXATP), Cheng Tian(Chief Strategy & Project Management Officer, AXATP), Dawei Li(Chairman & CEO of Fanhua Insurance Surveyors & Loss Adjustors), Yong Ren ( CEO of Fanhua Puyi Inc.) , me , Chunlin Wang(Chairman&CEO of Fanhua Inc.), Liancheng Zhou (Chief Distribution Officer, AXATP), Kevin Zhou (Chief Health Officer, AXATP), Tracy Jiang (Chief Motor & Lifestyle Insurance Officer, AXATP),Dan Zou(Product and Contract of Fanhua Sales Service Inc.), Chao Kou(Vice President of Fanhua Sales Service Inc. & General Manager of Hebei Platform )

In their two-hour stay, we showed them around the office before the meeting to discuss further cooperation. I was very happy to share with them all the updates since our last conversation, that we’ve established the Fanhua working team and took the collaboration as the top priority. In the one-hour discussion, we also explored topics on product design and timeline, loss surveyor cooperation, as well as AXA supporting the Fanhua Summit in April.

The pleasant conversations were full of idea exchanges and inspirations. I believe the win-win cooperation will drive both AXA and Fanhua’s success.

I was giving the AXA fine wine gift to Mr. Wang.
The future is bright!

  • New Commercial Insurance Client – Haier

I would like to applaud a recent milestone achievement by our Commercial Line colleagues and Hubei branch, with the help from AXA XL. With their great efforts, we won the bidding to provide Haier Commercial General Liability Insurance.

By leveraging the leading brand, extensive network, and strong service ability, as well as its extensive local networking resources, AXA has beaten the competition and won fully trust of Haier.

I’ve also talked to our project colleagues about their experience, and I’m happy to share some takeaways from them. 

How to prepare for the next opportunity?

  1. Headquarter and branch collaboration is the key.
  2. Find the right target and nurture those relationships.
  3. Jump out of the box and expand partnership modes.

  • 2021 IWD #ChooseToChallenge

Each year, International Women’s Day (IWD) is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of actively challenging gender stereotypes and bias in society. The theme for the IWD this year is Choose To Challenge and I participated in the social campaigns initiated by AXA by speaking out my statement to support female leadership.

Female leadership is also my dissertation towards my DBA. At AXA Tianping, I’m very proud to be able to say that we have a 50:50 gender parity in the China GLN (Global Leadership Network), and in all staff. Besides, we have a highly diversified management team leading the teams’ growth in China.

Within each of us is the power to make a choice, to choose to seek out and celebrate women’s achievements, to Choose To Challenge.

I invite you to visit my IWD LinkedIn post, to review, comment, and write down your own statements. I will be happy to know your thoughts in how to support Diversity & Inclusion together.

  • Outstanding Employer of 2020

In a recent job fair meeting organized by Shanghai Lujiazui Finance District HR Committee and Shanghai Oracle Bay (HR platform) on January 29, 2021, we were awarded the Outstanding Employer of the Year. This is the third corporate award we’ve scooped this year. 

The honor recognizes our decade-long efforts in being a proactive member in college recruitment programs, as well as in online recruitment during the COVID period. It also demonstrates the progress we’ve made in raising AXA’s employer brand awareness in China and our commitment in investing in local talents amid the company transformation journey.

  • Thank-you Banner from Beijing Jinghuibao Client for Outstanding Service 

Earlier this month prior to the 315 Consumer Rights Protection Week, our Beijing branch received a customer thank-you banner for our exemplary customer service of Beijing Jinghuibao. This health product is an inclusive PPP insurance we rolled out on October 15 last year in Beijing together with two leading industry partners.

The customer registered in November for the product priced RMB79, which took effect from December 1. On January 21, the insured customer was hospitalized in Bejing Chaoyang Hospital. On February 26, the customer’s family filed the claim and soon got reimbursed with RMB29,581.43 on March 10.

It’s beyond our expectation that AXA Tianping’s claim service can be handled in such a fast manner.

We are so impressed by AXA Tianping’s professional guidance and efficient service.

The insured customer’s family expressed their gratitude.

  • What to do during the beautiful Spring Season? #Where is the spring?

The poetic spring is in the air and the trees of Shanghai parks and gardens brimming with color. I’ve seen many of our colleagues sharing pictures of trees tickled pink in their WeChat Moments and I would like to share with you two photos I took on my way to the office – cherry blossom trees, which makes the highlight of my commute days.

Last week also saw the one-year anniversary of Wuhan reopening. Our Marketing & Communications team talked to some colleagues from Wuhan on their stories in the past year. These stories are published on AXA Tianping’s official WeChat platform, where our colleagues also shared their recommendations for the best places to admire cherry blossoms in Wuhan, the home to more than half a million cherry trees, covering almost all the various species around the world (according to a report from the Paper).


Soon the Marketing & Communications team will launch a #SpringOuting photo competition across the company. The event will be held on WeCom – AXA Headline. All of us will have a chance to share the spring pictures with our colleagues. Please get prepared and win the prize!

I’d love to hear your voices on the letter! If you have any good suggestions, please comment down below or send a email to  I will send out a mystery gift to the colleague whose idea is adopted.

That’s all for this month. Thank you for your time.