
2021年度第二次全体员工大会 The Second Townhall Meeting in 2021


The Second Townhall Meeting in 2021



首席财务官Laurent Matras也向全体员工阐述了我们在健康方面的数字增长,以及零售险和商业险条线存在的挑战。



As part of AXA Tianping’s Soar to Success strategy, regular catch-up with all staff is essential, especially when we gained progress in business performance and transformation project. Therefore on June 9th, we held this year’s second townhall meeting at Ruiming headquarter office convening the management team, Ruiming colleagues, 27 branches and call centres joining online.

I started by presenting the business performance in past five months, the new operational structure and Soar to Success transformation updates and introducing the new management team one by one to all colleagues.

The CFO Laurent Matras made his first speech to AXA TP staff, and explained the growing figures in health, lifestyle and commercial lines, with challenges alongside.

The Executive Vice President Liancheng Zhou shared his philosophy of aligning thinking, execution, and accomplishment.

The townhall was concluded with a QA session. Both onsite and online colleagues raised their hands and discussed topics of motor business, skills and capabilities, as well as short and long-term distribution transformation goals. Motor business to the company, is as butter to bread. Motor lays the basis for our growth. In addition, we will have to cultivate our own channels, close relationship with distribution network and internet platforms. Key capabilities such as innovation, professionalism, government relations, collaboration, customer and partner insights are essential for the development.


获邀出席第十三届陆家嘴论坛 Attending the 13th Lujiazui Forum in Shanghai


Attending the 13th Lujiazui Forum in Shanghai


德尼·杜威先生与全国政协委员、上海新金融研究院理事长屠光绍先生,2014年诺贝尔经济学奖得主、图卢兹经济学院名誉主席Jean TIROLE等嘉宾进行了深入交流与探讨。他呼吁全球更紧密的合作来建设更包容的未来:



陆家嘴论坛由上海市人民政府、中国人民银行、中国银行保险监督管理委员会、中国证监会组织举办。今年论坛以“全球大变局下的中国金融改革与开放”为主题。巴黎是今年的合作城市,法国经济、财政和康复部部长布鲁诺·勒梅尔(Bruno Le MAIRE)也在线参加了论坛。具体内容请点击链接查看:

On June 10th, AXA Group Chairman of the Board, Mr. Denis Duverne was invited to the 13th Lujiazui Forum (2021) and spoke online at its Plenary Session III: Economic Cooperation and Development in the Context of Global Pandemic Response – Partner City Forum: Paris.

I was very honored to be invited to the opening ceremony in Shanghai on the same day, and discussed the role of insurance in the context of opening-up with key media outlets during the forum period. I expressed my views that AXA Tianping will continue to strengthen compliance management under the leadership of government and regulatory authorities at all levels, leveraging the benefits of insurance through our high-quality products and solutions to protect social stability and improve our customers’ lives.”

At the Plenary Session III, Mr. Denis Duverne was joined on the panel by esteemed participants including Mr. Tu Guangshao, Member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and Chairman of Shanghai Finance Institute’s Executive Council, Mr. Jean Tirole, Recipient of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences and Honorary Chairman of the Toulouse School of Economics. He calls for closer global collaboration in building a more inclusive and resilient future:“Understanding and managing risks is at the very core of insurance. Insurance provides a safeguard for economic development and is a major force for social inclusion. Further developing insurance meanwhile can go a long way towards making our societies more resilient.”

Lujiazui Forum was organized by the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, the People’s Bank of China, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission. This year its theme was China’s financial reform and opening up amid great changes of the world. Paris is the partner city this year. The Minister of Economy, Finance and Rehabilitation of France Bruno Le MAIRE also attended the forum online. Please click below link for playback:


河南郑州中支、云南分公司再获锦旗 Customer Recognitions for Henan and Yunnan Branches


Customer Recognitions for Henan and Yunnan Branches



另一面锦旗来自云南分公司,是对他们对6月初发生的洪涝灾害提供高效理赔的赞扬。本次灾情中,云南分公司收到报案车辆141笔,评估损失约270万。截至 6 月 11 日,34% 的案件已经结案。其高效的理赔服务赢得了这些客户的认可。


I feel so proud that we are receiving more and more customer recognitions.

This month, I received two messages on customer thank you banners. One is from Hennan sub-branch on the health claim service. They settled the claim in 40 hours for the client who purchased our IP+OP medical insurance.

Another one is from Yunnan branch on the recent flood damages happening from June 6th to June 7th. The Yunan branch received 141 motor claims with around 2.7million assessed loss. 34% of the cases have been settled as of June 11th. It’s efficient claim services won us recognitions from those customers.

Since motor remains a fundamental pillar of our business, I believe Yunnan branch’s case will inspire all other branches in delivering the best service to our customers.


“安盛全球视野“午间分享会第三期 “AXA Global Vision” Lunch & Learn Program Session Three


“AXA Global Vision” Lunch & Learn Program Session Three


在5月31日举行的第三场午间分享会上,我们邀请了安盛信利(AXA XL)金诗薇女士向我们介绍安盛信利及其业务。她是驻扎在香港的亚太地区总监,负责全球项目和自保业务推动,并与经纪公司合作伙伴和企业客户发展长足的合作关系。她还分享了安盛信利近期的创新案例研究,包括新冠防疫相关保障、网络风险解决方案和世界上第一个保险区块链平台InsurWave。

Thanks to CEO Office, the “AXA Global Vision” Lunch & Learn program is running well and well received by AXATP colleagues. We treasure such opportunities to learn from the best practices across all AXA entities.

In the third session held on May 31st, we invited Shiwei Jin from AXA XL to introduce AXA XL and its business. Shiwei is the reginal director of APAC based in Hong Kong, and in charge of global programs and captive business development and relationship maintenance. She also shared AXA XL’s recent innovative case studies including COVID-19 related protections, cyber risk solutions, and the world’s first insurance blockchain platform InsurWave.


媒体专访 My Media Interviews


My Media Interviews


在最近的陆家嘴论坛和安盛家庭健康保障论坛期间, 我接受了一些媒体采访,想与大家分享:

I would like to share my recent media interviews during the Lujiazui Forum and the AXA Family Health Protection Forum:

每日经济新闻:在中国良好的营商环境下,外资险企也将获得更多发展机会 (National Business Daily: Foreign Insurers Would Gain More Development Opportunities under Good Chinese Business Environment )

界面:如何用金融撬动绿色发展?金融界大咖热议绿色金融(Jiemian: How to Leverage Finance in Green Development?)

证券时报:安盛天平CEO朱亚明:将加快健康险业务布局 (Securities Times: Interview with AXATP CEO Yamin Zhu: AXATP to Speed up Health Business)

澎湃新闻:只做车险太可惜,希望健康险占比达30%(The Paper: More than Motor, Health Ratio Expected to Grow to 30%))

腾讯新闻:对话安盛天平CEO朱亚明:健康险将聚焦中等收入人群 做到广覆盖 (Tencent News: Dialogue with AXATP CEO Yamin Zhu: Health Focus On UMC with Broader Coverage)



边走边聊,杨梅之行 My Recent Health and Yum Walk


My Recent Health and Yum Walk

本月,我们在中国落地了全球边走边聊活动,并由 CFO Laurent 与公共事务处Rei对谈的视频拉开序幕。我希望你们都对这个活动以及它对我们保持身心健康有何重大意义有所了解。我期待很快看到你们的作品!

6 月 19 日,一个绵绵细雨的周六。我邀请管理层团队来到我的家乡——距离上海约三小时车程的浙江宁波,采摘新鲜美味的杨梅。

杨梅有个可爱的英文名字,“yumberries”, 它原产于中国浙江,全年只有两周的采摘盛季。来自安盛亚洲的 Yi Mien Koh 和 Krithika 也加入了我们的旅途,希望这对他们来说是一次难忘的经历。




This month, we’ve localized the global Walk and Talk program in China, kicking off by CFO Laurent’s video with Communications team. I hope you all know this program and how it means to our physical and mental health during work. I look forward to seeing your videos soon!

On June 19th, a rainy Saturday, I invited our management team to my hometown, Ningbo of Zhejiang Province, three-hour drive from Shanghai, on a healthy and yummy walk to pick the freshest yumberries. The Chinese name of the fruit is called 杨梅 (Yang Mei). It’s native to Zhejiang province in China and only in season for two weeks out of the entire year. Yi Mien Koh and Krithika from AXA Asia also joined the yum walk. I hope this will be an unforgettable experience for them as well.

What are your recent healthy and interesting walk in summer days? Please share with me or send your anecdotes to Communications team. Thank you!


安盛安美“入职”啦 Welcoming EMMA by AXA to China


Welcoming EMMA by AXA to China


我与安盛亚洲同事、安盛天平管理层以及总部员工一起参加了欢迎会,大家都用“安盛安美”的元素装扮自己 —— 蓝色上衣、利落短发和圆框眼镜等,并且有一位真人“安盛安美“到场,现场氛围充满了乐趣和友爱。


崔东埈先生也代表了安盛亚洲及非洲CEO Gordon Watson向中国团队表达了祝贺,并称赞了我们在中国市场的非凡表现。



切蛋糕庆祝 Cake cutting moment

I love AXA. I love EMMA

现在,安盛安美(EMMA by AXA)不仅在中国有了自己的形象,还承担了更多的责任——家庭医生、急速问诊、在线购药、一键送药、心理咨询、专家咨询、儿童专区、健康课堂、多险种在线理赔、电子保单、一键续保等。发布期间我们推出了另外三个重点新功能为药品配送功能儿童专区儿童身高测评

On June 21, we held an internal launch event in the Ruiming office to celebrate EMMA’s landing in China with her avatar and Chinese name安盛安美.

I joined the launch event together with AXA Asia colleagues, AXA Tianping management team and headquarter staff. It was full of fun as we all need to dress up like in EMMA’s costume and had a real “EMMA” at the event.

As part of the ceremony, I also gave EMMA the staff ID badge, welcoming her to join AXA Tianping as part of the digital innovations.

DJ from AXA Asia expressed his congratulations on behalf of AXA Asia & Africa CEO Gordon Watson, and praised China’s performance in deploying EMMA.

Kevin Zhou also explained the key features in a humorous way.

Since the launch of EMMA Health Management Service last November, its functions have been updated to broader spectrum: from health management services to customer services supporting the entire customer journey from purchasing and benefits to claim and renewal. In January this year, we invited our colleagues to name her in Chinese with nearly 1000 colleagues participating in the naming event.

Now, EMMA by AXA not only has her own avatar in China, but also takes more responsibilities – services of Family Doctor, Instant Medical Consultation, Online Pharmacy, Drug Delivery, Mental Health Consultation, Top-tier Doctor Consultation, Child Health, Health Education, Insurance Claims, e-Policies and renewal. Another three new features were also unveiled during the launch – drug delivery, child health service and child height predictor.


盛放月刊第十六期 CEO Newsletter Issue 16 —— PC

CEO 寄语




CEO Message

Dear AXA Tianping colleagues,

So much is happening this month to start the summer days. The theme in June is Protect Your Passion and Go Further with Confidence – our new brand promise unveiled at the AXA China Family Health Protection Forum on June 22nd. We celebrated EMMA by AXA’s official debut and two innovative health product launches together with former CIRC vice chair, free-style ski world champion, industry experts, distribution partners, AXA Asia colleagues and key journalists, underlining our ambition in providing relevant health protections for Chinese families.

Another big event was EMMA by AXA’s internal launch ceremony on the Summer Solstice day. We launched its official avatar and Chinese name 安盛安美 (translates into “AXA makes you enjoy a better life”)and celebrated by dressing like EMMA in royal blue and black. Please find more event details through my below vlog:



As the second quarter closes, I’m proud of the way our teams performed in the Soar to Success transformation. The motor business is outperforming the target and our health distribution network has expanded with more digital platform partners, driving the growth to the next level. We also gained more customer recognitions in our outstanding claim service.

As a global insurer, our brand awareness has been increased at the 13th Lujiazui Forum with the presence of AXA Group Chairman of the Board, Mr. Denis Duverne. Please find out more details from this month’s newsletter. I hope you enjoy it!






你打疫苗了吗?Did You Take The COVID Vaccine?


Did You Take The COVID Vaccine?

近期中国大陆出现了一些本土新冠肺炎新增案例。在这些受影响地区工作的同事们,请务必保重身体并注意安全。在此和大家分享一下,我于5月22日在上海接种了第一剂新冠疫苗。我也从行政同事那里得知,截至5月中旬,我们至少有90名瑞明和金桥的同事完成了第一剂疫苗的注射。那我们分公司和中心的同事呢? 我很乐意知道你们是否接种了疫苗。欢迎在下方评论区给我留言。


我上周参与的另一个健康活动是“边走边聊”。在一个阳光明媚的早晨,我和安盛亚洲首席合作官Yi Mien Koh女士在黄浦江边散步。有益身心,尤其是对久坐台前的我们,同时还能与同事保持紧密联系。

全球Walk & Talk活动由安盛亚洲&非洲首席执行官Gordon Watson和全球人力资源官Karima Silvent于5月4日发起。很快我们将向同事们推出中国版的边走边聊活动。我鼓励大家积极参与,边走边聊,并与所有同事分享。无论与谁同行,希望行走都能带给大家力量!

Lately, there appear some new COVID cases in mainland China. For colleagues in these affected areas, please take great care of yourselves and keep safe. For myself, I hope I’m not too late to get my first dose of COVID vaccine on May 22 in Shanghai. Our Admin colleagues told me that till mid-May, at least 90 colleagues from Ruiming and Jinqiao have taken their first dose. How about our branch and center colleagues? I’m happy to know if you have received any shot since the launch of the mass vaccination in China. Please drop me a note below in the comment area.

In the meantime, the AXA Group has released the 2021 Pulse Health Survey on May 27, disclosing long-term health effects of Covid-19. The survey showed that 74% of those surveyed, including China, said they would be willing to be vaccinated against Covid-19. China is among the top five vaccine enthusiast regions with 84% surveyed saying yes to vaccination. Our Comms team will localize the report and provide details later.

Another health activity I did last week was taking part in AXA’s Walk and Talk program. I had my morning walking meeting with Yi Mien Koh, the Chief Partnership Officer of AXA Asia, along the Huangpu River at a beautiful sunny morning. It’s not only a way to support our physical and mental health in daily work, but a way to break the routine of being constantly at one’s desk and stay closer with our teammates.

The global Walk and Talk initiative was launched by videos taken by Asia & Africa CEO Gordon Watson and Global Head of HR Karima Silvent on May 4th. Soon we will launch the China version to our colleagues. I encourage you to start Walking & Talking and share with all staff. Whether alone, with a colleague or with your team, don’t underestimate the impact of a good walk!