
媒体采访 Recent Media Interviews


Recent Media Interviews


I was invited by lifestyle magazine ELLE for an interview with free-style ski world champion Nina Li at the China Family Health Protection Forum on June 22. We discussed individual and family confidence with the editorial team, sharing our experiences in being a confident woman as well. Please find more details in below print version.


创新再获嘉奖 Health Insurance Company Award and Innovation Award


Health Insurance Company Award and Innovation Award



I am very proud that our company got recognized by the industry with two high profile awards: “Most Innovative Company Award” via the 10th China Finance Summit and “Outstanding Health Enterprise” through the 3rd Asian-Pacific Insurtech International Summit.

This has perfectly showed that our hard work and efforts throughout this transformation journey to pivot our company from a mono-liner to a multi-liner with a focus on health have paid off. Now I am more than confident that together, we are sure to be soaring to success!


中国影响力投资国际论坛晚宴 Attending International Forum for China Impact Investing Gala Dinner


Attending International Forum for China Impact Investing Gala Dinner

7月16日,陆家嘴星光璀璨,应中国金融普惠研究院(CAFI)院长贝多广先生的邀请,我很荣幸代表安盛天平出席了中国影响力投资国际论坛(IFCII)的晚宴,席间聆听了诺贝尔和平奖得主穆罕默德·尤努斯(Muhammad Yunus)的分享,也与工行前董事长姜建清先生等在内的业界嘉宾交流了对影响力投资的见解。正如安盛品牌使命“守护生命之本,践行人类进步”所言,金融机构对推动全球可持续发展责无旁贷。

在下午的论坛上,我们集团董事会主席德尼 杜威先生远程分享了他的真知灼见,“在安盛看来,投资不仅是一桩生意,更是一种责任。早在 2015 年,安盛就率先成为撤出煤炭领域的投资者之一,并将投资方向侧重于气候变化、生物多样性、金融普惠、医疗保健和优质教育等多个关系到全球可持续发展,人类福祉的领域。安盛的投资在全球范围内产生了深远影响,累计为近 300 万个家庭提供了清洁能源,为 1 亿人提供了普惠金融产品,兴建了 57 个医疗设施,惠及 400 万学生,减排二氧化碳 6400 万吨,节约用水 42200 吨,已经成为实现联合国可持续发展目标的重要举措之一。”


On July the 16th, invited by Chairman of the Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion (CAFI), Duoguang BEI, I attended the gala dinner of International Forum for China Impact Investing (IFCII), which was a new landmark summit on the topic. Our Group Board Chairman, Denis DUVERNE, shared his insights on Impact Measurement and Management via a virtual panel in the afternoon.

I strongly believe, as our brand purpose “Act for Human Progress by protecting what Matters” illustrated, that insurers should take up societal responsibilities and spare no effort to help the communities by making financial products and services more affordable and accessible. Here in China, we aim to continue our trials and efforts in unleashing the capital for good, to provide a mechanism that helps mitigate personal and enterprise-related risks so as to contribute to improve livelihoods and sustained development.


出席沪上金融业高端会谈 SIFAC Annual Meeting


SIFAC Annual Meeting


尤其令我自豪的是,安盛是十家世界级机构中唯一受邀的保险公司。正如杜威董事长所说,“安盛能够通过很多重大举措,包括绿色投资、健康险领域的惠民项目等等,为上海成为领先的气候融资中心添砖加瓦。” 能够亲身见证并积极参与上海建设国际金融中心,是我们的荣幸,也是我们的责任。

I was very honored to attend the Shanghai International Financial Advisory Council (SIFAC) meeting on July the 15th.Our board chairman, Denis Duverne, was also invited to give a virtual speech as a member of SIFAC. The meeting was also joined by Xiaochuan Zhou, the former Governor of the People’s Bank of China and Zheng Gong, the Mayor of Shanghai.

I was very proud that AXA is the only insurance company invited among the ten world-class institutions. I believe, as Mr. Duverne said, AXA will help contribute in Shanghai’s becoming a leading center for climate finance, with many of our great initiatives, including green investments, and health insurance schemes built as public-private partnerships.


参加法国国庆日活动 Attending Bastille Day celebration


Attending Bastille Day celebration


在法国驻上海总领事Benoit Guidee先生的盛情邀请下,我非常荣幸地出席了7月14日在总领事官邸举行的法国国庆日活动。对于中法文化爱好者来说,这是一个无比美妙的夜晚。高朋满座、嘉宾云集,畅谈中法友谊和文化交流之际,大家对美好繁荣的未来充满了希望。


I was very delighted to have celebrated the French National Holiday on July 14 thanks to Mr. Benoit Guidee, French consulate general in Shanghai’s invitation.

It was a wonderful night for lovers’ of French and Chinese culture, for a spectacular evening of celebration at the consulate general’s residence, with amazing exchange on the Sino-French friendship and the prosperous future we will have.

At this occasion, AXA was also invited to attend the festival at French Embassy, joined by 20 colleagues and distributors in Beijing to further maintain and strengthen the relationship. I believe that by working together with our friends in France, we can complement each other with our own advantages, so as to seek a win-win situation in face of challenges.


走近人力资源团队 Spotlight on Human Resources Team


Spotlight on Human Resources Team




We’ve got a clearer idea of AXA’s HR strategy across Asia from Peck’s video. In China, how we make our own localized version and execute those strategies? This month team vlog, I’ve invited the HR team to introduce themselves and their insights in driving AXA Tianping’s talent recruitment and employee experiences amid the business transformation.

You may think that HR professionals do all the hiring, benefits, continuing education, etc. However, they are also responsible for creating the culture, who we choose to hire, how we compensate people, what benefits we offer, and how work is structured, all of it factors into whether or not we enjoy where we work. And hope we all enjoy our work here!



北京京惠保“菁英学子奖学金”捐助仪式 Beijing Jinghuibao Donation Ceremony


Beijing Jinghuibao Donation Ceremony





2020 年10月,“北京京惠保”项目启动之际,安盛天平、北京人寿、医渡云和医加壹等共同向北京青少年发展基金会捐款100万元,成立了“菁英学子奖励基金”,为莘莘学子实现梦想保驾护航。

It has been almost ten months since we launched the Beijing Jinghuibao Public Private Project Inclusive Health Insurance last October. This May, we joined hands again with Beijing Life and rolled out the Malignant Tumor Medical Insurance for Women (HuiTaBao). An innovative move to protect the women in Beijing with affordable medical support. As of the close day on July 22, nearly 100,000 people registered and purchased this product, far exceeding the 30,000 targets.

Meanwhile, the Beijing Jinghuibao Scholarship Donation Ceremony was held at Beijing Life Conference Hall on July 9th. AXA Asia Chief Strategy & Customer Officer, AXA Tianping Chairman DJ Choi attended the ceremony joined by Beijing Life Chairman Guanglei Guo, Beijing Youth Development Foundation Secretary of General Ronghui Qian, as well as forty outstanding students from prestigious universities in Beijing including Tsinghua University and Peking University.

DJ sent his congratulations to the commended students and expressed his gratitude of being part of the Beijing Jinghuibao project team. He said that AXA is very honored to partner with the industry’s leading players to strive for a comprehensive and multi-level medical system in China in accordance with the government strategic goal of ‘Healthy China 2030’.

Back to last October when Beijing Jinghuibao was launched, AXA worked with Beijing Life and Yidu Cloud and donated one million yuan to the Beijing Youth Development Foundation to assist young people and more communities in need.


对话安盛亚非:人力资源总监 颜碧瑶 Dialogue with AXA Asia Africa: Peck Yeow GAN, HR Director

对话安盛亚非:人力资源总监 颜碧瑶

Dialogue with AXA Asia Africa:

Peck Yeow GAN, HR Director




This month I have invited Peck Yeow Gan, the HR Director of AXA Asia to talk about the HR strategy and her personal experiences. Peck comes from Singapore and has a very beautiful Chinese name. She can speak Mandarin and she is the first one from the AXA Asian Africa office doing this video in Chinese.

She also sent her special words to AXA Tianping colleagues about how we can do our work right and well. It also resonates with me. Please watch Peck’s video and find out more. I hope you feel the same.


客户策略讨论会 Customer Strategy Workshop


Customer Strategy Workshop



  • 健康险市场客户可分为7类客群:
  • 安盛在三个市场锁定目标客户:高端市场紧盯一线、新一线城市; 中端市场聚焦新一线,二线城市; 大众市场聚焦城市年轻潜力人群和懵懂被动型;
  • 品牌策略:打高就全;
  • 从两个层面实现匹配,制定可落地的执行计划, 在高中端市场专业创新,在低端市场跟随市场;
  • 启动三个试点项目;
  • 下一轮市场研究方向:启动经代商渠道的调研,研究与经代渠道的共赢模式,推动销售达成。

在会议讨论和客户洞察团队研究报告的基础上,团队已经总结出了关键策略并制定了下一步计划。接下来,我们将一起把策略付诸实践,实现 “AXA在健康险中高端市场的突围”。


I joined the AXATP Customer Strategy Workshop on July 1st in Shanghai together with the management team as well as health, product, and distribution colleagues. Hosted by Marketing & Communications team, the workshop centered around UMC customer segmentations, AXA core targets and health product, service, channels, and marketing strategies to fulfil customer needs.

A productive and fruitful half-day brainstorm fueled with solid ideas! I would like to share some takeaways from the session with all of you:

  • AXA Tianping’s potential customers are categorized into seven segments:
  • Three markets that AXA Tianping can target: High-end with wealthy planners in Tier 1 and New Tier 1 cities; Medium market of parents with kids under 10; Mass market with affluent city youth and naïve passives.
  • The Brand Strategy is to focus on High-end and medium markets, while also taking care of the mass market
  • Two-layer execution plan: differentiated strategies for three markets
  • Three pilot projects to kick off soon
  • Topic for next market research will be Distribution Channel Study

Following the workshop, a summary report with a next-step list was generated based on the discussions and customer segmentation studies conducted by the customer insight team.  Those customer strategies will be brought to life through team collaboration to further drive the business growth and achieve the objective I’ve underlined at the workshop that “AXA will break through in the high-end and medium health insurance markets”.


鲲鹏万里进展 Soar to Success Updates


Soar to Success Updates




  • 更多总对总项目推进中:包括妙保等经纪公司合作,奔驰合约重新洽谈以及福特中国接洽;
  • 传统经代合作多项培训和产品推广活动推进中,包括泛华、大童、明亚和华康;
  • 与招商银行、农行、邮储银行等头部银行合作稳步推进中;
  • 全新打造安盛职业讲师认证体系
  • 数字化转型方面,截至6月30日,安盛安美注册用户778,007人;微信优化项目第二阶段第一批需求完成开发上线,合并的功能入口,更好地服务客户;


  • 截至6月底,我们新推出了多次给付重疾、电销百万医疗、北京“惠她保”, 及类PPP项目“惠e保”等新产品。具有安盛独特优势的旗舰住院及门诊产品“盛世臻选”即将上线;
  • 提升健康险运营,包括设立健康险专线客服,持续加快医疗网络布局,截至上半年,总计新签10直付医疗机构,目标在3年内,建立包含80家100家医院的医疗网络,覆盖一、二线城市;
  • 6月23日正式启动China Health Enterprise Program(CHEP) 健康险核心系统项目,推动健康创新;
  • 安盛安美健康管理小程序于六一儿童节上线儿童服务专区;
  • 新同事已于6月中正式入职AXA EC,开始着手帮助推动新兴客群相关业务(如PPP、项目制特定客群,及特定分销渠道业务等)
  • 一系列推动健康业务的市场营销活动如火如荼开展:6月,“中国家庭健康保障论坛”在沪隆重举行,全新品牌大片“安盛自信一家人”正式推出,行业头部自媒体同步宣传、全新广告大片户外广告亮相主要城市,开展自信儿童成长月活动,并设计推出产品物料,助力健康业务发展,赋能机构同事展业;


  • 小吨位货车等非私家车板块模型完成上线,目前已有山东、河北、安徽、江苏、河南、广西、云南七家机构参与试点;
  • 面对6月大公司非常激进的半年冲刺策略,我司积极采取稳健的市场策略,在成本相对稳定的基础上,基本稳住了市场份额
  • 非车叠加驾意险继续创新高,电销专属产品健康险的叠加率环比持续提升;
  • 车险产品创新包括GAP, UBI稳步进行中;


  • 定价和理赔联动,理赔成本优化;
  • 监控理赔关键指标数据: 截至2021年6月末,2021年车险理赔减损金额2.08亿;
  • 反欺诈、车物管理人伤管理上推进成本管控举措


We have many good news from the Soar to Success transition program due to our combined efforts in the past six months. I would like to share some of the major exciting updates for the four pillars:

Distribution Transformation

  • A lot more HQ partnerships are in process, including brokerage houses such as miaoins, revisiting agreement with Benz and building collaboration with Ford China.
  • Multiple activities around training and products are in pipeline with traditional brokers, including Fanhua, Datong, Mingya and Huakang.
  • Partnerships with top banks including China Merchants Bank, Agriculture Band of China, and Postal Savings Bank of China are proceeding well.
  • APTT (AXA Professional Trainer Training) scheme was launched for branches.
  • On Digital Transformation, the one-stop platform Emma by AXA has registered 778,007 users by June 30. WeChat Upgrade Program is running into its second phase to consolidate the service entry for easy access from customer end.

Accelerate Health

  • As of June 30, new products including Critical Illness, Million Medical through tele sales, Beijing Malignant Tumor Medical Insurance for Women (HuiTaBao), “Hui E Bao” similar to PPP have been rolled out. Signature IP + OP Medical Insurance and Modular product are making debut soon.   
  • Health operation has been improved with dedicated health service line and speeding medical network deployment. 10 direct-pay medical institutions have joined AXA Tianping’s ecosystem, targeting 80-100 in first and second tier cities in three years.  
  • China Health Enterprise Program (CHEP) kick started on June 23 to help accelerate digital innovations in health.
  • Health Management Platform under Emma by AXA has introduced new service for children since June 1.
  • New talent joined AXA EC to drive the business regarding emerging customers, such as PPP.
  • A bunch of marketing activities supporting Health in June included the Family Health Protection Forum, new brand promise launch #守护热爱自行前行, the Confident AXA Family serial commercials, billboards and digital ads in major cities, KOL cooperation, Child Growth Month, as well as brand designs for new products to empower health business development and branch colleagues.

Fix the Basics in Motor

  • Non-private car models and systems are launched. Pilot branches include Shandong, Hebei, Anhui, Jiangsu, Henan, Guangxi and Yunnan.
  • Motor insurance market share keeps stable in face of fierce marketing competition.
  • Cross-sale with accident and health insurance is increasing.
  • Innovated motor insurance such as GAP and UBI are in progress.

Simplify to Drive Efficiency

  • Pricing and Claims are being synergized.
  • As of June 30, the 2021 motor claim costs were reduced by 208million RMB.
  • Cost control measures put in place – anti-fraud, human injury and motor service management.