Supporting CGFS’s Seminar on Technology in AXATP Office

9月1号晚,我很荣幸在安盛天平总部职场迎接了法国驻沪总领事纪博伟先生,液化空气大中华区总裁兼首席执行官柏昊天先生及其它巴黎政治学院校友,并协助举办了法国驻沪领事馆技术论坛 – 技术主权与数字化监管:对话中欧模式的现状与未来,就全球重要议题共同探讨学习。

Monsieur le consul general in Shanghai, Mr. Benoit Guidee (left)

作为全球领先的企业,安盛秉承“守护生命之本,践行人类进步” 的品牌使命与承诺。关注人类前途命运及全球重要议题,是我们的责任,也是我们的义务。目前,安盛天平将数字化转型视为核心转型战略之一。作为全球领军保险品牌,安盛在中国有责任也有义务助力金融监管数字化转型,并为金融安全、金融科技健康发展贡献一份自己的力量。

I was very honored to have welcomed Monsieur le consul general in Shanghai, Mr. Benoit Guidee, Mr. Nicolas Poirot, Chairman and CEO of Air Liquide in China as well as other distinguished guests from Science Po Paris at AXATP headquarters office on Sep 1st in AXA Tianping’s headquarter office in Shanghai. I also hosted the Consulate General of France in Shanghai(CGFS)’s seminar on Technological Sovereignty and Digital Regulation.
As a leading insurer that “Acts for human progress by protecting what matters”, AXA in China has the ability toinitiate positive conversations about global concerns and risks, and to contribute to creating a healthy environment for financial security through digital transformation, which is the focus of our strategy.