
2024年度机构年中工作会议暨“菁才俱乐部”高峰会圆满落幕2024 mid-year Branch meeting and“AXA Tianping Elite Sales Club” summit successfully convened


2024 mid-year Branch meeting and“AXA Tianping Elite Sales Club” summit successfully convened




在接下来的渠道以及财务报告中,我们进一步了解了2024上半年的经营成果:首席渠道管理和销售官周连成从产品经营、渠道建设两个维度对业绩展开深入解读,并提出确保利润、专业经营、做实渠道、严守红线四大要求;首席财务官Pierre LAUR肯定了公司在上半年的战略调整,并表达了后续持续优化利润以重回正增的期待。






July 25-26, the 2024 branch meeting and“AXA Tianping Elite Sales Club” summit concluded successfully. AXA Tianping management team, leading representatives of Greater China, heads of regional and branch offices, and heads of departments of the head office gathered in Beihai, Guangxi, to review the achievements of the company in the first half of the year, while looking forward to the development blueprint of “Xinghuo”Transformation.

Mr. Kevin CHOR, CEO of AXA Tianping opened the meeting, affirming the achievement of the first half year while clearly emphasizing the company’s commitment to sustainable business. He praised the team on its excellent execution and resilience in the first half of the year‚ and expressed high expectations for the second half of the year and beyond. He stressed the importance of maintaining a strong business foundation and set a clear target of achieving 2.82 billion yuan in premium income, representing a year–on–year growth rate of 2.6%, for the second half of the year.

After four years of persistent struggle and profound transformation and development, we are standing at a landmark turning point, which is not only the best reward for the unremitting efforts of the past, is the first time in corporate history to achieve solid profit growth of the landmark moment, a complete farewell to the long-term loss plight, ushered in the dawn of a new chapter.

In the following reports, we have further learned the results of the first half of 2024: Chief Distribution Management and sales officer Liancheng Zhou called for ensuring profits, professional operations, solid channels and strict compliance with red lines, while chief financial officer Pierre Laur acknowledged the company’s strategic change in the first half of the year, expecting to continue to optimize profits to return to positive growth.

Subsequently, various business lines also passed on the determination to adhere to quality control, comprehensive improvement of operating capacity: motor in sureness to restore the normal operation of the platform, and strive to achieve the annual 3.84 Billion Premium Budget, 97.5% in the second half of the marginal goal; Health insurance should firmly grasp the development opportunities brought by emerging markets and health care reform, hold the market leading position, and strive to achieve positive growth in new orders, while enhancing the risk-resistant capability of the business, we should continue to strengthen capacity-building in the areas of dual-core insurance and risk reduction; retail insurance needs to make efforts to explore new business channels and new projects to fill the gap in retail insurance premiums, to increase the overlap rate of driving accidents and maintain the momentum of continuous growth in the advantageous sectors.

On the second day of the conference,Mr. Kevin CHOR listened to the first-half business analysis reports from three regions, and expected that the profit target of the second half of the year is reached and the annual premium budget is fulfilled.

In addition, areas related to compliance and consumer protections also need solid progress to promote cost control measures, in-depth implementation of this culture.

It is worth mentioning that Xinghuo transformation project has also achieved phased results during this mid-year meeting. For the first time, the Jiangsu, Guangxi and Shandong branches have conducted thematic reports on the spark transformation project to discuss how to achieve the local business model and the plate breakthrough in the fields of health insurance cost management, new energy business development and second-hand vehicle business expansion. Since its official launch on June 14, we have gathered  53 project proposals, and conducted 8 onsite research preparing a solid foundation for the transformation, which undoubtedly fueled the company with extra forces in the future.

After the in-depth discussion and exchange of the semi-annual working meeting, it is firmly believed that with the cooperation of the headquarters, through the joint efforts of all staff, the company will be able to achieve the goal of the second half. In the face of the future, let us take a more firm step, following the development path of Xinghuo Transformation Plan, and create a brilliant future together!


璀璨星光汇聚,共创辉煌篇章 安盛菁才俱乐部高峰会圆满落幕The AXA Tianping Elite Sales Club Summit Successfully Convened



The AXA Tianping Elite Sales Club Summit Successfully Convened












On July 26, AXA management team, esteemed colleagues and elite sales representatives from Hong Kong, Macao and the mainland gathered for a successful AXA Elite Sales Club Summit and Grand Dinner, featuring an impressive lineup of AXA’s distinguished  from Greater China, including Sally WAN, CEO of mainland China,Hong Kong and Macau; Kevin CHOR, Chief Executive Officer of AXA Tianping; Johnathan LI, the chief director of distribution of mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau; Eric WEN, Executive director and General Manager of AXA; Liancheng ZHOU, Chief Distribution & Sales Officer of AXA Tianping, alongside  other management seniors of AXA Tianping.

The award ceremony commenced at 14:30 pm. Guests resplendent in elegant, graced the red carpet, wearing their autographs as signs of presence, with every step as a testament of their glory and confidence. . During the ceremony, the company honored the elite sales who have excelled over the past year‚ each accolade represented the culmination of relentless effort and perseverance. This moment celebrated their remarkable achievements and heralded the boundless possibilities that are in store ahead.

Ms Sally Wan delivered an affectionate opening speech, expressing her delight at being gathered with all our partners at this summit. She extended her warmest congratulations to the 74 distinguished elite sales, and confirmed her firm belief on a profitable future: “ Looking ahead, I have great confidence in our team, especially under Kevin’s leadership, together with the close collaboration of everyone present. AXA will be able to achieve even greater achievements and continue to write a brilliant chapter!”

Subsequently, the guests were present for the photo moment.

Among them, outstanding representatives from different fields-wang Xiang of Shandong province, Yang Yunfei of Zhejiang Province, Guo Meina of Beijing, he Yi of Chongqing, Wang Xin of Hebei province, Lei Xuezhu of Sichuan province, deng Xia, Yang Nian, Peng Guoqing and Feng Ying from the direct selling field also gave their respective acceptance speeches. As representatives of the elite members, they shared their feelings in a sincere and humble manner, expressed their deep appreciation for the company for providing a platform for them to learn and grow, and worked hand in hand with the company, and the confidence to build something great together.

At the end of the award ceremony, Mr Kevin CHOR delivered a closing speech, expressing his gratitude towards the elites for their outstanding performance, their devotion to work and their outright sacrifice in facing challenges without which we won’t be able to achieve this brilliance, encouraging them to strive together for a new chapter of AXA Tianping’s glorious journey.

Ms.Sally WAN and Mr.Kevin CHOR also jointly awarded the banner symbolizing honor and responsibility along with all members’ trust and expectations to the president of the Elite Sales Club, Wang Xiang, wishing him to continue to carry forward with this honor.

In the evening, the grand dinner slowly unveiled, with a scene glittered with dazzling stars.. Everyone raised their glasses and celebrated, sharing the joy of success and hope for the future. The dinner was also interspersed with a lucky draw, adding more surprises and joy to the party.

The successful conclusion of the summit is not only a recognition for the hard work of the past year, but also a bright prospect for future cooperation and development. With this spirit in mind, AXA will continue its“Customer-centric” strategy, and strengthen its investment and development in Greater China, through the integration of multi-regional resource advantages, and continue to meet the diverse needs of customers.


CEO Newsletter ISSUE48–Mobile








Dear Colleagues,

The 2024 annual mi-year branch meeting, together with “AXA Tianping Elite Sales Club” summit were successfully convened in Beihai, Guangxi Province from 25 to 26 July, bringing together the management team, leading representatives from Greater China, heads of departments and branches to review the first-half results and to set operating direction for the second half. Thanks to the joint efforts of  we have achieved a break even under the IFRS standard for the first time since our full aquisition We greatly appreciate the outstanding execution and resilience shown by the team, and expect that moving forward, we are to  continue consolidating the second half of the cost base to achieve long-term sustainable business.

The meeting was highly productive, yielding consensus on key areas such as product management, distribution maintenance, quality control, consumer protection, compliance and business capacity enhancement, which is leveraged as a platform to address the opportunities and challenges that the business lines are facing.What particularly gratifying is the progress of Xinghua Transformation, with interim achievements obtained in Jiangsu, Guangxi and Shandong branches, conducting thematic reports on health insurance cost management, new energy business development and second-hand vehicle business expansion as the result of a synergized cooperation between branches and headquarters. Since its official launch, Xinghuo transformation project has inspired 53 project proposals and 8 onsite branch visits, demonstrating a strong, collective determination for a “bottom-up” transformation which undoubtedly fueled company’s with a stronger driving force as we move forward on this journey.

Another achievement that took place in the month of July is “Xing Lin Bao”launched by  Beijing Branch,the first commercial personal health insurance with traditional Chinese medicine included  This innovative product uniquely integrated traditional Chinese medicine features with commercial insurance types, offering treatment, family health care, integrated Chinese and Western medicine consultations and health check-up services, aiming to contribute to the well-being of our customers as they strive to achieve a better quality of life.

In response to the call from the NFRA (national financial regulator administration) and the China Insurance Industry Association,our company actively participated in the“7.8 Insurance Day. Under the theme “Forward with confidence with each and every step” l we shared insurance knowledge and promoted the spirit of the industry through short videos, live broadcasts, and other engaging formats.

The good news of this month’s continued with the grand prize that AXA Tianping has won for its philanthropic endeavors and employee volunteering activities awarded by Group. Two outstanding employee volunteers will go to France and Morocco to experience a two-day scientific research trip representing AXA Tianping to the AXA family across the globe.

My fellow co-workers, let us adhere to the faith, and focus on the prize for the ultimate goal of achieving sustainable growth!

安盛天平首席执行官 左伟豪
CEO of AXA Tianping Kevin Chor


CEO Newsletter ISSUE 48–PC








Dear Colleagues,

The 2024 annual mi-year branch meeting, together with “AXA Tianping Elite Sales Club” summit were successfully convened in Beihai, Guangxi Province from 25 to 26 July, bringing together the management team, leading representatives from Greater China, heads of departments and branches to review the first-half results and to set operating direction for the second half. Thanks to the joint efforts of  we have achieved a break even under the IFRS standard for the first time since our full aquisition We greatly appreciate the outstanding execution and resilience shown by the team, and expect that moving forward, we are to  continue consolidating the second half of the cost base to achieve long-term sustainable business.

The meeting was highly productive, yielding consensus on key areas such as product management, distribution maintenance, quality control, consumer protection, compliance and business capacity enhancement, which is leveraged as a platform to address the opportunities and challenges that the business lines are facing.What particularly gratifying is the progress of Xinghua Transformation, with interim achievements obtained in Jiangsu, Guangxi and Shandong branches, conducting thematic reports on health insurance cost management, new energy business development and second-hand vehicle business expansion as the result of a synergized cooperation between branches and headquarters. Since its official launch, Xinghuo transformation project has inspired 53 project proposals and 8 onsite branch visits, demonstrating a strong, collective determination for a “bottom-up” transformation which undoubtedly fueled company’s with a stronger driving force as we move forward on this journey.

Another achievement that took place in the month of July is “Xing Lin Bao”launched by  Beijing Branch,the first commercial personal health insurance with traditional Chinese medicine included  This innovative product uniquely integrated traditional Chinese medicine features with commercial insurance types, offering treatment, family health care, integrated Chinese and Western medicine consultations and health check-up services, aiming to contribute to the well-being of our customers as they strive to achieve a better quality of life.

In response to the call from the NFRA (national financial regulator administration) and the China Insurance Industry Association,our company actively participated in the“7.8 Insurance Day. Under the theme “Forward with confidence with each and every step” l we shared insurance knowledge and promoted the spirit of the industry through short videos, live broadcasts, and other engaging formats.

The good news of this month’s continued with the grand prize that AXA Tianping has won for its philanthropic endeavors and employee volunteering activities awarded by Group. Two outstanding employee volunteers will go to France and Morocco to experience a two-day scientific research trip representing AXA Tianping to the AXA family across the globe.

My fellow co-workers, let us adhere to the faith, and focus on the prize for the ultimate goal of achieving sustainable growth!

安盛天平首席执行官 左伟豪
CEO of AXA Tianping Kevin Chor


安盛天平首获集团公益大奖AXA Tianping Winning Grand Prize, Recognized by Group for Its Philanthropic Endeavors for the First Time in History Ever


AXA Tianping Winning Grand Prize, Recognized by Group for Its Philanthropic Endeavors for the First Time in History Ever







  • 非营利性组织,致力于海洋、环境与科研,为年轻一代和来自各大洲的领导人提供信息和教育
  • 自2023年4月起成为安盛集团公益伙伴
  • 总部设在巴黎,在联合国拥有“特别观察员”席位
  • 迄今为止,塔拉号及其合作伙伴共同组织了12次重大探索活动
  • 2018年2月至4月期间所到之地包括中国海南、厦门、香港和上海

To continue igniting the passion of AXA’s global colleagues, the group has selected six entities for their exceptional performance in corporate philanthropy and employee volunteering. Each selected entities will choose two outstanding employee volunteers embark on a remarkable journey – a two day experience on  Tara boat in French Riviera  early September.

Given AXA Tianping’s continued enthusiasm in the field of corporate philanthropy and volunteering activities as well as diversely organized “AXA Hearts in Action” activities in June, a grand prize from group has been granted  which is not only a recognition and appreciation for AXA’s tireless efforts, but also the highest honor the company has received since its participation to “AXA Hearts in Action”.

To honor our global recognition, the headquarters have meticulously designed a nomination process and a selection mechanism for choosing 2 employee volunteers from 26 branches & centers via a lucky draw, Upholding the principles of fairness, equity, and transparency, Mr. Kevin Chor, our CEO, has personally conducted the lucky draw at the mid-year branch meeting, choosing two lucky employees out of 61 candidates proposed by branches:

Baolian YAN from Shandong branch and Xinying HE from Fujian branch, who will not only experience the beautiful scenery of the Cote d’azure, but also visit the Monaco Science Center and the Monaco Ocean aquarium to explore the valuable knowledge of marine biodiversity with 12 other outstanding staff volunteers from  across the world.

As Dai Siyuan, Chief of Staff to the CEO and Chief Transformation Officer, said at the opening of the event, “As a member of the group’s family, we spare no efforts in balancing economic benefits while paying back to the society. This award is not only a recognition and encouragement to AXA, but also a reflection of the importance the group attaches to China’s strategic market.”

I hope that the two colleagues in the next journey of harvest, look forward to the sea trip in September all smooth, full.

【What’s the Tara】

  • Nonprofit Organization for the oceans, environment, and science to inform and educate the younger generation and leaders from all continents
  • Became a nonprofit partner of AXA Group in April 2023
  • Headquartered in Paris, the United Nations has a“Special observer” seat
  • To date, the Tara and its partners have jointly organized 12 major expeditions
  • Travel to Hainan, China, Xiameng, Hong Kong and Shanghai from February to April 2018

守护人类文明瑰宝——安盛天平邀您沉浸式体验巴黎圣母院VR之旅Notre Dame VR Tour – A Splendid Immersive Experience Supported by AXA Tianping


Notre Dame VR Tour – A Splendid Immersive Experience Supported by AXA Tianping



安盛法国公司更承保了此前正在对巴黎圣母院进行修缮功能的两家签约机构Europe Echafaudage 和 Le Bras Freres的民事责任保险。此外,我们还参与了巴黎圣母院手工艺品和宗教仪式相关物品的承保工作,为巴黎圣母院的浴火重生做出切实贡献。


开幕仪式上的 VR 体验环节,吸引了众多到场嘉宾与观众的目光。


人类文明星汉灿烂,大千世界辽阔壮美,走出VR创造的梦幻天地,我们诚邀您踏上探索世界的全新旅程!「无惧小意外 安游大世界」安盛智行天下全球境外旅行保险,为您的自由与梦想保驾护航!

On July 26, “Eternal Notre Dame” traveled through time-immersive VR, it was officially opened in the presence of the French consulate-general in Shanghai, the French Embassy in Beijing, the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, the Shanghai Municipal Green-looking Bureau, the long-term business group, France Telecom, the Shanghai Exhibition Center Group and the Shanghai Municipal Youth Sports Federation. AXA Tianping was invited to attend the opening ceremony and the atmosphere was warm and solemn.

As a tribute to the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, AXA Tianping, together with a long history of literature and biography, made a modest contribution to the“Rebirth by fire” of Notre Dame de Paris.

AXA France added to its civil liability insurance coverage for Europe Echafaudage and Le Bras Freres, two contractors that were working on the restoration of Notre Dame. In addition, we have been involved in the Notre Dame handicrafts and ritual-related items insurance work, to make a tangible contribution to the rebirth of Notre Dame.

As one of the projects Le Festival Croisement, a cultural project between China and France- at the occasion of its 60th anniversary of  diplomatic relations”, the“Eternal Notre Dame” travels through time and space to immerse itself in VR, using state-of-the-art three-dimensional scanning technology, the exact reconstruction of Notre Dame’s Gothic architecture, from its construction in the Middle Ages to its current restoration, allows the audience to travel through time and gain an insight into the long history of this World Heritage Site.

The VR experience at the opening ceremony attracted the attention of many guests and the audience.

The audience put on their VR glasses and set off on a unique exploration of Notre Dame. In the virtual world, they“Travel” through time and space to appreciate the delicate relief decoration on the outside wall of Notre Dame, go inside to visit the famous flame-type vault, rose window, and finally climb the bell tower overlooking the city of Paris, feel the unique charm of this world cultural heritage, as if experienced the building from the Middle Ages to modern ups and downs.

We sincerely invite you to embark on a new journey to explore the world, accessed via VR and protected by AXA Tianping.


安盛拓展亮相“潮涌浦江” AXA Participated the Policy Announcement and Urban Promotion Activities for the 2024 Investment  Sharing Session


AXA Participated the Policy Announcement and Urban Promotion Activities for the 2024 Investment  Sharing Session



扎根中国25年来,安盛集团坚定看好中国市场并持续投入,并于2006年在陆家嘴自贸区成立安盛拓展,以充分发挥上海的政策和地理优势,并作为管理型跨国公司地区总部协调资源,为安盛集团在华实体提供管理和咨询服务。自2023年起,安盛拓展被赋予新职能——搬迁至临港新片区这一国家战略平台后,充分利用临港创新的产业生态和开放政策,在原有“跨区域总部”职能的基础上,扩展科技服务及保险创新,建立保险科技应用开发、大数据服务、AI 应用等方面的科技综合能力,并通过服务集团内持牌机构,实现保险科技服务“出海”,并配合临港打造有国际影响力的金融科技创新实验港。


东方卫视新闻报道:2024年“潮涌浦江”投资分享季新城政策发布和城市推介活动举行 龚正出席并发布活动成果


On July 10, AXA was invited to attend the policy announcement and urban promotion activities for the 2024 investment sharing session  becoming one of a series of key projects promoting the development of the new city. At the event, Gu Jun, deputy secretary-general of the Shanghai municipal government, introduced several policy measures aimed at fostering high-quality development in the new town. The plan outlined 16 specific measures across four key areas:  industry leadership, energy level enhancement, resource allocation and mechanism innovation. These measures are designed to drive the development of new cities with distinctive industries, enhance urban functions through the layout of public services, improve spatial quality with the construction of transportation facilities and stimulate internal through innovative mechanisms, thereby accelerating the development of the new city.

It is reported that the“Chaoyong Pujiang” activity is guided by the spirit of the central economic work conference and the General Secretary’s visit to Shanghai, aiming to showcase Shanghai’s development opportunities and outline a new vision, highlighting unique advantages and favorable environment to global investors. The event, hosted by the Shanghai Municipal Government, showcased Shanghai’s economic vitality and industrial development priorities to global investors through a series of initiatives.It not only attracted globally renowned companies like AXA, but also facilitated the signing of several major industrial projects to support the construction of a modern industrial system.

In 2024, AXA Management (Shanghai) Co. , Ltd. will introduce 21 major functional projects in the new city (“Dishui Lake Financial Bay”)  which reflects the government’s high recognition and support for AXA, as well as AXA;s commitment to play a significant role in the new city construction and contribute to the prosperity and development of the city.

With a 25 – year presence in China, AXA Group firmly believes in the Chinese market and continues to invest in it. In 2006, AXA was established in Lujiazui Free Trade Zone to leverage Shanghai’s policy and geographical advantages. Serving as the regional headquarters for the multinational corporation, AXA coordinates resources across China to provide management and advisory services.  Since 2023, AXA expansion has taken on a new dimension with the move to a new port-adjacent area as a national strategic platform.

In addition to its existing “cross–regional headquarters” functions, AXA plans to expand into scientific and technological services and insurance innovation. The focus will be on developing comprehensive technological capabilities in insurance technology applications, big data services, AI applications, and more. By serving a group of licensed institutions and offering insurance technology services, AXA aims to “go global” and, in collaboration with the port, establish an international financial technology innovation hub with significant influence.

The event was covered by a number of mainstream media outlets:

Dragon TV News report:Gong is attending and announcing the results of the 2024“Tidal Surge River” investment and sharing season

From Sixth Tone:Shanghai issues 16 measures to boost the development of the new city: Launch Smart Taxi, smart bus and other large-scale applications


遇见传奇 走近伟大|AXA 安盛x 利物浦足球俱乐部特别活动 取得圆满成功!Meet the legend, approach the great | AXA X Liverpool Football Club special event successfully concluded !

遇见传奇 走近伟大|AXA 安盛x利物浦足球俱乐部特别活动 取得圆满成功!

Meet the legend, approach the great | AXA X Liverpool Football Club special event successfully concluded !

“遇见传奇,走近伟大”——AXA 安盛x利物浦足球俱乐部特别活动,在安盛天平成都直销在线中心职场顺利举办。此次活动是AXA安盛与全球品牌合作伙伴利物浦足球俱乐部在大中华地区深度合作重要组成部分,两家百年品牌共同致力于激励下一代追逐运动梦想,自信迎接挑战。太古地产携手利物浦足球俱乐部在中国香港及内地打造沉浸式足球盛典,继今年3月份的广州活动之后,利物浦足球俱乐部在成都再度带来“置身安菲尔德-体验利物浦足球盛典”。


“置身安菲尔德-体验利物浦足球盛典” 在成都太古里经典重现。




利物浦足球俱乐部传奇巨星约翰·巴恩斯受邀出席AXA 安盛x利物浦足球俱乐部特别活动。







互赠美好 友谊长存





传承优秀 共留印记


激情互动 幸运抽奖





你我同行 精彩继续



“Meet the legend, go to the great”-AXA X Liverpool Football Club special event, taken place in AXA Tianping Chengdu Direct Sales Online Center was successfully held. The event is an important part of the in-depth cooperation between AXA and its global partner Liverpool Football Club in Greater China. The two  brands with a century’s history are working together to inspire the next generation to pursue their sports dreams, meet the challenge with confidence. Swire Properties teamed up with Liverpool Football Club to create an immersive football event in Hong Kong and Mainland China, following the Guangzhou event in March this year, liverpool football club in Chengdu once again brought the “ Anfield-experience Liverpool Football Festival.”.

July 3

‘Anfield-experience the Liverpool Football Pageant’ in Chengdu’s Taikoori.

VIP event in Liverpool

Great integration between LFC legend and the guests.

July 4th

Liverpool Football Club legend John · Barnes was invited to attend AXA x Liverpool Football Club Special Event.

This event took place at the AXA Tianping Direct Sales Online Center workplace, presenting a remarkable experience of interaction with star athletes to the key partners and employees of the Online Center, Claims & Customer Service Department, as well as the Sichuan Branch.

As one of the earlier telemarketing channels nationwide, AXA Tianping Direct Sales Online Center has received full attention and recognition from the group and headquarters since 2007. Following the company’s strategic orientation and implementing the value of transforming from a payer to partner, it has become the most solid force throughout the company’s strategic transformation process. This is also perfectly aligned with the values of Liverpool Football Club, which is to move forward with perseverance and never walk alone.

The Event Onsite

Mrs. Siyuan DAI, Chief of Staff to the CEO and Chief Transformation Officer, delivered the opening remarks, wishing this event will be an unforgettable experience for our partners and staff in e-commerce, e-services and Sichuan branch.

John Barnes

Mr. John Barnes shared his great experience working AXA Tianping again to participate in the activity, while feeling the fiery enthusiasm of Chengdu.

Along-lasting friendship

AXA and Liverpool football club swapped precious gifts in the hope that the partnership between AXA and Liverpool club will flourish.

Mr. Yang Yong, Chief Claims and Customer Service Officer of AXA Tianping, brought a set of Chengdu’s classic gaiwan tea set, hoping that Mr. Barnes would enjoy life and be healthy.

Ms. Siyuan DAI, Chief of Staff to the CEO and Chief Transformation Officer AXA Tianping, presented a panda doll as a local souvenir, indicating a life full of happiness and success.

Ms. Cao Hongju, General Manager of AXA Tianping Direct Selling Online Center, presented Chengdu’s traditional crafts – Shu Jinchuan Opera Mask, wishing that friendship will last forever.

An excellence to be remembered

John Barnes presented awards to the top salespeople at the Direct Sales Online Center, offering them beautiful blessings in memory of the growth milestones of AXA Tianping’s telemarketing team.

The Lucky Draw

 A lucky draw as organized, witnessed by John Barnes and the staff, creating unforgettable memories for all of them.

A Collective Glory

Barnes presents the award for the longest-serving employee in the room.

The whole audience sang a birthday song to celebrate the birthday of the children who happened to be there on that day.

A continued wonderful journey

The 2024 AXA X Liverpool Football Club special concluded successfully.

AXA’s partnership with Liverpool Football Club has been renewed until 2029 and we look forward to continuing to work together for more exciting events to come.


安盛天平CSRD报送项目正式启动 CSRD Implementation Project Launched at AXA Tianping


CSRD Implementation Project Launched at AXA Tianping

近年来,欧盟对企业环境、社会和治理(ESG)信息披露的监管显著加强。2022年11月,欧盟最高决策机构欧盟理事会正式通过了《企业可持续发展报告指令》(Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, 简称CSRD),旨在通过统一的标准强制要求企业披露非财务信息,同时引入独立鉴证机制,以确保信息披露的透明度和质量。CSRD将分阶段实施,预计从2024年至2029年逐步推进,标志着企业ESG信息披露由之前自愿遵守的非强制性披露转变为有约束力的强制执行披露。



In recent years, the European Union (EU) has significantly strengthened its supervision on the disclosure of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) information. In November 2022, the European Council, the supreme decision-making body of the EU, officially passed the “Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive” (CSRD), aiming to mandate companies to disclose non-financial information through unified standards, while introducing an independent assurance mechanism to ensure the transparency and quality of information disclosure. The CSRD will be implemented in phases, expected to gradually advance from 2024 to 2029, in order to encourage enterprises to assume greater responsibilities in sustainable development disclosure and enhance their credibility and transparency.

With CSRD in force, the European Union has further consolidated its leader position in global ESG regulation, setting more stringent standards for ESG management. The CSRD implementation project was effectively launched by AXA Group at its headquarters last October with its main objective being the publication of AXA’s first Sustainability Statement under CSRD in FY2024 Annual Report. As a “full AXA” company, we are determined to support and promote the implementation of the group’s advanced sustainable development strategy in China. On July 4th, led by the PBRC team of Finance Department and with the full support of all relevant departments, the headquarters successfully launched the CSRD reporting project, marking that our first step implementing international ESG standards, opening a new chapter in our ESG journey.

Moving forward, we will strictly follow the group’s guidelines and collaborate with various departments to strive for accurate and scientific ESG data collection to improve ESG performance. This is not only where our corporate responsibility stands, but also a firm, steadfast commitment to support national strategies. By taking practical and effective actions, we are determined to deliver achievements in supporting the “dual carbon” goals to contribute to the country’s overall green development.


安盛之星 AXA Stars


AXA Stars



In 2023, a total of 25 headquarters and corporate colleagues were selected as the star of customer, the star of Unity, the star of courage, the star of integrity and the star of transformation. The magazine will provide a special column for these colleagues, “AXA Star”, to help you further understand the AXA people practice AXA values story.

This month, we will share with you the star of integrity-liang Chunchang, head of the business management section of the claims management department, and Zhong Jiyu, system management manager of the sales management department, the star of transformation, the brave star-the story of Liang Yueyuan, assistant manager, marketing department, Xingtai Center branch.



Q1:  获得安盛之星是什么样的感受? 


Q2: 平时生活中有哪些保持自信、健康、快乐的习惯或者爱好?


Q3: 请分享最近在看的一本书、一部电影或一部剧。



The star of integrity

Liang Chunchang has a rich professional background in auto insurance and many years of experience in surveying and damage determination. He was responsible for surveying and management, complaint management, etc. , and is currently the director of the Claims Management Department, he is mainly responsible for customer service and vehicle cost control for auto insurance users. In terms of customer service, he has improved the online claims process to increase the online claims proportion and customer satisfaction. In terms of business support, he has formed a team of new energy claims experts to continuously enhance the new energy claims risk management capability In terms of vehicle and material cost control, he provided efficient and professional services for AXA users and organizations to survey damage personnel through online low-carbon insurance platform to control risks and reduce damage costs.

Q 1: How does it feel knowing that you’ve been awarded as AXA Star?

I feel proud and grateful for the team who supports me on a daily basis, thanks to the driver physical claims staff in the vehicle damage and customer service to make unremitting efforts! We will continue to uphold our work principle and practice the duties of insurer.

Q 2:What are your habits to keep confident, healthy and positive?

Usually I like to take my baby to play outdoor sports, walk in the park or take the children to play ball, breathe the fresh air. Full exercise helps to keep the body healthy, accompany the child in the growth of every bit can bring physical and mental pleasure.

Q 3:Please share with us a book, a movie or a theatre piece.

Recently saw the“Chang ‘an 30,000 Miles” of the “rencontre” of Gao Shi and Li Bai. Gao Shi was a man who had joined the world and was dedicated to serving his country. Li Bai was an immortal poet, and everyone in the world knew him.

I strongly recommend this book, a story of true brotherhood.









The star of transformation

In view of the importance of compliance to the company’s management, as well as the lack of systematic and normative compliance training in the earlier sales line, Zhong Jiyu took the initiative to build the sales line compliance training system. Through in-depth research, he planned for different target compliance training programs, the introduction of industry-leading curriculum system, and the formation of a comprehensive compliance training system. In addition, in order to consolidate risk prevention capacity, risk intermediary channels also established a list of banks and regular sampling inspection system.
Today, every salesperson must undergo compliance training and testing when they enter the job, and receive system compliance training and keep records while working with agents and salespeople. At the same time, Zhong Jiyu has also established a list of intermediary channels to identify and prevent high risks in intermediary cooperation, implemented regular spot checks to prevent and forewarn risks, and consolidated the company’s sales system infrastructure, it has filled in the gaps in the system and laid a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the business.

Q 1:How does it feel knowing that you’ve been awarded as AXA Star?

I am deeply honored and excited to receive this award, which represents the recognition and affirmation of the company and the leadership. This award has witnessed my efforts and sweat, but also witnessed my growth and progress. It made me believe that if I put my heart into it, I can achieve results. I will cherish this honor, continue to maintain a humble and enterprising attitude, constantly improve their ability and quality, for the development of the company to contribute more strength. At the same time, I also look forward to the future to meet more challenges and create more brilliant.

Q 2:What are your habits to keep confident, healthy and positive?

I usually prefer reading, will be in the leisure and commuting time to read e-books. For me, books are not only a treasure trove of knowledge, but also a window into the world. I like to immerse myself in the world of books and enjoy the feeling of quiet and concentration. Whether it’s fiction, prose, or popular science, I enjoy reading and learning from it. Reading helps me appreciate the beauty of life and enriches my inner world. For me, reading is a simple and pure enjoyment.

Q 3:Please share with us a book, a movie or a theatre piece.

I recently read a book called insight, which provides insight into the limitations and blind spots of human cognition in an easy-to-understand way. The book offers a wealth of case studies and original perspectives that give me new insights into self-knowledge, ways of thinking, and relationships. It taught me that our way of thinking is often limited by past experience and preconceived notions, and that these limitations are the“Blind spots” that prevent us from seeing the truth. Through the guidance of the book, I began to reflect on my own thinking patterns, trying to get out of the frame, with a new perspective to look at the problem. At the same time, the book also emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, only really know themselves, in order to better deal with the challenges of life. Reading this book, not only let me gain knowledge, but also let me in the depths of the soul was touched and inspired.



  • 2023年度,部门保费达成率135%,位列河北分公司第2名;
  • 2023年度,新能源车险保费达成率1042%,位列河北分公司第1名;
  • 2023年度,大分销当年件数续保率43.97%,位列河北分公司第2名;
  • 2023年度,商业险保费达成率109%,位列河北分公司第1名。







The brave star

Liang Yueyuan is from the marketing department of Xingtai branch of Hebei branch company. Since he joined the company in 2012, he has worked as assistant manager of Business Administration Department, Supervisor of Business Promotion Office, assistant manager of marketing department, etc. , and won a number of honors: 2018,2019 the head office of the authorized speaker of the individual channels, the 2017 head office of the individual channels gold medal curriculum design competition“Finalist”, 2018 head office individual generation channel gold medal curriculum design competition“Excellent Work Award”, 2019 Head Office Individual Generation Channel gold medal curriculum design competition“Third Prize”, he branch 2020 generation channel excellent sales team, 2021 Hebei Branch Excellent Driving Insurance Promotion Award, 2021 Hebei branch excellent H24 product promotion award. In addition, she has made many achievements with the team:

  • In 2023, the department achieved 135% of the premium rate, ranked second in Hebei branch;
  • In 2023, the new energy vehicle insurance premium rate of 1042% , ranked first in Hebei branch;
  • In 2023, the renewal rate of large-scale distribution was 43.97% , ranking 2nd in Hebei branch;
  • In 2023, the rate of commercial insurance premium reached 109% , ranked first in Hebei branch.

Q 1: How does it feel knowing that you’ve been awarded as AXA Star?

I am grateful for the opportunity and platform that the company has given me to display myself and realize my value, and for the support and help of my leaders and colleagues in my work, the recognition of my past work and the encouragement of my future work.

Q 2: What are your habits to keep confident, healthy and positive?

I like traveling and reading with my children in my daily life. Traveling can broaden my horizons, increase my knowledge, and at the same time keep a good mood; parent-child reading makes me broaden my mind, increase my knowledge, and promote a good parent-child relationship.

Q 3: Please share with us a book, a movie or a theatre piece.

I’ve recently revisited “life saved”. The book tells the story of the architect and his wife who spent nearly 40 years building their dream home. The couple work at sunrise and rest at sunset. They keep their life in order and lead a quiet and comfortable life. Reading this book gives me peace of mind. Good Life is the accumulation of time, you and I can have, as long as the heart firmly, start early, time will give us the best answer.