
安盛天平荣获2023“极帜奖” 和“2023 CDI数字化营销创新奖” AXA Tianping awarded 2023 OneFLAG HR Awards and 2023 CDI Digital Retail Innovation Award

安盛天平荣获2023“极帜奖” 和“2023 CDI数字化营销创新奖”

AXA Tianping awarded 2023 OneFLAG HR Awards and 2023 CDI Digital Retail Innovation Award

金秋九月,安盛天平先后荣获2023“极帜奖” 和“2023 CDI数字化营销创新奖”,证明了企业在数字化创新和人力资源方面的卓越成就。

在9月5日举办的第九届“中国数字化创新博览会(CDIE)暨华鹰企业数字化指数(华鹰CDI)”上,安盛天平财产保险有限公司荣获“2023 CDI数字化营销创新奖”。安盛天平数字化营销总监黄蓓莹女士受邀出席活动,并发表了题为《数字驱动,创新求盛:安盛天平数字化营销的探索与实践》的演讲。她从运营创新、营销创新和服务创新等三个维度阐述了安盛天平数字化营销的创新方向和品牌实力,并且通过分享安盛天平数字化平台在不同场景中的实操应用,展现了公司在探索、实践并利用数字技术来提升自身核心竞争力,优化客户体验的精彩旅程。

CDI华鹰数字化指数是全球首个评估企业数字化程度的指数标准,也是中国首个以企业数字化程度为标准设立的奖项。作为一家倡导数字化转型和科技创新的企业,安盛天平高度重视在业务运营中应用数字化手段,通过不断的探索和创新,持续提升客户服务品质。安盛天平凭借其卓越实力在众多候选企业中脱颖而出,荣获“2023 CDI数字化营销创新奖”。这一荣誉既体现了中国数字化创新博览会对安盛天平在数字化领域持续创新探索的肯定和认可,也进一步坚定了安盛天平在数字化创新赋能和服务升级方面的决心,致力于打造一个持续创新的保险品牌。

2023 CDI数字化营销创新奖

而在9月7日举行的人力资源年度旗帜性奖项2023“极帜奖”(OneFLAG Awards)颁奖典礼上,安盛天平人力资源业务伙伴团队代表和“雇主承诺项目”代表分别获得:








AXA Tianping won the 2023 OneFLAG HR Award and the”2023 CDI Digital Retail Innovation Award in September, a testament to AXA’s achievements in digital innovation and human resources.

On September 5, during the 9th China Digital Innovation Expo (CDIE) and Huaying Enterprise Digital Index (Huaying CDI), AXA Tianping Property Insurance Co., Ltd. won the “2023 CDI Digital Retail Innovation Award”.

AXA Tianping Digital Marketing Director Catherine HUANG was invited to attend the event and delivered a speech entitled “Digital-driven Innovation and Prosperity: Exploration and Practice of Digital Marketing of AXA Tianping”. She elaborated on the innovative direction and brand strength of AXA Tianping’s digital marketing from three dimensions: operational innovation, marketing innovation and service innovation. She also demonstrated the company’s exploration and development by sharing the practical application of AXA Tianping’s digital platform in different scenarios, showing how AXA practices and uses digital technology to enhance its core competitiveness and optimize customer experience.

The CDI Huaying Digital Index is the world’s first index standard to evaluate the degree of digitalization of enterprises, and it is also China’s first award established based on the degree of digitalization of enterprises. As an enterprise that advocates digital transformation and technological innovation, AXA Tianping attaches great importance to the application of digital means in business operations, and continues to improve customer service quality through continuous exploration and innovation. With its outstanding strength, AXA Tianping stood out among many candidate companies and won the “2023 CDI Digital Retail Innovation Award”. This honor not only reflects China Digital Innovation Expo’s affirmation and recognition of AXA Tianping’s continuous innovation and exploration in the field of digitalization, but also further strengthens AXA Tianping’s determination in digital innovation empowerment and service upgrading, and building an innovative insurance brand.

And at the 2023 “OneFLAG Awards” ceremony, the annual flagship HR award, held on September 7, representatives of AXA Tianping’s HRBP team and representatives of the “Employer Commitment Project” won respectively the:

“OneFLAG Awards – BEST HRBP TEAM 2023” trophy

“OneFLAG Awards – BEST HR PROGRAMS 2023” trophy

The OneFLAG Award is China’s flagship award for human resources management. It is open to human resources executives and teams of enterprises in the Greater China region and selects human resources teams that inspire others with their extraordinary vision, superior leadership and outstanding achievements.


安盛之星之故事:宋洁琼、徐嵩AXA Stars: Jieqiong Song & Song Xu


AXA Stars: Jieqiong Song & Song Xu



In the AXA Star contest , altogether 22 AXA colleagues from headquarters and branches are entitled to awards of AXA Stars in Transformation , Customer First , Integrity , Courage , and One AXA . This special column was set up for them so we can all know their stories in living the AXA values and making their contribution to the company’s growth.

This month we will introduce stories of our Transformation Star – Jieqiong Song, retail branch manager; and One AXA Star Song Xu, Nanjing Center Branch Manager.










Transformation Star – Jieqiong Song’s story:

Song Jieqiong joined AXA Tianping in December 2010 and is currently the manager of the sales management department of the Ningbo branch. In her 13 years of employment, she has worked in six different departments and experienced the company’s transformations and strategic adjustments in different stages.

In May 2020, Song Jieqiong started a new career transformation. Due to the Ningbo branch’s halt of the expansion of the car insurance business, causing the dissolution of the entire sales team, she took on all the work of the non-car insurance work of the Ningbo branch alone, including channels expansion, sales promotion, sales training, sales management, and non-car insurance underwriting, as well as other work related to non-car insurance business. In just two years, she seized the opportunities in business channels, quickly established good relationships with key channels for cooperation, and increased the proportion of new health insurance business to over 80%. In the process of transformation, she also successfully established her personal reputation and became the insurance practitioner who knows the most about high-end medical and health insurance in the eyes of channel partners.

Q: How do you feel about receiving the AXA Star award?

I have eager anticipated this award, and it is of great significance to me. It is a recognition of my work since transitioning from car insurance to non-car insurance, and also a motivation for my future work. I will continue my enthusiasm for work in the future.

Q: What helps you stay confident, healthy, and happy?

I have many hobbies and enjoy trying new things. Recently, I have been particularly interested in cycling, as it allows me to connect with nature and feel free and unrestrained.

Q: Any books or TV series you would like to share?

Recently, I watched ” The Curious Case of Benjamin Button ” again and found the plot very fun, yet thought-provoking. The themes of love and devotion behind a rewound life, and the philosophical ideas intertwined with the whimsical plot make people savor life, time, and love with great care.









One AXA Star – Song Xu’s story:

Xu Song joined AXA in October 2017 and has been serving as the General Manager of the Nanjing Branch since then. In his more than ten years in the insurance industry, he has carried out reforms in grassroots management, team building, channel development, and external platform construction, injecting new meaning into the firm and helping the company go on a fast track of healthy development.

Q: How do you feel about receiving the AXA Star award?

First, I would like to thank the company and all levels of leadership for their trust and support, as well as my colleagues for their help and support. I am very happy and honored to receive the “One AXA Star” award. Meanwhile, I am also reflecting upon my shortcomings in my work and thinking about the direction I need to work hard in the future.

In terms of operation, I have always asked myself to reflect on my shortcomings with strong perseverance, and to unite knowledge and action to create values for the company. The “unity of knowledge and action” concept created by Wang Yangming is not only about knowledge but also about good conscience. If we apply it to our company’s management in a simple way, it requires us not only to use professional knowledge but also to integrate our professional ethics into our work practice.

Q: What helps you stay confident, healthy, and happy?

I firmly believe that having a good body and a positive mindset is the foundation of any great cause. Only when our body is healthy, can we achieve other things. I have always maintained a good sleep routine, moderate exercise, and a regular schedule, avoiding staying up late. Every morning at 7 am, I wake up with my children, and every night at 9:50 pm, I chat with my children for 20 minutes before going to bed. On weekends, I take my children for an 8 to 10 km hike around Xuanwu Lake or cycling along the river. I have stuck to the habit for four years.

Q: Any books or TV series you would like to share?

Parents’ habits can guide their children, and children’s hobbies can also change their parents. I wasn’t a big fan of reading, but my kid loves reading. To spend time with my kid, I gradually started reading books. Recently, I reread Yu Hua’s “To Live”. People live for the sake of living, not for anything outside of life,” living itself is the meaning. We should cherish life, cherish the present, cherish everything in front of us.


CEO Newsletter ISSUE38–PC








Dear AXA Tianping colleagues:

On August 11-12, our 2023 Mid-year Work Conference was held in Zhuhai. Management, department heads, and executives jointly reviewed the company’s performance in the first half of the year, and discussed and agreed on plans for the second half of the year.

In the first half of the year, the company carried out several drastic reforms. Despite a challenging environment and limited resources, with the concerted efforts of all colleagues, the company successfully achieved all indicators for the first half of the year – premium income increased 14% year-on-year, not only the highest growth rate in the past three years, but also the first time in many years that it has exceeded the industry growth rate. Comprehensive IP+OP products continue to lead the mid-end medical insurance market, Huiminbao, travel insurance business, and local commercial insurance business have also achieved rapid growth. The new energy auto insurance business has achieved rapid development, accounting for about 10% of overall auto insurance premiums, almost that of the annual target.

The company expects to achieve the overall premium target for the whole year, which is similar to the industry growth rate. However, in terms of the macroeconomic environment, slowing growth and structural optimization have become the norm. Therefore, we still face huge challenges in terms of operating profit in the second half of the year, and the development concept of “cost reduction, efficiency increase, and profit priority” will not change. In order to achieve high-quality growth, while strictly adhering to compliance measures and consumer protection, the company will continue to promote operational efficiency, optimize profits, strengthen data management, and pursue accurate accounting.

During the meeting, the 2022 Elite Club Annual Summit was held. 31 sales elites and 10 outstanding organizations were recognized and commended as upstanding role models.

On August 14, AXA Tianping Shanghai Reinsurance Center successfully obtained approval from the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration, and became the first batch of pioneer insurance companies to enter the Lin Gang New Area Reinsurance International Trading Center. In the future, AXA Tianping will use the Shanghai Reinsurance Center as a platform to give full play to the advantages of centralized resources, improve operational efficiency, optimize operating models, and promote the high level of risk management, underwriting capabilities, and service levels in China’s insurance and reinsurance industries. AXA will continue to carry out quality development, and contribute to the prosperity and stability of society.

安盛天平首席执行官 左伟豪

CEO of AXA Tianping Kevin Chor


CEO Newsletter ISSUE38–Moblie








Dear AXA Tianping colleagues:

On August 11-12, our 2023 Mid-year Work Conference was held in Zhuhai. Management, department heads, and executives jointly reviewed the company’s performance in the first half of the year, and discussed and agreed on plans for the second half of the year.

In the first half of the year, the company carried out several drastic reforms. Despite a challenging environment and limited resources, with the concerted efforts of all colleagues, the company successfully achieved all indicators for the first half of the year – premium income increased 14% year-on-year, not only the highest growth rate in the past three years, but also the first time in many years that it has exceeded the industry growth rate. Comprehensive IP+OP products continue to lead the mid-end medical insurance market, Huiminbao, travel insurance business, and local commercial insurance business have also achieved rapid growth. The new energy auto insurance business has achieved rapid development, accounting for about 10% of overall auto insurance premiums, almost that of the annual target.

The company expects to achieve the overall premium target for the whole year, which is similar to the industry growth rate. However, in terms of the macroeconomic environment, slowing growth and structural optimization have become the norm. Therefore, we still face huge challenges in terms of operating profit in the second half of the year, and the development concept of “cost reduction, efficiency increase, and profit priority” will not change. In order to achieve high-quality growth, while strictly adhering to compliance measures and consumer protection, the company will continue to promote operational efficiency, optimize profits, strengthen data management, and pursue accurate accounting.

During the meeting, the 2022 Elite Club Annual Summit was held. 31 sales elites and 10 outstanding organizations were recognized and commended as upstanding role models.

On August 14, AXA Tianping Shanghai Reinsurance Center successfully obtained approval from the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration, and became the first batch of pioneer insurance companies to enter the Lin Gang New Area Reinsurance International Trading Center. In the future, AXA Tianping will use the Shanghai Reinsurance Center as a platform to give full play to the advantages of centralized resources, improve operational efficiency, optimize operating models, and promote the high level of risk management, underwriting capabilities, and service levels in China’s insurance and reinsurance industries. AXA will continue to carry out quality development, and contribute to the prosperity and stability of society.

安盛天平首席执行官 左伟豪

CEO of AXA Tianping Kevin Chor


首席执行官左伟豪拜访人保总裁于泽 AXA Tianping CEO Kevin CHOR visits PICC President Yu ZE


AXA Tianping CEO Kevin CHOR visits PICC President Yu ZE


首先,左总介绍了安盛集团以及安盛天平财险公司当前业务主要发展情况。作为全球500强,安盛(AXA)品牌价值居全球第43位,规模仅次于美国州立(State Farm)农业保险公司,财务实力雄厚,分支机构遍布全球。除传统保险外,旗下产业还覆盖了艺术品保险、酒庄及足球俱乐部的投资合作等。2014年,安盛与天平汽车保险有限公司合并,2019年安盛天平成为国内唯一外资全资财险公司,目前主营业务包括车险、健康险、商业企业险、旅行意外险等,其中与人保主要合作集中在能源险、意健险、车险GAP、农险天气指数等领域。左总表达了巩固友好合作的意愿,并提出愿意分享全球化的网络布局资源与技术服务,希望双方加强在车险、中高端医疗健康险、国际旅行意外险、农业巨灾保险以及中资海外利益业务的出单平台合作。



On the afternoon of August 17, Kevin CHOR, CEO of AXA Tianping, CEO of AXA Tianping, together with Zeng XIANG, Chief Commercial Insurance Officer, Zhaonan YIN, Chief Actuary and Chief Pricing Officer, and Kan DING, Managing Director of AXA Global Healthcare China visited Ze YU, President of PICC Property & Casualty and the heads of the relevant departments, and both parties had in-depth exchanges focusing on the topics of promoting business cooperation and strengthening the support of product innovation and services.

First of all, Mr. Chor introduced AXA Group and AXA Tianping P&C’s current business development. As one of the top 500 companies in the world, AXA ranks 43rd in terms of brand value, second only to US State Farm Insurance in terms of scale, with strong financial strength and branches all over the world. In addition to traditional insurance services, it also covers art insurance, wineries and soccer clubs investment cooperation. In 2014, AXA merged with Tianping Automobile Insurance Company Limited, and in 2019, AXA Tianping became the only wholly foreign-owned property insurance company in China, and its main business now includes auto insurance, health insurance, commercial enterprise insurance, travel accident insurance, of which the main cooperation with PICC is focused on energy insurance, Personal Accident & Health insurance, auto insurance GAP, agricultural weather index insurance and other fields. Mr. Chor expressed his willingness to further cooperate and offered to share the global network layout resources and technical services, hoping that both sides would strengthen the cooperation in the issuance platforms of auto insurance, medium and high-end medical and health insurance, international travel insurance, agricultural insurance, and the business of Chinese overseas interests.

Next, Mr. Ze YU, President of PICC P&C Insurance, introduced the customer-centric organizational restructuring of PICC P&C Insurance’s head office and branch, as well as the company’s business development and operation situation in the first half of 2023, highlighting PICC P&C Insurance’s various risk management initiatives in the field of commercial non-automobile insurance after the reform of the business division. Through vertical claims management, effective improvement in claims costs has been achieved, and through mandatory risk surveys, the underwriting quality of the business has been effectively enhanced. In terms of overall cooperation philosophy, President Ze YU proposed that PICC P&C is always committed to a cooperative relationship based on mutual benefit, mutual trust, and win-win outcomes. In terms of traditional underwriting capacity deployment and innovative business reinsurance cooperation support, a reasonable and effective balance is sought to achieve complementary advantages between the two parties. Through this meeting, both parties deepened their understanding, which was detailed and significant, laying a solid foundation for further cooperation in the future.


安盛之星之故事:肖舒婷、余红燕 AXA Stars: Shuting Xiao & Hongyan Yu


AXA Stars: Shuting Xiao & Hongyan Yu



In the AXA Star contest , altogether 22 AXA colleagues from headquarters and branches are entitled to awards of AXA Stars in Transformation , Customer First , Integrity , Courage , and One AXA . This special column was set up for them so we can all know their stories in living the AXA values and making their contribution to the company’s growth.

This month we will introduce stories of our Transformation Star – Shuting Xiao, Product Manager in Channel and Health Insurance Center; and Courage Star Hongyan Yu, Electric Service Center Team Leader.









Transformation Star – Shuting Xiao’s story:

Xiao Shuting joined AXA Tianping in August 2017 and currently serves as the Product Manager for the Health Insurance Business Division in the Distribution, Personal Accident & Health Insurance Center. In 2022, a year where the diversified development of health insurance was at its peak, she streamlined workflow for the Employee Benefits (EB) Group Insurance business. She analyzed the market situation and formulated relevant strategies. Through the establishment of internal communication methods such as bi-weekly meetings and close cooperation with AXA Hong Kong, she efficiently prepared for the launch of EB, facilitating the expansion of AXA Tianping’s health insurance business from individual insurance to group insurance. Additionally, she formulated a 5-year sustainable development plan to further support the organization’s transformation.

Q: How do you feel about receiving the AXA Star award?

I was very proud to win the AXA Star reward, and am truly grateful for my team leader in being my role model and supporting me always. Of course, kudos to my colleagues who voted for me as well. This award meant a lot to me, as it is a sign of recognition since I transferred from the back office to the front, and it motivates me to maintain my passion in the days ahead. This honour is not mine alone, but rather, a product of the team’s overall support and efforts. I hope the torch of the AXA Star Award could be passed on to other who excelled as well.

Q: What helps you stay confident, healthy, and happy?

I enjoy going for a walk of hike, and the fresh air, greenery and water from mother nature calms me down.

Q: Any books or TV series you would like to share?

Recently, I’ve been reading Professor Lan Xiaohuan’s “Immersed in the Affairs” (《置身事内》). This book uses accessible language to explain China’s political and economic system. It delves into topics such as how local governments make decisions, including land financing and investments, and the resulting consequences. These decisions have a direct impact on our lives. Reading this book allows us to “immerse ourselves in the affairs” and helps us understand the world we live in better.








最近在看余华先生的《活着》。书中说:“世界上没有比活着更美好的事情,也没有比活着更艰难的事情”。每次重温这本书,都能感受到生命赋予主人公福贵活着的意义,虽然苦楚,但也不缺温暖。这本书带给了我深沉的思考和对生命的重要认知,激励我在面对生活的困难和逆境时,能感受到生命赋予我的责任,忍耐现实给予我的幸福和苦涩、无聊和平庸, 在任何时候都能勇敢坦然地面对生命赋予我的一切。永远相信:“生活是属于每个人自己的感受,不属于任何人的看法”。认真做自己,做一个勇敢无畏、心中有光、认真生活的人。

Courage Star – Hongyan Yu’s story

Yan Hongyan joined AXA Tianping in March 2011 and currently serves as the Team Leader of Zone 1, Group 3 in the Customer Service Center. She has a passion for her work and is willing to take on responsibilities. During the special circumstances of 2022, she made the resolute decision to stay on duty at the company. Despite facing challenges such as unstable network systems and frequent severe weather conditions, she led her colleagues in carrying out various tasks, including online performance monitoring, shift coordination, and handling emergency inquiries in an organized manner.

After the 6.8-magnitude earthquake in Luding, she promptly inspected the workplace for damage and ensured the safety of her colleagues. She also took on the responsibility of providing logistical support in the workplace, preparing meals for everyone, organizing recreational activities, and maintaining workplace hygiene. Her bravery and dedication laid a solid foundation for the smooth operation of the center and the subsequent orderly resumption of work. She brought a sense of warmth and home to her colleagues who worked together with her.

Q: How do you feel about receiving the AXA Star award?

Both surprised and grateful. It is a pleasant surprise to be a representative of our fellow brave AXA colleagues, and I feel grateful for having a sense of belonging and the opportunity to embody AXA’s values.

Q: What helps you stay confident, healthy, and happy?

Aside from work, I enjoy reading, gardening and exercising, activities which maintains my love for life.

Q: Any books or TV series you would like to share?

I have been reading Mr. Yu Hua’s “To Live” recently. A quote from the book says “There is nothing better than being alive, yet there is nothing more difficult than being alive.” Each time I revisit this book, I can feel the significance of life from the protagonist, Fugui’s perspective. When things look black, there is always a silver lining. This book has given me a deep reflection and an important understanding of life. It inspires me to recognize the responsibility that life has bestowed upon me when facing challenges and adversity. It teaches me to endure the happiness and bitterness, the monotony and mediocrity that reality offers, and to bravely and calmly face everything that life has given me.

I will always believe that “life belongs to the individual’s own perception, not to anyone else’s judgment.” I will earnestly be myself, a person who is fearless, has a bright heart, and lives with dedication.


安盛天平八月荣获三项奖项,见证安盛数字化和信息化高质量发展 AXA Tianping awarded three prizes in August, demonstrating high quality development in digitalization and informatization


AXA Tianping awarded three prizes in August, demonstrating high quality development in digitalization and informatization





第二,8月17日,2023FDS数创时代金融领袖峰会在上海举办,安盛天平荣获“金融数字化创新领袖奖”。本次峰会来自金融科技先行者和行业专家在如何吸引客户、开放生态系统和提高运营效率方面展开对话。 圆桌讨论环节,公司大数据应用部姚锦玲女士参与讨论分享了新一波人工智能大潮对保险业未来的影响,从对客户的外部视角和内部业财的视角进行了深入讨论。






AXA Tianping was awarded three prizes in August, demonstrating high quality development in digitalization and informatization.

On July 27, 2023, the 7th China Financial CIO Summit took place in Shenzhen. AXA Tianping won the “Jinqi Cup” award for Best Digital Marketing Service Provider and Outstanding Information Technology Team for its digital innovation and transformation practices, such as the one-stop digital platform of Emma by AXA. At the summit, Mr. Philip YU, Chief Operating Officer of AXA Tianping, delivered a keynote speech titled “Digitalization and Improving Customer Experience and Operation Efficiency”, in which he shared with industry colleagues AXA Tianping’s initiatives on scientific and technological innovations and digital capacity building, gaining widespread praise from the guests for his insights on digital transformation frameworks and digitalization of operation management.

The theme of the summit was “Insights • Intelligent Finance”. Over 350 executives in information technology, information security and risk management from financial institutions such as insurance, banks, securities, funds and asset management joined the event. They held in-depth discussions on topics such as financial technology innovation, intelligent financial service ecosystem, AI + Intelligent Finance and digital supply chain financial services, etc. In presenting and analyzing information technology infrastructure in various institutions, multi-dimensional reform and transformation of the industry, the summit stimulated the vitality of the financial industry’s digital innovation and pushed the financial industry to realize high-quality development.

Secondly, on August 17, 2023FDS Digital Innovation Financial Leadership Summit took place in Shanghai. AXA Tianping was awarded the “Financial Digital Innovation Leadership Award”. The summit featured conversations between fintech pioneers and industry experts on how to attract customers, open up the ecosystem and improve operational efficiency. During the roundtable discussion, Ms. Jinling YAO from the Big Data Application Department shared ideas about the impact of the new wave of artificial intelligence on the future of the insurance industry, from the external perspective of customers and the internal perspective of the industry.

Thirdly, on August 24, 2023, the 4th Financial Services Innovation and Customer Experience Summit took place in Shanghai. AXA Tianping was awarded the Golden Tripod Award – “Emma by AXA Best Service Digital Platform Innovation Award”. The summit was supported by industry entities like Shanghai Pudong International Finance Institute and Shanghai Big Data Alliance. Leaders from the financial and insurance industries exchanged views on “Digital Intelligence Insight Experience, Technology-Enabled Growth”. Mr. Philip YU, Chief Operating Officer of AXA Tianping, delivered a speech, sharing the basic framework of the Company’s digital transformation, digitization of business operation and management, and the construction of technology and digital capacity, which was applauded by the guests at the event.


安盛天平再保险运营中心落户临港 AXA Tianping Reinsurance Established Successfully in Lin Gang


AXA Tianping Reinsurance Established Successfully in Lin Gang






On August 20,  the Shanghai Reinsurance Center of AXA Tianping Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd.  opened under the support of the Shanghai Office of China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) and the Shanghai Insurance Exchange (SIX). Previously, AXA Tianping was successfully approved by the CBIRC to become one of the first insurers to move into the Shanghai Reinsurance International Trading Center in Lin Gang Special Area.

This move resonates with the government’s “Implementation Rules on Accelerating the Construction of Shanghai International Reinsurance Center” and is an important initiative to participate in the construction of the “Reinsurance International Board” in the Lin Gang Special Area in Shanghai. The Lin Gang Reinsurance Operation Center is a critical step in the development of the Group’s business in Shanghai and China, promoting Shanghai as an international market with risk diversification, high transparency and diverse innovations.

Kevin CHOR, CEO of AXA Tianping, said: “It is a great honor for AXA Tianping to be one of the first companies in Lin Gang Special Area, which represents the highest level of openness of the country, and to participate in the process of the construction of the Shanghai International Reinsurance Center. By uniting the reinsurance companies and reinsurance professionals, the Shanghai International Reinsurance Center is expected to guide the gathering of national reinsurance resources and improve the infrastructure and institutional system of the reinsurance market. This will not only effectively undertake international reinsurance ceded business, provide an alternative for global risk diversification and enhance the anti-risk resilience of the insurance industry as well as the macro-economy, but will also strengthen the risk resilience of the insurance industry and the macroeconomy. Insurance organizations like AXA will benefit from the comprehensive resources and underwriting capacity.”

AXA Tianping Reinsurance Center is located on the second floor of Lingang Shanghai International Reinsurance Trading Center. Looking out from the office window, one can see the flourishing vitality of Lingang New Area. The office has a minimalist design, complete with the necessary software and hardware to satisfy daily work needs and regional telecommunications. Inside hangs a poster commemorating AXA’s origins as a “Mutual Fire Insurance Company in the French city of Rowan, our first business license granted by King Louis XVIII of France, and a military service compensation policy in 1827, showing visitors AXA’s rich history spanning more than two hundred years.

AXA will use the Shanghai Reinsurance Center as a platform to integrate the functions of the Reinsurance Department with other reinsurance-related lines, including the Finance Department and Business Department. By leveraging centralized resources, AXA aims to enhance operational efficiency, optimize the operation mode, and promote the risk management, underwriting capacity, and service of China’s insurance and reinsurance industry, which will contribute to the prosperity and stability of the general society.


安盛天平2022年度菁才俱乐部高峰会颁奖典礼暨荣誉晚宴隆重召开 AXA Tianping 2022 Annual Elite Club Summit Awards Ceremony and Honorary Dinner


AXA Tianping 2022 Annual Elite Club Summit Awards Ceremony and Honorary Dinner

2023年8月12日, “安盛天平2022年度菁才俱乐部高峰会颁奖典礼暨荣誉晚宴”在珠海隆重召开。









On August 12, 2023, the “AXA Tianping 2022 Annual Elite Club Summit Awards Ceremony and Honorary Dinner” was held in Zhuhai.

Kevin CHOR, CEO of AXA Tianping, along with executives from the headquarters, regional offices, and secondary institutions, attended the ceremony. In his opening remarks, Mr. Chor praised the achievements of the 31 sales elites who received the “2022 Elite Club Annual Awards” and commended the 10 institutions that demonstrated exceptional performance in the “2022 Secondary Institution Classification Management.” With the goal of achieving greater success, Mr. Chor encouraged the team to persevere, seize opportunities, and continue striving for the company’s high-quality development and business improvement.

Following Mr. Chor’s remarks, he presented the awards to the honored sales members and the institutions with the headquarters executives, including Liancheng ZHOU, Executive Vice President and Chief Channel Management and Sales Officer, Xiang ZENG, Chief Commercial P&C Business Officer, Junhao LI, Chief Distribution Business Director of AXA Hong Kong and Macau, Zhaonan YIN, Chief Actuary and Chief Pricing Officer, and three regional managers, Hui WANG, Xiaoyu ZHANG, and Yuquan BI.

Representatives of the Elite Club Summit members delivered their acceptance speeches during the award ceremony. As the frontline of the company’s business development, the sales elites not only contribute to the growth of AXA Tianping but also help defend company values, continuously breaking through and sharing their knowledge with new talents.

AXA Tianping’s Shandong branch was recognized for its remarkable performance in 2022 with the “AXA Vanguard” institutional award. Yuquan BI, General Manager of the branch, shared optimism about the positive outlook of the branch, saying that “we hope everyone will live up the expectations and keep up the good work.”

In the following honorary dinner, besides a spectacular lion dance performance, there was also a talent show by the members of the Elite Club Summit and a prize draw segment. Xiang ZENG presented awards to the winners of the “Popularity Stars.” Kevin CHOR, Liancheng ZHOU, and Zhaonan YIN drew the first, second, and third prizes respectively, and presented them to the lucky participants.

At the end of the honorary dinner, Mr. Chor sang alongside with senior executives “A Better Tomorrow” as a tribute to their sincere blessings. He and Junhao LI also performed a classic Cantonese song, “Glorious Days,” making the night even more memorable.

The AXA Tianping 2022 Elite Club Summit Awards Ceremony and Honor Dinner came to a successful conclusion amidst the melodies, laughter, and well-wishes. Yesterday’s achievements are in the past, and we will continue to strive for excellence in the future with fresh determination.


安盛天平2023年机构年中工作会议圆满召开 AXA Tianping Mid-Year Work Conference


AXA Tianping Mid-Year Work Conference




通过机构和渠道端系统分析,我们不但了解到上半年业绩指标达成情况,同时对下半年业绩发展、成本优化给出明确目标要求,并对多个关键领域的工作开展做出具体要求,为机构稳健运营、良性发展明确了目标与方向。财务方面,正如首席财务官Pierre LAUR提到,目前成本优化、提质增效工作为事关重要,之所以产品部门和中后台职能部门下半年需进行成本优化的举措。





On August 11-12, AXA Tianping’s 2023 Mid-Year Work Conference, organized by the Business Centre of Personal Accident & Health Insurance, was held in Zhuhai. Together with the management team, regional general managers and the headquarters’ key department leaders, we looked back on what we’ve achieved in the first half of the year and our plan for the rest of the year.

Firstly, we have successfully accomplished the targets for the first half of the year. Despite facing pressure of comprehensive reforms after the pandemic and the market deterioration as well as other factors, AXA Tianping still maintained high-quality growth. At the same time, financial pressure from operating costs remains, and we will continue to prioritize profit, reducing costs and increasing efficiency. Both the headquarters and other branches will have to work towards this goal so as to reach our year-long targets.

Through a systematic review of our performance indicators for the first half of the year from the institutional and distribution ends, we got a clear understanding of the target requirements for the remainder of the year in terms of performance development and cost optimization, as well as specific requirements for the development of work in a number of key areas, which clarified the objectives and direction for the sound operation and benign development of the institution.

Just as our CFO Pierre said, cost optimization, quality and efficiency enhancement are more necessary than ever. This is why each product department, middle and back-office functions have put forward cost optimization initiatives.

“Cutting costs and enhancing efficiency, and focusing on profits” is the core idea of this meeting. In order to analyze the current situation and determine the direction of improvement, the second half of the meeting had NC (Non-Charge) expenses as the main topic, and the current cost situation was dissected and analyzed by the Strategic Performance Management Department, Human Resources Department, Claims and Customer Service Department, and Sales and Management Department. Specific requirements and ideas for cost reduction and efficiency improvement were put forward for each segment.

Lastly, through the mode of “looking at the status quo – pointing out the problems – pointing out the direction – giving the solutions”, we provided guidance to 3 regions and 26 organizations. It is hoped that all regions and organizations would live up to their expectations and fulfil their obligations with action while demonstrating their value with results.

Through this semi-annual work conference, the operating rationale was assured while further clarifying the profit-oriented business development model and enhancing overall confidence. It is believed that under the guidance of the spirit of this meeting, and with the synergy between the headquarters and branches, AXA Tianping will surely be able to realize sustainable operations with cost prioritization , continuous innovation and compliance. For the second half of 2023, let us keep working together, unite as one, and achieve our mission!