
【守护+码 幸福家倍】 安盛家庭守护星比拼赢好礼活动 AXA Family Guardian Star Competition Abundant with Awards

【守护+码 幸福家倍】 安盛家庭守护星比拼赢好礼活动  

AXA Family Guardian Star Competition Abundant with Awards


这个夏天,安盛天平发起了以【守护加码 幸福家倍】为主题的家庭守护星故事征集活动。我们收到了来自十几个城市的踊跃投稿,并从中精选出12个动人故事,拍摄成12支【安盛家庭守护星】视频。故事的主人公或是家庭的守护人(渠道代理人),或是抵御健康风险的亲历者(安盛客户),他们用亲身经历告诉我们如何为每个幸福家庭保驾护航。




在两个多月的安盛家庭守护星活动期间,我们陆续发布的守护星视频收获了大家的认可和点赞。这次活动有三个奖项:人气守护星,最佳推广奖和卓越团队奖,奖品分别能获得迪士尼家庭票,家庭照片打印机,海马体全家福总换券,家庭露营户外天幕,利物浦家庭球票+LFC 签名球还有LFC充电宝。


Health is the foundation of happiness for families, and protecting family health is highly consistent with the humanistic philosophy advocated by AXA.

This summer, AXA Tianping launched a family guardian star activity with the theme of ” By increasing protection, you increase family happiness”. We received enthusiastic submissions across more than a dozen cities, and selected 12 touching stories, which were filmed into 12 “AXA Family Guardian Stars” videos. The protagonists of the story were either the guardians of families (channel agents) or those who have experienced health risks (AXA customers). They use their personal experiences to tell us how to protect every happy family.

During the more than two months of the AXA Family Guardian Star activity, the guardian star videos we released one after another, and received widespread recognition and likes. There are three awards for this event: Popularity Guardian Star, Best Promoter and Excellent Team Award. The prizes include family tickets to Disneyland, family photo printers, Haima family photo exchange coupons, family camping outdoor canopy, Liverpool family football tickets + LFC signed balls, and an LFC power bank.

Wonderful gifts await you!


安盛之星 AXA Stars


AXA Stars



In the AXA Star contest , altogether 22 AXA colleagues from headquarters and branches are entitled to awards of AXA Stars in Transformation , Customer First , Integrity , Courage , and One AXA . This special column was set up for them so we can all know their stories in living the AXA values and making their contribution to the company’s growth.

This month we will introduce stories of our One AXA Star – Wang Xin, Deputy Manager of the Business Management Department; and Customer First Star Yang Xueli, Sales Agent at the Online Direct Sales Center.














One AXA Star——Wang Xin’s Story

Wang Xin joined AXA Tianping in October 2011 and currently serves as deputy manager of the business management department. “Every day makes a difference, with no contribution wasted” is how she sums up her work of the past 11 years. Wang Xin has always been willing to patiently share and cooperate at work, and has established a deep relationship with the company and colleagues. She has conducted more than 60 “EXCLE mini-classes” using email, WeChat, etc. to help colleagues improve office efficiency. She also used her lunch break and other fragmented time to conduct “car model knowledge mini-classes” to inject industry knowledge into everyone.

Through her and her colleagues’ efforts, Dezhou Zhongzhi’s auto insurance cost has been significantly optimized. In 2022, her auto insurance policy cost was 96%, 6% better than the assessment value. After the “two documents” were issued by the regulatory authorities, Dezhou Zhongzhi Branch strengthened the management of various thresholds and independent coefficients, helping the company establish a good image of compliance development.

Q: How do you feel about receiving the AXA Star award?

I feel delighted and grateful!

Thank you to the head office for providing this platform, and thanks to the leaders for their affirmation and colleagues for their support. Receiving the AXA Star is of great significance to me. It is encouragement and guidance.

Although the road is long, we must reach our destination. Each of us working in seemingly ordinary positions are shining brightly. I hope that the flame of the AXA Stars will continue to burn brightly!

Q: What helps you stay confident, healthy, and happy?

Usually, as long as the weather is not bad, I will choose to go to work by bike. Breathing in the fresh morning air is the best way to start an energetic day with five kilometers of aerobic exercise. After a day’s work, riding the bicycle home amid the smell of fireworks feels particularly relaxing both physically and mentally.

Commuting by bicycle has many benefits. It not only avoids the annoyance and helplessness of traffic jams during peak hours, but also makes up for the regret of being unable to achieve “gym freedom” due to busy work. It is also environmentally friendly. The golden autumn season is very suitable for cycling, and I recommend everyone to try it.

Q: Any books or TV series you would like to share?

Recently I’ve been reading “Xue Zhaofeng’s Lectures on Economics”, in which Professor Xue provides unique insights and suggestions on young people’s workplace, marriage, personal development and the securities market. This book is very easy to read. It uses a large number of simple, real, and interesting Chinese cases to explain, confirm, and deduce economic principles, helping readers understand the economic logic behind the phenomenon and use economic thinking to become an understanding person in a complex world.











Customer First Star——Yang Xueli’s Story

Yang Xueli joined AXA Tianping in November 2015 and currently serves as a sales agent in the online direct sales  online center. She has always adhered to the original intention of “providing customers with the most comprehensive protection” to serve every customer. In the early days of joining AXA, industry overlay was still in its infancy, customers were not willing to accept it, and many people were unwilling to participate in insurance. Yang Xueli discovered that in fact, customers weren’t not in need of these products, but only did not understand them, which caused a small dilemma in the initial stage. So, she began to patiently introduce the content and protection of each insurance type to each customer, summarized and promoted her experience, and shared it with her team partners so that everyone could make progress together.

With the upgrade of the company’s products and the improvement of personal strength, Yang Xueli’s personal premium conversion rate has gradually increased from 6.67% to 10%, and her auto insurance performance has also been at the top for a long time. From January 2022 to October 2022, her personal auto insurance contribution reached 740 thousand, and the superimposed premium reached 70 thousand. Yang Xueli always believes that as long as she follows the company’s development pace and continues to learn, improve and make progress in her future work, she will be able to ride the wind and waves and overcome all difficulties.

Q: How do you feel about receiving the AXA Star award?

It is really an honor to receive the AXA Star. I am also very grateful to my team leader for his support, my leaders for their recognition, and my colleagues who voted for me despite their busy schedules! This honor is really a great encouragement to me, and it has planted another seed in my daily work: it makes me more aware of the significance of my job, and makes me unswervingly bring more value to my customers. I hope that I can continue to contribute more to the team and the big AXA family with this honor!

Q: What helps you stay confident, healthy, and happy?

I am a lively and cheerful person, and I am usually the most conspicuous member of the team. I have always believed that a positive and optimistic attitude will not only make me happy, but will also infect the people around me. I also like to take pictures and record the people and things around me at any time. People’s memories are fallible, so I like to record them.

Q: Any books or TV series you would like to share?

The movie “Erin Brockovich” tells the inspirational story of a woman who strives for self-improvement. A single mother who was helpless wins respect and career success through her own efforts. When the going gets tough, that’s when you can truly see a person’s strength.


CEO Newsletter ISSUE39–Moblie


金秋九月,丹桂飘香,AXA安盛大中华区首届高峰会呼之欲出,这将是安盛大中华区4家兄弟公司——安盛香港、安盛澳门、安盛天平和工银安盛的首次相聚。出类拔萃的管理菁英和销售翘楚将汇聚一堂,开启一场跨越港深的梦想之旅,迎来一次经验分享、智慧激荡的巅峰盛宴,见证ONE AXA文化在大中华区的交流融合、发扬光大。盛典的荣光属于脚踏实地的奋斗者,峰会的入场券只为最优秀的团队准备,期待安盛天平同仁力争上游,期待为你们的优异表现喝彩。




Dear AXA colleagues,

In the golden autumn of September, the first AXA Greater China Prime is about to take place. This will be the first time the four sister companies of AXA China – AXA Hong Kong, AXA Macau, AXA Tianping and ICBC AXA will get together. Outstanding management and sales leaders will gather together to travel across Hong Kong and Shenzhen, share experiences and wisdom, and witness the exchange, integration and promotion of the ONE AXA culture in Greater China. Tickets for the summit are only reserved for the best teams. All colleagues at AXA Tianping are encouraged to show their fighting spirit to strive for the top!

On September 16, the second batch of AXA employee volunteers once again came to the Aiyou Children’s Home in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. They continue the tradition of visiting, following up and paying attention to the current situation of children in trouble, sharing love through interactive games. “AXA Hearts in Action” is our long-term charity journey that brings together love from all walks of life and delivers warmth. In the just-concluded “One Policy, One Love” charity event, the AXA global health insurance team joined hands with channel partners and customers. In just two months from July to August, 974 pieces of charity materials were donated, with a total donation value of RMB 175,320. We jointly practiced love and responsibility, bridged the imbalance of development with practical actions, and brought confidence and hope to the future of many!

On September 21, the company’s customer service department organized a company-wide consumer protection specialist training meeting with the theme of “fulfilling AXA’s customer commitments and building a professional consumer protection team.” The protection of consumer rights is a top priority for AXA that requires high attention and attention from all employees. The consumer protection specialists from all departments and agencies of the company jointly reviewed the overall situation of the company-wide consumer protection self-assessment in 2022, summarized the current implementation and deficiencies of the company-wide consumer protection work, and deployed and arranged the next phase of consumer protection based on the current situation. The meeting focused on key tasks to ensure the effective implementation of our commitment to customers, solve the pain points of supervision of consumer protection evaluation, and comply with the group’s latest standards and requirements, further clarifying the direction of future consumer protection work.

The third quarter is already coming to an end. Please continue to show your fighting spirit and sprint towards the full-year performance target and strive to reach the top, so that we will achieve our mission!

安盛天平首席执行官 左伟豪

CEO of AXA Tianping Kevin Chor


CEO Newsletter ISSUE39–PC


金秋九月,丹桂飘香,AXA安盛大中华区首届高峰会呼之欲出,这将是安盛大中华区4家兄弟公司——安盛香港、安盛澳门、安盛天平和工银安盛的首次相聚。出类拔萃的管理菁英和销售翘楚将汇聚一堂,开启一场跨越港深的梦想之旅,迎来一次经验分享、智慧激荡的巅峰盛宴,见证ONE AXA文化在大中华区的交流融合、发扬光大。盛典的荣光属于脚踏实地的奋斗者,峰会的入场券只为最优秀的团队准备,期待安盛天平同仁力争上游,期待为你们的优异表现喝彩。




Dear AXA colleagues,

In the golden autumn of September, the first AXA Greater China Prime is about to take place. This will be the first time the four sister companies of AXA China – AXA Hong Kong, AXA Macau, AXA Tianping and ICBC AXA will get together. Outstanding management and sales leaders will gather together to travel across Hong Kong and Shenzhen, share experiences and wisdom, and witness the exchange, integration and promotion of the ONE AXA culture in Greater China. Tickets for the summit are only reserved for the best teams. All colleagues at AXA Tianping are encouraged to show their fighting spirit to strive for the top!

On September 16, the second batch of AXA employee volunteers once again came to the Aiyou Children’s Home in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. They continue the tradition of visiting, following up and paying attention to the current situation of children in trouble, sharing love through interactive games. “AXA Hearts in Action” is our long-term charity journey that brings together love from all walks of life and delivers warmth. In the just-concluded “One Policy, One Love” charity event, the AXA global health insurance team joined hands with channel partners and customers. In just two months from July to August, 974 pieces of charity materials were donated, with a total donation value of RMB 175,320. We jointly practiced love and responsibility, bridged the imbalance of development with practical actions, and brought confidence and hope to the future of many!

On September 21, the company’s customer service department organized a company-wide consumer protection specialist training meeting with the theme of “fulfilling AXA’s customer commitments and building a professional consumer protection team.” The protection of consumer rights is a top priority for AXA that requires high attention and attention from all employees. The consumer protection specialists from all departments and agencies of the company jointly reviewed the overall situation of the company-wide consumer protection self-assessment in 2022, summarized the current implementation and deficiencies of the company-wide consumer protection work, and deployed and arranged the next phase of consumer protection based on the current situation. The meeting focused on key tasks to ensure the effective implementation of our commitment to customers, solve the pain points of supervision of consumer protection evaluation, and comply with the group’s latest standards and requirements, further clarifying the direction of future consumer protection work.

The third quarter is already coming to an end. Please continue to show your fighting spirit and sprint towards the full-year performance target and strive to reach the top, so that we will achieve our mission!

安盛天平首席执行官 左伟豪

CEO of AXA Tianping Kevin Chor


AXA大中华区高峰会精彩预告 AXA Greater China Prime


AXA Greater China Prime


AXA安盛大中华区高峰会在紧锣密鼓地筹备当中,这将是AXA安盛大中华区4家兄弟公司——安盛香港、安盛澳门、安盛天平和工银安盛的首次相聚。出类拔萃的管理菁英和销售翘楚将汇聚一堂,展开一场经验互通、智慧交融的巅峰盛宴。在深圳,我们将迎来AXA安盛大中华区高峰会荣誉晚宴的盛大启幕;在香港AXA安盛竹翠公园——这一时下炙手可热的网红地标,安盛菁英将在声光电的奇妙旅程中燃烧激情、点燃梦想。届时安盛集团全球执行副总裁George Stansfield先生和安盛大中华区CEO尹玄慧女士将亲临现场,与大家共襄盛举,见证ONE AXA文化在大中华区交流融合、发扬光大,并为优秀个人和团队颁奖,为卓越加冕。

盛典的荣光属于脚踏实地的奋斗者,峰会的入场券只为最优秀的团队保留。为了激励大家,安盛大中华区CEO尹玄慧女士特录制视频为大家打call! 请安盛天平的各位同仁发挥“勇于奋斗、敢于拼搏“的精神,力争上游,为荣誉而战!


Autumn paints September in gold and perfumes it with the sweet smell of osmanthus. This is the season to reap what we’ve sown!

Preparations for the AXA Greater China Region Summit are underway. This will be the first gathering of the four sister companies of AXA Greater China – AXA Hong Kong, AXA Macau, AXA Tianping and ICBC AXA. Outstanding management and sales leaders will gather together for a lovely feast and engaging exchange. We will usher in the grand opening of the AXA Greater China Region Summit Banquet in Shenzhen, while in Hong Kong AXA x Wonderland (a popular photo destination), AXA elites will ignite passions and dreams in a spectacular experience of sound and light. George STANSFIELD, Global Executive Vice President of AXA Group, and Sally WAN, CEO of AXA Greater China, will be present to participate in the grand event with everyone, to participate in the exchange and promote the ONE AXA culture, and awarding outstanding individuals and teams for their excellence.

The heart of the ceremony lies in those who strive for the best, and tickets to the summit are reserved only for exceptional teams. In order to encourage everyone, Sally WAN, CEO of AXA Greater China, has specially recorded a motivational video for everyone! All colleagues at AXA Tianping are encouraged to show their fighting spirit to strive for the top!


安盛亮相中医药健康产业国际智库论坛 Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry International Think Tank Forum


Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry International Think Tank Forum

9月3日,2023年中国国际服务贸易交易会·中医药健康产业国际智库论坛在首钢园召开,本次论坛聚焦社保+商保“双保险”的中西医结合家庭保健官服务模式,共促中医药、中西医结合服务与健康保险融合发展。安盛天平执行副总裁兼首席渠道管理和销售官周连成表示,“现在公众对保险的要求不仅是赔偿,还需要有更多服务。把中医药预防、保健、治未病等服务揉进保险产品设计中,不仅能让老百姓得到实惠,让赔偿变成陪伴,更是用经济手段、用制度方式,把中医药文化瑰宝得到更好地发展和提升的新路径。 ”



On September 3, the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry International Think Tank Forum was held in Shougang Park. The forum focused on the “double insurance” model of social security + commercial insurance, which integrates traditional Chinese and Western medicine to jointly promote China’s  high-quality development of healthcare, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine services and health insurance. Liancheng ZHOU, Executive Vice President and Chief Channel Management and Sales Officer, stated, “The public’s needs for insurance are not limited to compensation, but rather cover services including traditional Chinese medicine prevention, health care, disease treatment. Such a comprehensive package not only allows for the transformation of payer to partner, but also uses economic means and institutional methods to better develop and enhance the cultural treasures of traditional Chinese medicine.”

The “dual insurance” model is a healthcare insurance model with Chinese characteristics. Xu Xiaohua, deputy dean of the School of Insurance at the Central University of Finance and Economics, said that commercial insurance can play a complementary role when the public has different personalized medical needs for traditional Chinese and Western medicine. The participation of commercial insurance can improve the level of medical security in the entire country. At the same time, commercial insurance takes the opportunity to innovate products, such as developing traditional Chinese medicine insurance products specifically for certain diseases, or composite products that combine traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. These products can provide the masses with more comprehensive protection, and can be integrated with social basic medical insurance.

“Currently, commercial medical insurance and traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine are not effectively combined. Many commercial medical insurances either do not cover traditional Chinese medicine, or they do not impose the same limits on other items (such as Western medicine examination fees and treatment fees),” said Liu Cunxin, assistant director of the marketing center of Mingya Insurance Brokers. “TCM can help commercial insurance control the loss rate and provide value-added services to customers. In the future, commercial medical insurance companies should strengthen cooperation and exchanges with TCM to eliminate prejudice.”


安盛应邀出席第八届中国-东盟保险合作与发展论坛 CFO Pierre Laur Speaks at 8th China-ASEAN Summit Forum on Insurance Cooperation and Development


CFO Pierre Laur Speaks at 8th China-ASEAN Summit Forum on Insurance Cooperation and Development


Pierre Laur致辞






The 8th China-ASEAN Summit Forum on Insurance Cooperation and Development was held in Nanning, Guangxi Province, on September 21. AXA  was invited to make a speech.

CFO Pierre LAUR touched on AXA’s business operations in the ASEAN region and China market, highlighting that the year 2022 witnessed impressive business growth in the emerging Asia market, with gross revenues above €1billion, with double-digit growth. The region, along with China, is one of the growth engines of AXA Group.

AXA’s success is due to a clear core strategy of customer protection. At the same time, localization is an important strategy for business expansion, especially when developing medical insurance and commercial insurance businesses for underserved groups and business owners. It is particularly important to adapt to local needs. Through close cooperation with local channel partners, AXA fully understands local contexts to innovate products, and cooperates with local governments to launch tailored health protection plans.

In China, AXA also cooperates with local insurance companies to carry out reinsurance business to better fulfill our commitment to customers. In addition, building on the strength of our global network, AXA leverages common frameworks and assets such as our advanced pricing tools, risk management and reinsurance capabilities, investment pools and digital investments, and leverages internal rotations, training and experience Share to develop talent in Asia and globally.

At present, with the increasing income levels and the emphasis on insurance among people in China and ASEAN, the insurance market in the region is showing vigorous vitality and development potential, which means huge market opportunities for the insurance industry including AXA. In the future, China and ASEAN will also stand at the forefront of global development and play an important role in ESG sustainable development and green insurance, becoming an important arena for finding global solutions.

The high-quality development in China and ASEAN has convinced AXA that global insurance companies will continue to play an important role in supporting these economies. AXA can use its extensive resources and experience to help narrow the insurance protection gap in these regions. In the future, AXA will continue to provide localized solutions to respond to global challenges and act for human progress to protect what matters.


2023年安盛消保专员培训工作会议圆满召开 2023 AXA Consumer Protection Specialist Training Held Successfully


2023 AXA Consumer Protection Specialist Training Held Successfully






On September 21 in Guiyang, a city with profound historical and cultural heritage, the Customer Service Department held a company-wide consumer protection specialist training meeting with the theme of “fulfilling AXA’s customer commitments and building a professional consumer protection team.”

At the beginning of the meeting, Yong YANG, Assistant General Manager and Chief Claims and Customer Service Officer, gave an opening speech for the meeting. Consumer protection is an important mechanism for the financial industry to protect financial consumers. Therefore, insurance institutions should provide fair, transparent, and responsible products and services in accordance with the law to ensure that the interests of consumers are fully protected. “Consumer protection and complaint work are the company’s top priorities, and everyone needs to pay attention and take them seriously,” emphasized Yong YANG.

Next, Customer Services General Manager Jie ZHENG presided over the main agenda of this meeting. He shared the results of AXA Tianping’s consumer protection work and the learnings for group standards with the participants. “Consumer protection is at the core of the company’s contract with its customers, and the 11 mechanisms of consumer protection are a test of the internal management of the insurance company,” Zheng Jie said. The meeting first reviewed the 2021 consumer protection evaluation results. After one year of hard work, the 2022 consumer protection evaluation has met initial expectations. 9 institutions (including the head office) have been rated Level 2 B or above, and 13 institutions have been rated Level 2 C or above.

In the afternoon, the participants were divided into six groups to discuss in-depth issues such as marketing promotion review, product and service consumer protection review, and more. During the discussion, everyone was focused and engaged, and new ideas and ideas continued to emerge, making the direction of future consumer protection work clear.

Participants said that this meeting allowed for more in-depth communication between the consumer protection specialists from the headquarters and various agencies. Everyone shared experiences, discussed ideas, and had a clearer understanding of the work requirements for marketing and communications audits and consumer service protection audits. This understanding will provide new ideas for subsequent consumer protection at the institutional level.


「安游世界 启程有礼」互动活动完美收官 Travel the World Armed with Blessings Campaign Successfully Concludes

「安游世界 启程有礼」互动活动完美收官

Travel the World Armed with Blessings Campaign Successfully Concludes

安盛天平八月份发起的「安游世界 启程有礼」社交媒体传播活动于9月2日完美落幕。在整个活动期间,安盛天平收到了来自全国各地共552份出游心愿,吸引了超2.4万人关注,并成功收获超过4万的点赞。







The “Travel the World Armed with Blessings” social media campaign launched by AXA Tianping in August has successfully concluded on September 2 During the event, AXA Tianping received a total of 552 travel wishes from all over the country, attracting more than 24,000 impressions and successfully received more than 40,000 likes.

We interviewed several award winners who have had fascinating travel experiences . Let’s take a look some of the moving sceneries they expereienced across the border.

This is netizen “Mao Xian”. This summer, her daughter, accompanied by her cousin, went to Africa and embarked on a wonderful journey full of “firsts”.

This is netizen “Moore.”. He has regained his interest in cycling this year, and despite often traveling with his parents, has never felt “bored”. How does he do it?

Whether you are experiencing the thrill of nature in the African savannah, or getting to know a familiar city again, you can always discover surprises that elude you in daily life. AXA guards you to travel with peace of mind, and expect the unexpected on the road.

This event has received strong support from various branches across the country. After more than a month of competition, the three branches with the most submissions were Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Shanghai. AXA has given away many surprise gifts, including AXA customized large-capacity shopping bags and customized long-handled golf umbrellas.

We hope these gifts will accompany your safe travels! At the end of the event, award-winning individuals who participated will be invited and interviewed in depth to share their wonderful travel stories. “Act for human progress by protecting what matters” is the core intention and mission of AXA Tianping. AXA will always be committed to protecting you and your family during your travels.


守护困境女童,安盛与你同行 — 志愿者再访凉山 Protecting Girls in Difficulty, AXA By Your Side – Volunteers Return to Liangshan

守护困境女童,安盛与你同行 — 志愿者再访凉山

Protecting Girls in Difficulty, AXA By Your Side – Volunteers Return to Liangshan


今年六月,安盛天平围绕 “关注弱势群体”的主题,推出了面向员工及合作伙伴的年度公益志愿者项目 — “守护困境女童,安盛与你同行”,旨在为需要帮助的困境儿童提供所需的生活物资及卫生教育,以实际行动为凉山彝族自治州的乡村教育均衡发展、以及困境儿童的健康成长贡献力量。



9月16号, 8名安盛志愿者再度赶赴四川省凉山彝族自治州爱佑儿童之家,持续探访帮扶困境儿童的现状,并通过互动游戏和爱心入户访问为孩子们送去爱与陪伴。


AXA Hearts, Always in Action

In June this year, AXA Tianping launched an annual public welfare volunteer project called “Protecting Girls in Difficulty, AXA By Your Side” around the theme of “caring for vulnerable groups.” The project aims to provide necessary living supplies and health education to children in need, and to contribute to the balanced development of rural education in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture and the healthy growth of children in difficult situations.

For a long time, AXA has continued to help children in need improve their living conditions, such as through encouraging employees to participate in corporate matching donations through charity walks, mobilizing employees to go to Liangshan for on-site visits, and the “One Policy, One Love” charity plan. At present, AXA’s “Hearts in Action” campaign is still expanding, and we will work together with all walks of life to dedicate our love and inspire many caring people. We will mobilize customers and channel partners to actively participate and join AXA’s charity camp. Together we constantly expand the boundaries of public welfare, create and share value together.

In the “One Policy, One Love” charity program that ended not long ago, the AXA Global Health Insurance team made 974 donations, and donation reached a sum of RMB 175,320 in just two months.

On September 16th, eight AXA volunteers once again rushed to the Aiyou Children’s Home in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, to visit and help children in difficult situations, and to bring love and companionship to them through interactive games and home visits.

AXA Hearts in Action is a long-term movement that unites the love of caring people from all walks of life and continuously passes on warm deeds. We will spare no effort to provide support and assistance to children in difficult situations, work hand in hand with channel partners and customers, and jointly practice love and responsibility to bridge the gap in unbalanced development with practical actions, bringing confidence and hope to the future of all!