
安盛应邀出席博鳌亚洲论坛全球经济发展与安全论坛 AXA attends Boao Forum for Asia Global Economic Development and Security Forum


AXA attends Boao Forum for Asia Global Economic Development and Security Forum






From October 29th to 31st, the second conference of the Boao Forum for Asia Global Economic Development and Security Forum was held in Changsha, Hunan. More than 2,500 representatives including government officials, representatives of international organizations, diplomatic envoys, experts and scholars, business representatives, and media attended. Guests attending the meeting conducted in-depth exchanges on constructing a security network and rebalancing the world economy in the digital economy.

Ms. Eva HUANG, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer of AXA Tianping, delivered a speech entitled “From payer to partner, the sustainable development of AXA Tianping” at a sub-forum called “Sustainable Development and Risk Management in the AIGC Era”. In her keynote speech, she introduced the sustainable development initiatives of AXA Tianping from the three dimensions of responsible investment, responsible insurance and outstanding industry leader – focusing on the two major themes of climate change and inclusive finance. She explained how AXA plans around core topics of sustainability and low carbon; inclusive finance and social responsibility; talent empowerment; digital innovation and compliance governance, and is committed to protect the interests of people, businesses and society, help the world jointly respond to climate change risks, and continue to fulfill its commitment to sustainable development.

Firmly adhering to ESG is AXA’s long-term commitment to the Chinese market. As a responsible foreign insurance company, AXA Tianping actively responds to the government’s call, strictly follows the group’s ESG initiatives, regulates its own operations with strict industry standards, and adheres to government and social institutions. We take responsibility for the core demands of our stakeholders including shareholders, customers, employees, partners and suppliers, and strive to achieve safe, ethical and sustainable development in the dual-carbon era, and reduce the possible negative impacts of company operations on the environment and society.

The Global Economic Development and Security Forum is a special forum initiated by the Boao Forum for Asia. It aims to prevent and resolve non-traditional security risks closely related to the economy and stimulate new momentum for global economic development by exploring the intrinsic relationship between economic development and security issues. It aims to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind that features common development and shared security.


安盛荣膺第四届IFF全球绿色金融奖年度大奖 AXA Tianping is awarded IFF Global Green Finance Award


AXA Tianping is awarded IFF Global Green Finance Award

2023年10月29日,国际金融论坛(IFF) 2023年全球年会和第四届“IFF全球绿色金融奖”颁奖典礼隆重举办。经过严谨的评选流程,安盛天平脱颖而出,凭借在可持续发展领域的杰出表现,荣获第四届IFF全球绿色金融奖年度大奖。这不仅是对安盛在可持续发展领域实践的认可,也是对安盛推动绿色金融发展所作贡献的肯定与鼓励。



On October 29, 2023, the International Finance Forum (IFF) 2023 Global Annual Meeting (or the IFF 20th Anniversary Global Annual Meeting) and the 4th “IFF Global Green Finance Awards” ceremony were held. After a rigorous selection process, AXA Tianping stood out and won the fourth annual IFF Global Green Finance Award for outstanding performance in the field of sustainable development. This is not only recognition of AXA’s practices in the field of sustainable development, but also affirmation and encouragement of AXA’s contribution to promoting the development of green finance.

According to the organizing committee, the organization given this award must prove that it has made outstanding contributions to promoting green transformation, managing climate risks, and achieving sustainable goals globally or in a country/region through using financial means. The participating institutions for this year’s Awards are mainly well-known domestic and foreign institutions and industry leaders. There were many cases of global and industry firsts that showed innovation practices across multiple regions. This year, AXA received the award along with well-known companies and institutions including China General Nuclear Power Group, Ant Technology Group, Midea Group, Baidu, and the International Capital Markets Association.

The IFF was jointly initiated and established by leaders of China, the United States, the European Union and other G20 countries, emerging economies, and international organizations such as the United Nations, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund. It is a high-level standing dialogue mechanism and multilateral forum in the global financial field, and is also known as the F20. The “IFF Global Green Finance Award” was established in 2020 by the International Financial Forum and has been highly praised by the United Nations and many international organizations. The review committee is composed of 25 important Chinese and foreign financial leaders with global influence and authority, as well as elites in the financial and environmental circles. It aims to mark outstanding achievements in the field of global green finance, especially in the fields of climate investment and biodiversity finance. Institutions and innovative solutions are commended and rewarded to promote global climate governance and sustainable development.


安盛之星 AXA Stars


AXA Stars



In the AXA Star contest , altogether 22 AXA colleagues from headquarters and branches are entitled to awards of AXA Stars in Transformation , Customer First , Integrity , Courage , and One AXA . This special column was set up for them so we can all know their stories in living the AXA values and making their contribution to the company’s growth.

This month we will introduce stories of our Courage Star – Zhang Fanrong, Deputy Manager of the Claims Customer Service Department of the Shandong Branch; and Customer First Star Wang Xiangling, Manager of the Second Marketing Department of Shenzhen Branch.

勇敢之星 – 张凡荣的故事










Courage Star – Zhang Fanrong’s Story

Zhang Fanrong joined AXA Tianping in March 2019 and currently serves as the Deputy Manager of the Claims Customer Service Department of the Shandong branch. His five years at AXA were part of an important period of the company’s transformation, and his personal development grew along the development trajectory of the company’s “transform then go” strategy.

After the comprehensive reform of auto insurance in 2020, the market has been further segmented, particularly prominent in large companies. Market competition and rising costs have been plaguing small and medium-sized entities. Facing these challenges, Zhang Fanrong and his colleagues in the department, under the guidance of the strategic policy of “Transform for Success”, continued to gain insight into the market, segment customer groups, studied and analyzed the industry, and made micro-electric new energy the main direction of breakthrough in our auto insurance operations, achieving success. In 2021, 14.36 million RMB worth of new energy auto insurance contracts were signed, with a policy cost rate of 75.2%; and as of October 2022, 18.54 million RMB of new energy auto insurance contracts were signed, with a policy cost rate of 70.7%. The brand coverage rate is now 90%, with our market share among the top in the industry.

Q: How do you feel about receiving the AXA Star award?

It is a great honor to receive the AXA Star. During the process of Transform for Success of AXA, many excellent employees have emerged, and I am very proud to be one of them. For me, being awarded the AXA Courage Star is not only an honor, but also a source of inspiration and a motivation. I hope that in the coming days, I can pass on AXA’s spirit of action and make greater contributions to the company.

Q: What helps you stay confident, healthy, and happy?

I have always insisted on keeping up with outdoor sports. Aerobic exercise can eliminate stress in work and life, resolve some bad emotions, calm yourself down, and face new challenges with a more relaxed mind.

Q: Any books or TV series you would like to share?

I recently read a book called “The Technology of Mindfulness”. I have been teaching my children to improve their concentration when learning and avoid “sloppy” and “procrastination” behaviors. It is important not to lose concentration and do things inefficiently. “The Technology of Concentration” is a great book that provides a large number of tips for improving concentration and matches different solutions to different scenarios.















Customer First Star – Wang Xiangling’s Story

Wang Xiangling joined AXA Tianping in November 2015 and currently serves as the Manager of the Second Marketing Department of Shenzhen Branch. In today’s fierce market competition, she and her team members brainstormed ideas, explored niche businesses, and pooled everyone’s wisdom to improve business. In order to better promote new products, Wang Xiangling and her company colleagues conducted research on medical insurance and an on-site promotion at a supermarket. She also placed product roll-ups at car dealerships and interacted with potential customers at the high-end car dealerships. She led the channel visit to high-end medical clinics with clients to experience the medical treatment environment. During the company’s vigorous development and transformation process, she worked hand in hand with her department partners to complete many tasks well.

Q: How do you feel about receiving the AXA Star award?

I feel very honored and excited!

Winning this award made me understand better that to do a good job in customer service, I need to listen, understand, and care about customers’ needs and problems, and use professional knowledge and enthusiasm to provide high-quality services.

At the same time, this award also makes me feel the power and importance of the team. Without the support and collaboration of my team, I wouldn’t be able to become who I am today. In future work, I will continue to uphold the spirit of teamwork and provide customers with better services.

Q: What helps you stay confident, healthy, and happy?

I like to stay healthy through exercise. Whether it’s morning jogging or yoga, exercise makes me feel energetic and confident.

Secondly, I like reading and learning. By constantly learning new knowledge and skills, I can continuously improve myself and serve my customers better.

In addition, I also like photography. It is not only a hobby, but also an attitude towards life and a way of expression. Whenever I see beautiful scenery or lovely things, I want to record them with my camera.

Q: Any books or TV series you would like to share?

I have been watching a TV drama called ” The Fearless”.

“The Fearless” is a TV series with profound themes and exciting plots that showcase the complexity of human nature. Through Luo Yingzi’s experience, it highlights the importance ​​of pursuing justice, facing difficulties bravely, and adhering to our ideals.


CEO Newsletter ISSUE40–PC









Dear AXA colleagues,

On October 26, at the opening ceremony of the 2023 Shanghai International Reinsurance Conference, AXA Tianping Shanghai Reinsurance Center signed a cooperation framework agreement with the Lingang Management Committee and the Shanghai Insurance Exchange, marking the official entry of AXA Tianping Shanghai Reinsurance Center into Lingang New Area. This move is not only a new step for AXA to deepens root in China, but also an important measure to actively respond to the government’s call and participate in the construction of an international hub for Shanghai’s reinsurance. We are happy to share AXA Group’s global resource network and rich experience spanning more than 200 years to promote the high-quality development of China’s insurance and reinsurance industry in terms of risk management, underwriting capabilities and service ability, and make a contribution to societal prosperity and stability.

At the same time, we continued to expand channel relationships in different dimensions and continued to enhance partners’ recognition and understanding of AXA Tianping:

On the training side, the 2023 Seed Lecturer Training and Commendation Event was held. 22 lecturers who reached star promotion standards and 26 who reached the star maintenance standards were solemnly commended. We hope that all seed lecturers will become a bridge between internal and external trainings in the future, continue to develop and share high-quality courses, and enhance the channel’s reputation for AXA’s awareness and recognition.

On the resource side, a new excellent medical network research trip was launched in collaboration with agency channel partners and health insurance sales elites in Hainan Free Trade Port BoAo Hope City. In this “Medical Special Zone”, we work with our channel partners to discuss the development trends of new and high-quality medical resources and their applications and prospects in insurance scenarios, bring extraordinary experiences through an international perspective, new concepts and knowledge, and exciting events.

On the charity side, we once again joined hands with our partner Mingya Insurance Brokers to launch the Love Across Five Cities campaign to “Protecting Children’s Hearts and Build a Tomorrow Together”, dedicating love in Tianjin, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and Hangzhou, and working non-stop to provide warmth and companionship to children with chronic illnesses.

On the social side, the company participated in the Aon-COFCO Cup football match for the third consecutive year, meeting friends through football, exchanging knowledge and communication with colleagues in the industry, strengthening emotional exchanges and friendships with partners, and sharing AXA’s brand proposition of “protecting your passion and moving forward with confidence”. We jointly responded to new challenges, promoted new development, and created more value for society.

In the last quarter of 2023, please continue to work hard and strive to achieve various goals throughout the year!

安盛天平首席执行官 左伟豪

CEO of AXA Tianping Kevin Chor


CEO Newsletter ISSUE40–Moblie









Dear AXA colleagues,

On October 26, at the opening ceremony of the 2023 Shanghai International Reinsurance Conference, AXA Tianping Shanghai Reinsurance Center signed a cooperation framework agreement with the Lingang Management Committee and the Shanghai Insurance Exchange, marking the official entry of AXA Tianping Shanghai Reinsurance Center into Lingang New Area. This move is not only a new step for AXA to deepens root in China, but also an important measure to actively respond to the government’s call and participate in the construction of an international hub for Shanghai’s reinsurance. We are happy to share AXA Group’s global resource network and rich experience spanning more than 200 years to promote the high-quality development of China’s insurance and reinsurance industry in terms of risk management, underwriting capabilities and service ability, and make a contribution to societal prosperity and stability.

At the same time, we continued to expand channel relationships in different dimensions and continued to enhance partners’ recognition and understanding of AXA Tianping:

On the training side, the 2023 Seed Lecturer Training and Commendation Event was held. 22 lecturers who reached star promotion standards and 26 who reached the star maintenance standards were solemnly commended. We hope that all seed lecturers will become a bridge between internal and external trainings in the future, continue to develop and share high-quality courses, and enhance the channel’s reputation for AXA’s awareness and recognition.

On the resource side, a new excellent medical network research trip was launched in collaboration with agency channel partners and health insurance sales elites in Hainan Free Trade Port BoAo Hope City. In this “Medical Special Zone”, we work with our channel partners to discuss the development trends of new and high-quality medical resources and their applications and prospects in insurance scenarios, bring extraordinary experiences through an international perspective, new concepts and knowledge, and exciting events.

On the charity side, we once again joined hands with our partner Mingya Insurance Brokers to launch the Love Across Five Cities campaign to “Protecting Children’s Hearts and Build a Tomorrow Together”, dedicating love in Tianjin, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and Hangzhou, and working non-stop to provide warmth and companionship to children with chronic illnesses.

On the social side, the company participated in the Aon-COFCO Cup football match for the third consecutive year, meeting friends through football, exchanging knowledge and communication with colleagues in the industry, strengthening emotional exchanges and friendships with partners, and sharing AXA’s brand proposition of “protecting your passion and moving forward with confidence”. We jointly responded to new challenges, promoted new development, and created more value for society.

In the last quarter of 2023, please continue to work hard and strive to achieve various goals throughout the year!

安盛天平首席执行官 左伟豪

CEO of AXA Tianping Kevin Chor


安盛天平再保险运营中心首家签约入驻临港 AXA Tianping Reinsurance Center Becomes First Company to Settle in Lingang


AXA Tianping Reinsurance Center Becomes First Company to Settle in Lingang

















On October 26, at the opening ceremony of the 2023 Shanghai International Reinsurance Conference, AXA Tianping signed a cooperation framework agreement with the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Lingang New Area Management Committee and Shanghai Insurance Exchange Co., Ltd., marking the official settlement of AXA Tianping’s Shanghai Reinsurance Center in the Lingang New Area and becoming a founding member of this international reinsurance hub.

In June this year, AXA Tianping actively responded to the government’s policy call of the “Implementation Rules on Accelerating the Construction of Shanghai International Reinsurance Center” jointly issued by the National Administration of Financial Regulation and the Shanghai Municipality by integrating the company’s internal reinsurance business resources to prepare for the establishment of the Shanghai Reinsurance Operation Center. In August, AXA successfully obtained approval from the Administration of Financial Regulation and became one of the first batch of pioneer insurance companies to settle in the Reinsurance International Trading Center of the Lingang New Area.

It is an honor for AXA Tianping to be part of the first batch of insurance companies to settle in the Lingang New Area, which represents the country’s highest level of openness, and to participate in the process of jointly building a modern reinsurance trading market with Chinese characteristics and promoting high-level institutional opening-up of the financial and insurance industry. This move is not only another step by AXA to deepen roots in China, but also an important measure to actively respond to the government’s call and participate in the construction of the international reinsurance hub in Shanghai Lingang New Area. AXA is happy to share the group’s global resource network and rich experience spanning more than two hundred years to contribute to enhancing the quality of Shanghai’s International Financial Center and the international influence of the Lingang New Area Free Trade Zone.

In the future, AXA Tianping will leverage the Shanghai ReinsuranceCenter as a platform to coordinate and integrate reinsurance resources and functions, give full play to the advantages of centralized resources, improve operational efficiency, and optimize operating models. AXA will contribute to the high-quality development of China’s insurance and reinsurance industry in terms of risk management, underwriting capabilities and service levels, as well as the prosperity and stability of society.

Economic Daily, Liberation Daily, Dazhong Daily, China Banking and Insurance News, 21st Century Business Herald, Securities Times, Shanghai Securities News, Financial News, Xinmin Evening News, China Net, International Finance News and many other mainstream media reported on this event. Please see the link below for details.

Xinhua News Agency, Economic Daily, Liberation Daily, Dazhong Daily, China Banking and Insurance News, 21st Century Business Herald, Securities Times, Financial News, Xinmin Evening News, China Net, International Finance News and many other mainstream media reported on this event. Please see the link below for details.:

Xinhua News Agency:

Economic Daily:

Liberation Daily:

Dazhong Daily:

China Banking and Insurance News:

21st Century Business Herald:

Securities Times:

Financial News:

Xinmin Evening News:

China Net:

International Finance News:


2023年 ”繁星伴月 师泽如光” 种子讲师培训表彰活动 2023 Seed Lecturer Training Commendation Event

2023繁星伴月 师泽如光种子讲师培训表彰活动

2023 Seed Lecturer Training Commendation Event

提灯引路 育梦成光

灿若星海 奔赴巅峰

桃李不言 下自成蹊

匠心不渝 春晖四方






培训赋能和讲师大比武结束后最后进行荣誉表彰, 分别为2022-2023年度斩获各项大奖的讲师们颁奖。




On September 16, 2023, the “2023 Seed Lecturer Training Commendation Event” was held in Chengdu, the so-called land of abundance.

Dongmei CHEN, General Manager of the Head Sales Management Department, gave an opening speech, affirming the outstanding contributions to the training work of seed lecturers from various institutions. She commended 22 elite lecturers who achieved star promotion standards and 26 who achieved maintained star standards. Finally, she put forward AXA’s ardent expectations to make further progress, expressing hope for everyone to continue improving their professional abilities while passing on knowledge and further unleashing the warmth of teaching.

This year’s training specially invited external lecturer Gu Yu, professor at Beijing University School of Economics, to give a special training on “Case Extraction” and “Case-Based Teaching” to further inspire seeds in their course design and teaching practicalities.

After interactive special trainings on “teaching” and “learning”, the seed lecturers worked in groups to extract best practice cases and create course materials, and each group selected one representative to take the stage and show off their courses.

After the training and presentations, honorary commendations were held at the end, and awards were given to the seed lecturers who won various awards in 2022-2023.

Xiaoyu ZHANG, regional general manager of Zone B, delivered a closing speech for the seed lecturer training commendation event. She pointed out that seed lecturers of various institutions are based on the front line of training and have rich practical experience. They should continue to consolidate their professional skills as it is necessary to continue to tell the “AXA story” well and pass on the company’s products and services to more institutional partners. At the same time, through the heart-to-heart teachings of seed lecturers, they continue to enhance channel awareness and recognition of AXA.

As the Chinese saying goes, “The song never stops, the torch is passed down from generation to generation”, we turn recognition into strength and honor into motivation. In the days to come, we look forward to our seed instructors becoming a bridges that connect internal and external trainings, continue to develop and share high-quality courses, and make steady and lasting progress.


博鳌乐城之旅 A Trip to Boao Hope City


A Trip to Boao Hope City


海南医学院第一附属医院乐城医院,是中国首家公私合营特许经营的示范医院,致力于打造为汇聚知名医疗专家、前沿医学研究、新特药械的三级综合医院。博鳌超级医院创新采取“1+x”共享模式,成功吸引众多院士等国内顶尖医疗专家及其团队进驻。 立足超级医疗平台,目前已完成世界先进药械国内首例应用近130项,接诊患者达数万人次。




安盛天平首席市场营销及公共事务官黄长青女士向与会嘉宾介绍了安盛品牌的愿景承诺、产品服务和ESG举措等内容,并隆重介绍了安盛天平服务品牌“AXA·Care 安盛天平好服务专业·便捷·暖心”,她表示,“一直以来,安盛天平致力于运用安盛集团的全球视野与资源服务中国市场。我们洞察客户需求、倾听客户心声,精心选择优质医疗资源、根据客户需求设计产品,着力打造品质服务,以期不断提升客户体验,做好客户健康旅程的陪伴者。












On October 20, the “Facing the Super- AXA New & Advanced Medical Resources Sharing” was held at the Boao Super Hospital.

Boao Hope City Hospital, the first affiliate hospital of Hainan Medical University, is China’s first public-private franchise model hospital and is committed to building a tertiary general hospital that brings together well-known medical experts, cutting-edge medical research, and new special drugs and equipment. Boao Hope City Hospital innovatively adopts the “1+x” sharing model and has successfully attracted many top domestic medical experts and their teams, including academicians. Based on the super medical platform, it has completed nearly 130 domestic first-in-class applications of the world’s advanced medical equipment and treated tens of thousands of patients.

At the sharing conference, the Hainan Boao Hope City Administration, Boao Super Hospital and Yuanxin Huibao demonstrated their great support. Based on the theme of “New Advantages in Medical Care of the Shared Future”, economic and trade channel partners from all over the country gathered together to focus to discuss in detail the development trend of new and high-quality medical resources represented by Boao Hope City and its application and prospects in insurance scenarios.

Xi CHEN, director of the Industrial Investment Promotion Department of the Hainan Boao Hope City Administration and director of the Boao Hope City Medical and Business Integration Research and Development Center, introduced the development history, unique advantages and development trends of Hope City to the guests, and also expressed her views on the development of the city. AXA Tianping was highly recognized for its active exploration of new and high-quality medical resources. She said that AXA Tianping is a high-quality insurance company with rich experience in international commercial insurance. In the future, she hopes that the two parties can further deepen cooperation, better develop and utilize Hope City’s new and excellent medical resources, and jointly help establish a multi-level security system to benefit more consumers.

Eva HUANG, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer of AXA Tianping, introduced AXA’s vision and commitment, product services and ESG initiatives, as well as the “AXA·Care AXA Tianping Professional, convenient and heart-warming Service”. She said, “AXA Tianping has always been committed to using the global vision and resources of AXA Group to serve the Chinese market. We have insight into customer needs, listen to their voices, carefully select high-quality medical resources, and provide services based on customer needs. AXA strives to create quality services in order to continuously improve customer experience and be a good partner on our customers’ health journey.”

Xiangjie ZHOU, assistant to the president and director of the Department of Pharmacy of Hainan Boao Super Hospital, extended a warm welcome to the arrival of the AXA Tianping Research Group, and introduced in detail the key “pilot-first” projects of Boao Super Hospital, giving the guests a better understanding of the leading advantages and specific practices in new and excellent medical resources.

The guests also listened to the professional sharing by Mr. Yu Pengfei, head of the insurance business department of Beijing Yuanxin Health Management Service Company, and fully understood how to use high-quality insurance products to help customers obtain new and high-quality medical care such as licensed drugs in Boao Hope City.

Rongbin ZHOU, deputy general manager of AXA Tianping’s Jiangsu Branch, represented the company to give a wonderful sharing about AXA Tianping’s solutions and future prospects in the field of medical insurance, which triggered heated discussions and positive feedback from agency partners.

In addition, Chunli WANG, head of AXA Tianping Health Insurance, and Yan ZHENG, head of AXA Tianping’s Channel Support Department, also delivered speeches respectively, expressing their strong support for AXA Tianping’s work in the field of health insurance development and channel expansion.

The AXA New Excellent Medical Network Experience – Boao Hope City Trip received positive response and high recognition from business partners. Members of the study group unanimously said that this was a wonderful journey full of surprises, fun and gains; while the international perspectives, new concepts and knowledge, and the colorful event activities brought everyone an extraordinary experience.

Join hands with AXA and enter Hope City!


守护童心,共筑明天——安盛明亚携手开展公益行动计划 Protecting Children’s Hearts for a Better Tomorrow——AXA Partners with Mingyang for Chairty Event


Protecting Children’s Hearts for a Better Tomorrow——AXA Partners with Mingyang for Chairty Event

围绕 “关注弱势群体”的主题,安盛天平于今年组织了一系列面向员工及合作伙伴的志愿者活动,公益脚步遍及五湖四海,尽己所能为需要帮助的困境儿童提供所需的物资及教育。




















Focusing on the theme of “Caring For Vulnerable Groups”, AXA Tianping has organized a series of volunteer activities for employees and partners this year. The charity is implemented globally in order to provide the needed materials and education to needy children.

In October this year, AXA once again joined hands with its partner Mingya Insurance Brokers to launch a five-city charity plan, dedicating love and care to protect the innocence of children with serious illnesses to build a tomorrow together.

On October 16, volunteers came to the first stop of the Love Across Five Cities charity event at the Tianjin Hematology Research Laboratory.

Caring volunteers from AXA and Mingya completed the a egg coloring activity together with the children. They used colored pens to express their love for their favorite fruits and small animals, expressing their yearning for a better life, and spent quality time together during this warm and lovely afternoon.

On October 19, the second stop of the event was at Beijing Xuanwu Hospital. Volunteers and children mobilized their creativity, using their imagination and hands-on skills to jointly create 3D clay decorative paintings.

On October 20, the event travelled to the Shanghai Children’s Medical Center. Here, adults and children painted their love for life and their interpretation of love and warmth.

On October 23, the same day as the Chonggyang Festival, the charity event  took place at the Chongqing Medical University Affiliate Children’s Hospital. Amidst bursts of laughter, the children played the drums and passed flower balls around. Whenever the music stopped, the child with the flower ball in hand shared loving stories about their families. When there is warmth, pain temporarily subsides.

On October 24, the charity event concluded in Hangzhou at the Zhejiang University School of Medicine Affiliate Children’s Hospital. In the company of warmth and love, volunteers did handicrafts and paintings with the children. Though small, the space was filled with warm sunshine and the children’s smiling faces.

Thoughts from our volunteers:

Zhou Bo, Tianjin

“This event is very meaningful and seeing the innocent smiles of the children is deeply healing.”

Yin Peng, Beijing:

“I want to tell the children that it’s okay, there will always be bumps on the road to growth, but your smiles and bravery are the most powerful healing force in the world!”

Zhong Hua, Shanghai:

“Although they are chronically ill, they are very precious. Each one of them is so cheerful, lively, cute, sunny, and full of hope for life.”

He Yi, Chongqing:

“I hope that the charity activities can bring warmth and color to the children during their recovery period. Closely interacting with them slowed time down. I wish the children a speedy recovery, health and happiness.”

Chen Tingfang, Hangzhou:

“I hope more people can learn about participating in charity activities, spread more love to the world, and bring warmth to everyone!”

Although the Love Across Five Cities charity event has come to an end, in the future, we will continue to gather love from all walks of life, continue to deliver warmth, and work with channel partners and customers to provide support and assistance to children in need and children suffering from chronic illnesses. We will practice love and responsibility together, bridge the imbalance of development, and bring confidence and hope to the future of mankind!


以球会友,理念共享Golden Times at the Aon-COFCO Cup


Golden Times at the Aon-COFCO Cup








In the 2023 Aon-COFCO Cup Football Exchange Invitational Tournament, 16 elite teams formed from industry peers gathered on the green field to compete fiercely, bringing waves of exciting football waves. AXA’s Tianping very own “Excellent Team” included many experienced veterans as well as eager new faces. In every head-to-head match, what is tested is not only individual performance, but also impeccable team chemistry.

Participating in the Zhongyi Cup for the third time, AXA Tianping expresses its recognition of the event and looks forward to using this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of its industry partners and jointly promote the industry’s high-quality development.

Xiang ZENG, , Assistant General Manager and Chief Commercial Insurance Business Officer, noted that in the past three years, with the efforts of Aon-COFCO Insurance, the event has developed into a very mature brand event and has become a grand event for colleagues in the insurance industry to exchange knowledge and communicate with each other. The event not only gave participants a more realistic understanding of football, but also enhanced everyone’s understanding of Aon-COFCO’s reliable and professional brand image, effectively strengthening emotional exchanges and friendships with peers.

Both Aon-COFCO and AXA are inextricably linked to football. Aon-COFCO chose to use football games to build a communication platform between enterprises, while AXA is the official partner of the Premier League Liverpool Football Club. Football is not only the world’s number one sport, it is a common language across countries, races, ethnicities, religions and cultures.

AXA looks forward to sharing AXA’s brand proposition of “Protecting your passion and moving forward with confidence” with everyone on the stage of the Aon-COFCO Cup. For more than 20 years, we have been a companion, gaining in-depth insight into the different needs of Chinese enterprises and families, providing rich and diverse insurance products and services, and ensuring the confidence of thousands of enterprises and families on the road of exploration and growth, empowering them to move forward with determination, and harvest a better life together.

Friendship first, competition second. In the AXA team, every player deeply loves AXA and football from the bottom of their hearts, which perfectly fits with our brand concept: ” Protecting your passion and moving forward with confidence “. As Xiang ZENG said: “We have a good attitude, good concentration, and are full of passion and determination. This is the charm of our team!”

AXA hopes that the two parties can carry out more in-depth cooperation in more fields in the future. Let’s jointly respond to new challenges, jointly promote new development, and create more value in social development!