
2021亚洲保险大奖摘星 Winning at the Insurance Asia Awards 2021


Winning at the Insurance Asia Awards 2021



2021亚洲保险大奖获奖名单 Winners’ list




We won the Digital Insurance Initiative of the Year – China at the Insurance Asia Awards 2021 on August 16. The award recognized AXA Tianping’s outstanding achievements in providing convenient and personalized health management service to Chinese customers with its all-in-one digital platform EMMA by AXA.

Emma by AXA was officially released in mainland China in November 2020, with the latest update launched in June 2021. Allowing users to easily track and manage the physical and mental health of their whole family, Emma by AXA provides a range of convenient features including drug delivery, family doctor, child health service that cover both physical and mental requirements, both daily care and professional consultation. Customers can also enjoy convenient services such as online claim settlement, electronic insurance policy and one-click insurance renewal through the platform. As a platform spanning the entire Asia-Pacific region, Emma’s debut in mainland China comes after successful launches in markets including Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines and Indonesia, with additional plans underway to expand to Thailand and other markets in the near future.

Big thanks to everyone who have strived for better serving our customers and being recognized as we implement the customer-centric ‘Payer to Partner’ strategy.


齐鲁保2021成功发布 Qilubao 2021 Shandong Public Private Partnership Inclusive Insurance Launched


Qilubao 2021 Shandong Public Private Partnership Inclusive Insurance Launched







Qilubao 2021” – the Shandong Public Private Partnership Inclusive Insurance was launched on August 21 for residents in Jinan, the capital city of Shandong Province. The project involves AXA Tianping in product design, co-insurance and promotion. In line with government’s efforts to construct a comprehensive, multi-level medical security system and to provide trusted, worry-free health protection to local residents, Qilubao 2021 fully demonstrates AXA’s Purpose of “acting for human progress by protecting what matters”.

Priced at RMB 150 per person per year, the product is supplementary to Jinan’s basic medical insurance as well as the province’s direct basic medical insurance in other parts of Shandong. It provides up to RMB three million in protection, in which 80% of the inpatient cost for critical illness can be covered.

In addition to the ‘Beijing Jinghuibao” in 2020, the “Qilubao 2021” is another a remarkable achievement employing our strong global expertise to provide trusted, worry-free health protection to local residents. Looking ahead, we will continue to adhere to regulation requirements, our commitment to customers, to promote the implementation of insurance inclusiveness and empower more people’s lives nationwide.


走近商业险事业部Spotlight on Commercial BU


Spotlight on Commercial BU





For AXA colleagues outside mainland China)


Commercial business plays a vital role in our pivot to value-driven multi-liner model. I am very proud that we have a dedicated team helping corporate clients with world-class risk management solutions.

In this month’s team vlog, Chief Commercial Officer Shaw Zeng and his team will introduce themselves, and showcase their personalities. You will get a glimpse of how they serve and protect clients, especially during difficult times.

The vibrant team really inspires me with their confidence, passion and talent. I hope you enjoy the vlog as well.



对话安盛亚非 安盛亚洲首席法律合规官汤善娴 Dialogue with AXA Asia Chief Legal & Compliance Officer Cindy Tong

对话安盛亚非 安盛亚洲首席法律合规官汤善娴

Dialogue with AXA Asia Chief Legal & Compliance Officer

Cindy Tong




(供中国大陆区以外同事观看, For AXA colleagues outside mainland China)

Great thanks to Asia & Africa office colleagues and our communications team for making the video dialogue series for the past five months. I see a growing interest in knowing more about our Asia & Africa colleagues from the rising readership.

This month, I have invited the Chief Legal & Compliance Officer Cindy Tong to share her thoughts of building the synergies between local team and Asia & Africa Office, as well as the key challenges and latest updates for AXA Tianping implementing AXA Group Standards. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Cindy also recommends her favorite places to visit and to eat real local food.

Please click above video and link to find out more.



携手上外,助推中国精算教育高质量发展 Long-term Cooperation with SISU School of Economics & Finance in Actuarial Education


Long-term Cooperation with SISU School of Economics & Finance in Actuarial Education








On August 4th, I was invited to Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) for a long – term cooperation ceremony in actuarial education. As an alumni and guest professor, I was very honored to own one more role to the university. I met with Mr. Yugui ZHANG, Dean of the School of Finance & Trade of SISU and aligned our determination in driving the industry development. The Discipline of Actuarial Science will be set up to provide professional trainings and education for talented young undergraduates dedicated to Finance and Insurance sector.

One of the largest and oldest schools in SISU, the School of Economics & Finance (SEF) has cultivated many inter-disciplinary talents. I hope that through the Actuarial education, we will have more outstanding people joining insurance companies and other financial institutions and reach a win-win result in talent development and international cooperation.

Priority on Education and Science has long since a tradition at AXA. We support 321 academic institutions in 38 countries and regions with over €250 million committed in 665 research projects spanning Environment, Health, New Tech and Socio-Economics. In China, AXA has been working on 23 projects with leading universities and institutions such as Tsinghua University and its School of Economics and Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Hong Kong Chinese University, Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion.


100个安盛自信家庭期待你来 Join the 100 AXA Confident Families Recruitment


Join the 100 AXA Confident Families Recruitment




很高兴看到这次的#100个安盛自信家庭# 招募活动得到了客户、渠道经纪和员工的广泛好评。目前已经有1500多个家庭参与活动,分享了他们的家庭自信。


I believe most of you have already participated in the latest brand campaign – #100 AXA confident families#, where we look for wonderful confident family stories across the country. 100 families will be picked to take family photos in professional photo studios, so that more people can feel the style of confident families.

What we talk about when we talk about self-confidence and family life? The answer was in our new brand value proposition “Protect Your Passion and Go Further with Confidence”.  In the journey of self-achievement, we should also support family members to move forward, establish emotional links, and make the family into a warm harbor with power. More self-confidence, more colorful your family life will be.

I’m happy that this social campaign was well received by customers, brokerage partners, and our employees. Over 1500 families have participated and shared their family photos.

The recruitment will close on September 7th. Please join and share through . I look forward to your family photos!