
入世20 周年回顾与金融开放展望 Review of the 20th Anniversary of China’s Entry into the WTO and Prospects for Further Financial Opening

入世20 周年回顾与金融开放展望

Review of the 20th Anniversary of China’s Entry into the WTO and Prospects for Further Financial Opening

12月16日下午,安盛天平受邀参加上海市保险学会与复旦大学联合举办的“上海保险思享汇——中国入世20 周年回顾与进一步金融开放展望”专题研讨暨双方合作的年度课题《推动外资保险机构发展,助力构建新发展格局》发布会。安盛天平首席风险官裘海燕出席会议并围绕主题进行演讲致辞,与同业探讨如何优势互补,互利共赢。


On December 16th, in the afternoon, AXA Tianping was invited to an industry seminar co-organized by Shanghai Insurance Institute and Fudan University around the themed topic: Review of the 20th Anniversary of China’s Entry into the WTO and Prospects for Further Financial Opening, coinciding with their annual report release on “Foreign Insurers’ Development and Its New Pattern”. Our Chief Risk Officer, Richard Qiu attended the meeting and delivered a speech around the theme, discussing with the industry on how to complement each other’s advantages for mutual benefit and win-win results.

Looking back on the series of important policies for foreign insurance companies to enter China since entering the WTO, I strongly feel the acceleration of China’s financial opening up, ushering golden opportunities for AXA in China. As the bridgehead of China’s reform and opening up, Shanghai is striving to build a world financial center. I firmly believe that in the future, AXA will definitely be able to play its strengths in helping Shanghai build an international reinsurance center and helping green finance.


改善弱势群体民生 促进社会繁荣发展 Improving Livelihoods for Sustained Development

改善弱势群体民生 促进社会繁荣发展

Improving Livelihoods for Sustained Development





(供中国大陆区以外同事观看,For AXA colleagues outside mainland China)

Earlier in March, the project named “Financial Diaries”, led by Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion (CAFI) and co-sponsored by AXA Emerging Customers (AXA EC) and AXA Research Fund (AXA RF) has been launched for the purpose of providing actionable insights about the financial lives of low-income households in China’s urban and rural areas to encourage financial service providers to deepen financial inclusion, and therefore, to further help the society to thrive and progress.

“Financial Diaries” was introduced via a dedicated video to the audience of the 7th China Inclusive Finance International Forum on December 16, attended by industry experts and influential representatives. A great opportunity for us to prove our promise of “acting for human progress by protecting what matters”.

This has been another milestone for AXA in China that responds to the national strategy of financial inclusion and the goal of common prosperity, announced a while ago. AXA Tianping is willing to share our successful experiences, and contribute to improving the social security system, unleashing the capital for good, to provide a mechanism that helps mitigate personal and enterprise-related risks so as to contribute to improve livelihoods and sustained development.

I hereby welcome all of you to join me in understanding the project better via the link below.


员工持股计划,你参与了吗 Shareplan 2021


Shareplan 2021




From September to November 2021 employee share offering (Shareplan 2021) was successfully launched with great support from headquarter and branches in AXA Tianping.

According to the latest information, 102 employees from headquarter and 14 branches, representing 3.6% of the eligible employees in AXA Tianping, subscribed to Shareplan 2021. A total amount of exceeding RMB3.87 million (approximately EUR520,000) was subscribed in 2021, at a subscription price of EUR18.86. 10.8% of the beneficiaries subscribed over RMB100,000 while 13,7% of the beneficiaries subscribed to upper limit. Besides, Compensation and Benefits team have completed relevant China individual income tax filing on employment income in November 2021.

Employee share offering is valued by AXA Group for its local promotion and implementation. This is a powerful lever to strengthen our links with Group and what is more it is a great opportunity for us to become shareholders under preferential conditions and engage in the Group’s development and success. Shareplan is launched in AXA Tianping for only 2 years but we can see increasing confidence and trust from our colleagues. Going forward, our Human Resource team will keep exploring to improve the employee experiences on Shareplan operations, enabling us participate in Shareplan and being an AXA shareholder!


走近内部审计团队 Spotlight on Internal Audit


Spotlight on Internal Audit



(供中国大陆区以外同事观看,For AXA colleagues outside mainland China)

As doctors do to individual patients, so do internal auditors to the company. Internal Audit helps to maintain the health of the company and makes sure we take necessary steps to prevent events that may hinder achievement of our objectives.

This month I have invited the audit team to introduce themselves. Their team is full of diversity and dynamics. I hope you enjoy this clip.


CEO Newsletter ISSUE21 – Mobile









我很幸运, 有你们为伴。 我们有争论, 有调侃,更多的是同心协力,献计献策,为共同的目标付出额外的·时间,精力。 我们共同的努力为我们带来了引以为傲的优于同业的成果。”




To AXA Tianping Family,

November is the month of harvest. First off, congratulations to the Commercial team for successfully pursuing the Tianjin Port explosion Insurance Recoveries and gaining the most subrogation fees ever for AXA Tianping. This month, we were also invited to the 16th Annual Finance Summit of Asian hosted by authoritative media and awarded the Insurance Brand of The Year. It recognizes our efforts and encourages us to grow further.

November is the month of responsibility. AXA Climate Academy is launched simultaneously around the world to encourage all staff to pay attention to global sustainable development. Our global Purpose “acting for human progress by protecting what matters” has been integrated into AXA genes, which is also reflected in caring for the people around us. This month, the employee-volunteers from the headquarter visited “Aiyou X AXA Children Playroom” and brought everyone’s love to the children.

November is also a month of gratitude. On November 25th, a thanksgiving event was organized by human resources at Ruiming headquarter in Shanghai for us to express gratitude to each other. Thank you for your tremendous effort and hard work. Our joint effort led us to the result better than our peers, and also let us be full of confidence in the future of Soar to Success.

I would like to share my gratitude notes at the Thanksgiving:

“In this quiet Saturday evening, I make myself calm down and reflect on our common days and months passed together, also thinking of the future we’ll conquer. A lot of emotion comes to me.

Transforming a company relying mainly on motor to non-motors areas, meanwhile adopting new way to replacing traditional motor operation is definitely not an easy job, it’s rather a huge and complicated battle. Our intelligence, decision-making capability and collaborating ability are at challenge. In conclusion, it’s a great test of our leadership and execution capability.

How lucky I am to have you as my teammates. We do debate and joke on each other, but what more are our teamwork, mutual contribution and extra effort, time we put for our common goal. Our joint effort leads us to the result better than our peers.”

Once again, I would like to extend most sincere appreciation to you and wish you a healthy winter and a generous life.



CEO Newsletter ISSUE21– PC

我很幸运, 有你们为伴。 我们有争论, 有调侃,更多的是同心协力,献计献策,为共同的目标付出额外的·时间,精力。 我们共同的努力为我们带来了引以为傲的优于同业的成果。”


To AXA Tianping Family,

November is the month of harvest. First off, congratulations to the Commercial team for successfully pursuing the Tianjin Port explosion Insurance Recoveries and gaining the most subrogation fees ever for AXA Tianping. This month, we were also invited to the 16th Annual Finance Summit of Asian hosted by authoritative media and awarded the Insurance Brand of The Year. It recognizes our efforts and encourages us to grow further.

November is the month of responsibility. AXA Climate Academy is launched simultaneously around the world to encourage all staff to pay attention to global sustainable development. Our global Purpose “acting for human progress by protecting what matters” has been integrated into AXA genes, which is also reflected in caring for the people around us. This month, the employee-volunteers from the headquarter visited “Aiyou X AXA Children Playroom” and brought everyone’s love to the children.

November is also a month of gratitude. On November 25th, a thanksgiving event was organized by human resources at Ruiming headquarter in Shanghai for us to express gratitude to each other. Thank you for your tremendous effort and hard work. Our joint effort led us to the result better than our peers, and also let us be full of confidence in the future of Soar to Success.

I would like to share my gratitude notes at the Thanksgiving:

“In this quiet Saturday evening, I make myself calm down and reflect on our common days and months passed together, also thinking of the future we’ll conquer. A lot of emotion comes to me.

Transforming a company relying mainly on motor to non-motors areas, meanwhile adopting new way to replacing traditional motor operation is definitely not an easy job, it’s rather a huge and complicated battle. Our intelligence, decision-making capability and collaborating ability are at challenge. In conclusion, it’s a great test of our leadership and execution capability.

How lucky I am to have you as my teammates. We do debate and joke on each other, but what more are our teamwork, mutual contribution and extra effort, time we put for our common goal. Our joint effort leads us to the result better than our peers.”


Once again, I would like to extend most sincere appreciation to you and wish you a healthy winter and a generous life.



“变革转型,人力先行”全国机构人力资源研讨会 “Transformation, Human Resource Go first” – 2021 National Branch Human Resources Conference Successfully Held  

“Transformation, Human Resource Go first” – 2021 National Branch Human Resources Conference Successfully Held

11月1日到11月3日,“变革转型,人力先行” 全国机构人力资源研讨会圆满召开。此次会议邀请了来自全国各家机构的综合管理部负责人集聚一堂,共同研讨在公司转型关键期人力资源工作的战略方向和规划,同时通过互动式讨论充分了解机构现状和组织诊断。


这次会议也听到了许多来自机构一线的声音。我们一起来听一听:“公司在转型在变革,条线也在转型在突破,这次研讨会让我看到和体验到了变化,我会把所学所想带回去,融入到我们机构的变革中去”;“创新、透明、协作、开放,努力成为各条线转型路上的陪伴者” ;“重任在肩,拥抱变革。团结就是力量,希望有更多的机会聚在一起研讨”

2021 National Branch Human Resources Conference “Transformation, Human Resource Go first” was successfully held from Nov.1st to 3rd, 2021. Heads of general management departments across the country participated the conference to discuss HR strategic planning during the critical period of transformation, as well as to fully understand current branch situations and organizational diagnosis by group discussion.

The conference included several parts: branch organizational transformation summary, “AXA Ambassador” talent project, branch talent development project, branch policy review project, discussion on how to change from HR role first and seeking for our new values, discussion solutions for pain points and challenges faced by branches. In addition, as 1st professional training for AXA Ambassador, market expert was invited to share some best practices and open our mindsets to help solve talent sourcing problems.

I am glad to hear branch voices during the conference and willing to share with you what I have heard. “The company is in the critical period of transformation. Branches should keep up with the rhythm of company’s development. I will change from myself and bring what I learnt from the meeting back to our branch.”; “Innovation, transparency, collaboration and openness, strive to be a good partner of transformation road.”; “It’s our responsibility to embrace and drive change. One AXA, one team. Hope we have more oppor.



以爱驱散孤独,以陪伴治愈病痛 Love and Accompany is the Best Cure

Love and Accompany is the Best Cure



童乐园篇,我也一直知道,同事们希望在“童乐园”陪伴宝贝的热情从未因疫情而减弱半分,尽管此前组织的爱心探访被迫取消,仍会想方设法通过 “公益集市”等活动表达对“童乐园”公益项目的支持。真心感谢同事们持续的热情和能量,也无比坚信,我们的爱汇聚在一起会很强大,可以驱散他们的孤独;我们的陪伴若能坚持,足以抵御他们的病痛。


最后,特别鸣谢渠道发展中心个人渠道管理部的王婷,系统规划部的董贞君、安秋艳,财务会计部的陈蕾、廖舒雅,市场营销及公共事物部的郑萌、余姝毅、杨欣,你们用润物无声的力量, 正在一点点改变这个世界。

On November 12th, in the afternoon, eight colleagues from Shanghai headquarters landed on [Aiyou x AXA Playroom] that is located in Shanghai Children’s Medical Center to show their love and care for the sick orphans, through three hours of countless stitches and threads, which is three hours of hard work for sewing baby bibs.

“Aiyou x AXA Playroom”has been officially put into operation since July. I am very pleased to learn that those sick orphans from orphanages across the country are able to have a friendly and warm space dedicated to them, apart from the cold clinic in Shanghai Children’s Medical Center.

I have always known that our colleagues’ have big hearts. Your philanthropic enthusiasm has not been affected a bit, even in face of the forced cancellation of onsite volunteering activity due to the prevention and control of the epidemic. Instead, you keep showing your support through other formats, such as the organization of “charity flea markets”. I sincerely am grateful for your continuous enthusiasm and energies, and I am deeply convinced that our love is strong enough to dispel their loneliness, and our accompany can help cure their pain.

It is also my belief that the children that we cure today, will help to heal the world tomorrow. While AXA’s purpose is to ‘Act for Human Progress by Protecting What Matters’, children are what really matter to us. Children are the flames of hope, and as long as these flames remain, our humanity is expected to make continuous progress.

Finally, special thanks to Ting WANG, from Distribution team; Zhenjun DONG and Qiuyan AN, from IT team; Lei CHEN and Shuya LIAO, from big Finance team, and last but not least, Sheen Yang, Zoe ZHENG and Angelika YU, from Marketing & Communications team. I would like to express my most sincere gratitude and thank you for helping change the world using your power.


商业险捷报 Commercial Line New Milestone


Commercial Line New Milestone

恭喜商业险团队天津港大爆炸案追偿成功,收获了公司史上最大一笔代位求偿收益 —— 1.13亿元。




Congratulations to the Commercial team for successfully pursuing the Tianjin Port explosion Insurance recoveries and gaining the most subrogation fees ever for AXA Tianping – 113 million yuan.

Since the Tianjin Port explosion in 2015, our team has taken immediate measures, following closely with clients who suffered significant losses during the incident and negotiating with multi-parties despite various setbacks across geographies in the past five years. Thanks to the team’s dedication and perseverance in making this recovery profit and contributing to the business transformation.


亚洲金融年会2021年度品牌影响力保险公司 Winning Insurance Brand of The Year at the 16th Annual Finance Summit of Asia


Winning Insurance Brand of The Year at the 16th Annual Finance Summit of Asia

11月2-3日,以“洞鉴未来 拥抱保险新趋势”为主题的21世纪亚洲保险年会在北京召开,应主办方邀请,我在2日的开幕式进行了主题演讲,以远程连线的方式与业界专家和金融机构高管们交流心得体会,探讨行业的趋势与未来。在演讲环节中,我以“拥抱可持续,重构新金融”为主题,分享了安盛天平健康转型之路,并从一站式抗风险解决方案、数字化解决方案、心理健康和深刻洞察等四个维度阐述了观点。




On November 2nd, the 16th Annual Finance Summit of Asia organized by the leading financial publication 21st Century Business Herald was held on November 2nd and 3rd in Beijing. I was invited to speak at the opening session for the event, joining virtually with senior executives and experts from pioneering financial institutions and discussing the industry’s trends and future.

During the opening session, I shared my views on our health transformation amid the fast-evolving China market, the future of which lies in every aspect of health including ones-top risk management solutions, digital solutions, mental health and in-dept health insights.

At the event, AXA Tianping was also awarded The Insurance Brand of the Year at the summit, recognizing us as a leading international insurance brand in the local market. Other winners at the event also include ICBC-AXA.