
对话AMO第三期 — 首席风险官 Dialogue with AMO – Françoise Gilles, Chief Risk Officer

对话AMO第三期 — 首席风险官Françoise Gilles

Dialogue with AMO – Françoise Gilles, Chief Risk Officer

在本期的对话AMO中,我们邀请了亚洲首席风险官Françoise Gilles和我们聊聊有关保险背景下的风险行业以及她的生平经历。Françoise来自比利时而且在八年前于比利时加入了安盛。在这轻松愉快的视频中,她向我们介绍了她加入安盛亚洲的理由,同时也给了我们一些比利时旅游建议。希望你会喜欢这段视频。

In this month’s Dialogue with AMO, we invite Françoise Gilles, Asia Chief Risk Officer to talk about risk in insurance context, and her own experience. Françoise is from Belgium and joined AXA in Belgium eight years ago. In this stirring episode, she shows us in a fun and charming manner of what brings her to AXA Asia, and where to go and what to eat if you visit Belgium one day. I hope you enjoy this episode.

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