
安盛天平杰出志愿者荣耀登舰“塔拉号”!——远赴蔚蓝海岸,解锁科考旅行 AXA Tianping’s Outstanding Volunteers Honored to Embark on the “Tara” Boat: Unlocking Oceanic Mysteries along the Côte d’Azur


AXA Tianping’s Outstanding Volunteers Honored to Embark on the “Tara” Boat: Unlocking Oceanic Mysteries along the Côte d’Azur



  • 非营利性组织,致力于海洋、环境与科研,为年轻一代和来自各大洲的领导人提供信息和教育
  • 自2023年4月起成为安盛集团公益伙伴
  • 总部设在巴黎,在联合国拥有“特别观察员”席位
  • 迄今为止,塔拉号及其合作伙伴共同组织了12次重大探索活动
  • 2018年2月至4月期间所到之地包括中国海南、厦门、香港和上海





Deeply committed to corporate social responsibility, AXA Group has recently announced the winners of its 2024 Global CSR Campaign: AXA Hearts in Action, and AXA Tianping was honored to have earned two coveted spots for a two-day experience on Tara boat.

【What is Tara?】

  • Nonprofit Organization for the oceans, environment, and science to inform and educate the younger generation and leaders from all continents.
  • Became a nonprofit partner of AXA Group since April 2023
  • Headquartered in Paris and has a “Special observer” seat at the United Nations
  • To date, the Tara and its partners have jointly organized 12 major expeditions.
  • Traveled to Hainan, China, Xiamen, Hong Kong and Shanghai from February to April 2018

To recognize its exceptional volunteers, AXA Tianping launched a nomination and selection process. After a fair and transparent evaluation, two outstanding volunteers were selected to represent AXA Tianping and AXA in China: Yan Baolian from the Shandong Branch and He Xinying from the Fujian Branch, who have embarked on a fantastic journey to the Côte d’Azur, experiencing the stunning scenery and joining 12 other distinguished AXA employees from around the world in exploring marine biodiversity at the Monaco Scientific Centre and Oceanographic Museum.


AXA Tianping has always put its brand promise at heart and take real actions to commit to societal responsibilities, bringing warmth and hope to vulnerable groups through a series of effective initiatives. This recognition is not only a testament to AXA Tianping’s past efforts but also a direct reflection of the group’s high regard and trust in the Chinese strategic market. Moving forward, we will continue to expand the boundaries of CSR and look forward to collaborating with more like-minded partners to create a new chapter in the field of philanthropy.

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