
安盛天平首获集团公益大奖AXA Tianping Winning Grand Prize, Recognized by Group for Its Philanthropic Endeavors for the First Time in History Ever


AXA Tianping Winning Grand Prize, Recognized by Group for Its Philanthropic Endeavors for the First Time in History Ever







  • 非营利性组织,致力于海洋、环境与科研,为年轻一代和来自各大洲的领导人提供信息和教育
  • 自2023年4月起成为安盛集团公益伙伴
  • 总部设在巴黎,在联合国拥有“特别观察员”席位
  • 迄今为止,塔拉号及其合作伙伴共同组织了12次重大探索活动
  • 2018年2月至4月期间所到之地包括中国海南、厦门、香港和上海

To continue igniting the passion of AXA’s global colleagues, the group has selected six entities for their exceptional performance in corporate philanthropy and employee volunteering. Each selected entities will choose two outstanding employee volunteers embark on a remarkable journey – a two day experience on  Tara boat in French Riviera  early September.

Given AXA Tianping’s continued enthusiasm in the field of corporate philanthropy and volunteering activities as well as diversely organized “AXA Hearts in Action” activities in June, a grand prize from group has been granted  which is not only a recognition and appreciation for AXA’s tireless efforts, but also the highest honor the company has received since its participation to “AXA Hearts in Action”.

To honor our global recognition, the headquarters have meticulously designed a nomination process and a selection mechanism for choosing 2 employee volunteers from 26 branches & centers via a lucky draw, Upholding the principles of fairness, equity, and transparency, Mr. Kevin Chor, our CEO, has personally conducted the lucky draw at the mid-year branch meeting, choosing two lucky employees out of 61 candidates proposed by branches:

Baolian YAN from Shandong branch and Xinying HE from Fujian branch, who will not only experience the beautiful scenery of the Cote d’azure, but also visit the Monaco Science Center and the Monaco Ocean aquarium to explore the valuable knowledge of marine biodiversity with 12 other outstanding staff volunteers from  across the world.

As Dai Siyuan, Chief of Staff to the CEO and Chief Transformation Officer, said at the opening of the event, “As a member of the group’s family, we spare no efforts in balancing economic benefits while paying back to the society. This award is not only a recognition and encouragement to AXA, but also a reflection of the importance the group attaches to China’s strategic market.”

I hope that the two colleagues in the next journey of harvest, look forward to the sea trip in September all smooth, full.

【What’s the Tara】

  • Nonprofit Organization for the oceans, environment, and science to inform and educate the younger generation and leaders from all continents
  • Became a nonprofit partner of AXA Group in April 2023
  • Headquartered in Paris, the United Nations has a“Special observer” seat
  • To date, the Tara and its partners have jointly organized 12 major expeditions
  • Travel to Hainan, China, Xiameng, Hong Kong and Shanghai from February to April 2018

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