
守护人类文明瑰宝——安盛天平邀您沉浸式体验巴黎圣母院VR之旅Notre Dame VR Tour – A Splendid Immersive Experience Supported by AXA Tianping


Notre Dame VR Tour – A Splendid Immersive Experience Supported by AXA Tianping



安盛法国公司更承保了此前正在对巴黎圣母院进行修缮功能的两家签约机构Europe Echafaudage 和 Le Bras Freres的民事责任保险。此外,我们还参与了巴黎圣母院手工艺品和宗教仪式相关物品的承保工作,为巴黎圣母院的浴火重生做出切实贡献。


开幕仪式上的 VR 体验环节,吸引了众多到场嘉宾与观众的目光。


人类文明星汉灿烂,大千世界辽阔壮美,走出VR创造的梦幻天地,我们诚邀您踏上探索世界的全新旅程!「无惧小意外 安游大世界」安盛智行天下全球境外旅行保险,为您的自由与梦想保驾护航!

On July 26, “Eternal Notre Dame” traveled through time-immersive VR, it was officially opened in the presence of the French consulate-general in Shanghai, the French Embassy in Beijing, the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, the Shanghai Municipal Green-looking Bureau, the long-term business group, France Telecom, the Shanghai Exhibition Center Group and the Shanghai Municipal Youth Sports Federation. AXA Tianping was invited to attend the opening ceremony and the atmosphere was warm and solemn.

As a tribute to the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, AXA Tianping, together with a long history of literature and biography, made a modest contribution to the“Rebirth by fire” of Notre Dame de Paris.

AXA France added to its civil liability insurance coverage for Europe Echafaudage and Le Bras Freres, two contractors that were working on the restoration of Notre Dame. In addition, we have been involved in the Notre Dame handicrafts and ritual-related items insurance work, to make a tangible contribution to the rebirth of Notre Dame.

As one of the projects Le Festival Croisement, a cultural project between China and France- at the occasion of its 60th anniversary of  diplomatic relations”, the“Eternal Notre Dame” travels through time and space to immerse itself in VR, using state-of-the-art three-dimensional scanning technology, the exact reconstruction of Notre Dame’s Gothic architecture, from its construction in the Middle Ages to its current restoration, allows the audience to travel through time and gain an insight into the long history of this World Heritage Site.

The VR experience at the opening ceremony attracted the attention of many guests and the audience.

The audience put on their VR glasses and set off on a unique exploration of Notre Dame. In the virtual world, they“Travel” through time and space to appreciate the delicate relief decoration on the outside wall of Notre Dame, go inside to visit the famous flame-type vault, rose window, and finally climb the bell tower overlooking the city of Paris, feel the unique charm of this world cultural heritage, as if experienced the building from the Middle Ages to modern ups and downs.

We sincerely invite you to embark on a new journey to explore the world, accessed via VR and protected by AXA Tianping.

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