
安盛天平CSRD报送项目正式启动 CSRD Implementation Project Launched at AXA Tianping


CSRD Implementation Project Launched at AXA Tianping

近年来,欧盟对企业环境、社会和治理(ESG)信息披露的监管显著加强。2022年11月,欧盟最高决策机构欧盟理事会正式通过了《企业可持续发展报告指令》(Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, 简称CSRD),旨在通过统一的标准强制要求企业披露非财务信息,同时引入独立鉴证机制,以确保信息披露的透明度和质量。CSRD将分阶段实施,预计从2024年至2029年逐步推进,标志着企业ESG信息披露由之前自愿遵守的非强制性披露转变为有约束力的强制执行披露。



In recent years, the European Union (EU) has significantly strengthened its supervision on the disclosure of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) information. In November 2022, the European Council, the supreme decision-making body of the EU, officially passed the “Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive” (CSRD), aiming to mandate companies to disclose non-financial information through unified standards, while introducing an independent assurance mechanism to ensure the transparency and quality of information disclosure. The CSRD will be implemented in phases, expected to gradually advance from 2024 to 2029, in order to encourage enterprises to assume greater responsibilities in sustainable development disclosure and enhance their credibility and transparency.

With CSRD in force, the European Union has further consolidated its leader position in global ESG regulation, setting more stringent standards for ESG management. The CSRD implementation project was effectively launched by AXA Group at its headquarters last October with its main objective being the publication of AXA’s first Sustainability Statement under CSRD in FY2024 Annual Report. As a “full AXA” company, we are determined to support and promote the implementation of the group’s advanced sustainable development strategy in China. On July 4th, led by the PBRC team of Finance Department and with the full support of all relevant departments, the headquarters successfully launched the CSRD reporting project, marking that our first step implementing international ESG standards, opening a new chapter in our ESG journey.

Moving forward, we will strictly follow the group’s guidelines and collaborate with various departments to strive for accurate and scientific ESG data collection to improve ESG performance. This is not only where our corporate responsibility stands, but also a firm, steadfast commitment to support national strategies. By taking practical and effective actions, we are determined to deliver achievements in supporting the “dual carbon” goals to contribute to the country’s overall green development.

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