
2024年理赔防灾减损专项行动正式启动2024 Programme for Disaster Prevention and Loss Reduction in Claims Activated


2024 Programme for Disaster Prevention and Loss Reduction in Claims Activated 






With typhoon season approaching, severe weather is expected to hit many parts of the country. In response to possible emergency claims, AXA Tianping has established a disaster prevention and loss reduction task force, headed by Yang Yong, Chief Claims and Customer Service Officer, and jointly composed of the Claims and Customer Service Center, the Commercial Claims Department, and the claims teams across branches.

The kickoff meeting for the special action on disaster prevention and loss reduction in 2024 was held on June 4th, mobilizing all employees to attach great importance to disaster prevention and loss reduction. Chief Claims and Customer Service Officer Yang Yong attached great importance to the disaster prevention and loss reduction work to ensure a successful delivery of the company’s business goals, especially in face of increasingly frequent extreme weather.

During the meeting, the Claims Management Department from the headquarters set out detailed action plan for disaster prevention and loss reduction. Regarding the response to catastrophic disasters, branches are required to prepare emergency rescue and relief supplies in advance, combined with automatic disaster weather alert message system. They are also encouraged to actively participate in the industry’s risk screening, and to target key distributions such as enterprise property insurance customers, motor insurance group customers, and new energy insurance brands. The marketing department will cooperate in conducting safety promotion campaigns, supporting the branches’ risk reduction efforts, and promoting the development goal of “reducing costs, improving quality, increasing efficiency, and achieving profitability.”

Haiyong LIU from Commercial Claims Department reminded that floods, heavy rains, typhoons, among other disasters have caused significant losses to the insurance industry. Therefore, branches need to attach great importance to disaster prevention and risk reduction work, and to study the on-site investigation and training materials for disaster prevention and loss reduction during the flood season, conduct customer screening and risk survey services based on actual conditions, and help customers with disaster prevention during the flood season.

Hui RAO from the Claims Management Department calls on the entire claims team to shift their mindset from being “loss payers” to “risk managers.” The goal is to establish a comprehensive risk prevention and control system that includes “pre-disaster prevention, rapid response, and precise claims processing.” This will help better serve insurers’ role in leveling down risks while ensuring economic and social stability for the whole society.

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