
时不我待,星火转型Seizing the Moment, Igniting Transformation


Seizing the Moment, Igniting Transformation



健康险方面,我们紧握非车转型的宝贵机遇,“卓越馨选”领跑中端健康险市场,续保率逐年攀升并稳定在 70%的高水平,已成为头部经代渠道的口碑级健康险产品。机构端业务更是在短短4年内实现了 8 倍的惊人增长,团队专业性与日俱增,领先优势愈发明显。

商业险方面,随着引入全球承保能力和技术支持,结合遍布全国的机构网络、完善的落地服务能力,以及与国内头部保司的再保业务突破,我们在商业险发展方面取得长足进步,保费收入在5年内增长 16 倍,积累近 13,000家客户,拓展千余家合作渠道,构建起高效专业的核保团队与系统能力。


6 月 14 日,“星火转型计划”在公司管理层及机构一把手的共同见证下正式启动。该计划旨在激发机构智慧与自主创新能力,充分利用“报行合一”等指导建议带来的监管窗口期,行业竞争日趋理性的市场窗口期,以及资源向先发机构倾斜的公司窗口期,优化业务结构,拓展业务领域,探索新的增长点。以期在两到三年的转型征程中,将星星之火发展成燎原之势,以昂扬的斗志积极拥抱这场变革,为转型项目的成功落地提供坚实的保障与支持。


Looking back to 2019, AXATP embarked on a transformation journey full of opportunities and challenges following its completion of sole ownership. Over the past four years, driven by the mindset of high-quality development and profitable growth, each branch has shown remarkable progress in diversifying business, deepening distribution channel development, and enhancing team capabilities, we are also in a leading position in the non-motor transformation among our peers.

In terms of Motor, we successfully navigated the complex challenges of deregulation, continuously strengthening our core competencies in pricing, underwriting, and claims management. We not only significantly optimized policy costs but also actively explored new energy vehicle business.

As for Health, we seized valuable opportunities in non-motor sectors. Our flagship product “Zhuoyue Xinxuan (Comprehensive IP+OP)” leads the UMC health insurance market, with a renewal rate steadily maintaining at a high level of 70%, making it a highly recommended product among top-tier brokerage channels. Branch business has seen an astonishing eight-fold growth in just four years, with increasing professionalism within the team showcasing a clear competitive edge.

As regards Commercial Lines, leveraging global underwriting capabilities and technical support, combined with our local branch network, robust on-the-ground service capabilities and business breakthroughs in reinsurance cooperation with top domestic insurancers, we achieved significant progress in the development of commercial insurance. Premium has grown sixteen-fold over five years, with nearly 13,000 clients accumulated and expansions into over a thousand distribution channels, establishing efficient and professional underwriting teams and system capabilities.

However, the path of transformation has never been smooth, and the constant changes in internal and external environments present ongoing challenges. As we enter a critical phase of transformation, issues such as non-diversified business model and inadequate resilience against risks are becoming increasingly apparent. It is imperative to approach this transformation with a fresh perspective and cautious attitude, ensuring strong vitality and adaptive capabilities amidst changes.

On June 14th, under the joint witness of AXATP’s management and head of branches, the “Spark Transformation Plan” was officially launched. This project aims to stimulate branch wisdom and independent innovation, leveraging opportunities such as regulatory windows like “alignment of reporting and operation,” increasingly rationalized market competition, and concentrated resources for pioneer branches. The goal is to optimize business structures, expand business domains, and explore new growth areas. We look forward to grow the transformation spark into a wildfire over the next two to three years. In this new journey of transformation, let’s embrace this change with high spirits and provide solid support and assurance for the successful implementation of the transformation project.

No success comes easily, and hope often emerges from adversity, requiring our full commitment. Let us maintain steadfast beliefs, make adequate preparations, keep high spirits, seize the moment, take action, work together, and create new glories!

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