
CEO Newsletter ISSUE41–PC



11月6日,安盛天平应邀参加第六届中国国际进口博览会,并隆重举办了再保险“国际板”的首单国际分入合约的签署仪式。国家金融监督管理总局上海监管局党委书记、局长王俊寿,法国驻上海总领事Joan Valadou等多位重量级嘉宾共同见证了这一上海国际再保险中心的里程碑时刻。


11月13日,首届AXA安盛大中华高峰会在深港两地隆重举行。AXA安盛大中华区所辖的安盛香港及澳门、安盛天平、安盛保险销售有限公司、工银安盛共600多位菁英盛大集结,沉浸式感受了ONE AXA的品牌精神与文化底蕴,留下了一段非凡难忘的记忆时光。


Dear AXA Tianping colleagues:

The month of November, though soon to pass, has been truly exciting. Whether we were attending the 6th China International Import Expo or the first AXA Greater China Region Summit, we were always trying to explore how our efforts can fit into a broader picture.

On November 6, AXA Tianping was invited to participate in the 6th China International Import Expo and held a signing ceremony for first cross-border inward reinsurance contract on the newly introduced international board. Junshou WANG, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Shanghai Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration, Joan Valadou, Consul General of France in Shanghai, and many other important guests witnessed this milestone moment of the Shanghai International Reinsurance Center.

We also successful held “Joining Hands towards the Future • AXA Sustainable Development Forum” on the same day. We communicated and shared with partners from all walks of life, hoping to transform the challenges faced by data governance and financial talent innovation into development opportunities to inject strong momentum into the sustainable and healthy development of the entire industry.

On November 13, the first AXA Greater China Region Summit was held in Guangzhou and Hong Kong. More than 600 elites from AXA Hong Kong and Macau, AXA Tianping, AXA Insurance Sales Co., Ltd., and ICBC AXA Life Insurance gathered to immerse themselves in the brand spirit and culture of ONE AXA. The event left behind many extraordinary and unforgettable memories.

We have also been spreading warmth and sunshine. On November 18, AXA Tianping, together with its partner Mingya Insurance Brokers, embarked on a warm winter trip for the Miyun Aiyou Ansheng project in Beijing. Our caring team shared light with children in need, sharing their experiences, and caring for their growth. In the future, we will also gather more public welfare forces to continue to ignite hope going forward.

安盛天平首席执行官 左伟豪

CEO of AXA Tianping Kevin Chor

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