
安盛大中华区首届高峰会隆重举行 AXA Greater China Region Summit


AXA Greater China Region Summit


安盛大中华区CEO尹玄慧女士携安盛大中华区各兄弟公司管理层亲临【安盛大中华 非凡之夜】,并深情致辞,“作为一家全球领先的保险公司,我们将继续加强在大中华区的投资和发展,通过整合多地资源优势,不断满足客户的多样化需求,进一步提升客户体验。”


多位安盛大中华区的实力唱将燃情出征,见证ONE AXA文化在大中华区交流融合、发扬光大。来自安盛天平山东分公司的王珂栋与安盛天平浙江分公司的李亦楠分别荣获“安盛好声音”亚军与季军。

安盛天平山东分公司王珂栋 安盛天平浙江分公司李亦楠




On the evening of November 13, the first AXA Greater China Region Summit was held in Shenzhen, Pengcheng. This was the first gathering of the four sister companies of AXA Greater China – AXA Hong Kong, AXA Macau, AXA Tianping and ICBC AXA.

Ms. Sally WAN, CEO of AXA Greater China, together with the management of AXA China’s sister companies, attended “An Extraordinary Night with AXA” and delivered a speech: “As a leading global insurance company, we will continue to strengthen investment in Greater China, by integrating the advantages and resources from multiple regions to continuously meet the diverse needs of customers and further enhance customer experience.”

Several talented singers from our AXA Greater China team participated in the event to promote the values of One AXA. WANG Kedong from AXA Tianping Shandong Branch and LI Yinan from AXA Tianping Zhejiang Branch respectively won the second and third place in the ‘AXA Great Voices’ competition.

Hong Kong star Jerry Lamb and Miss Asia Yang Guang were invited serve as hosts, and Yao Xi, a contestant at Sing! China was also invited to participate in the grand event with everyone. Many of our colleagues from AXA China came to witness the exchange, integration and promotion of ONE AXA culture in Greater China, and presented awards to outstanding individuals and teams.

Later, the AXA Greater China delegation came to Hong Kong and collectively visited the AXA Prime in Tsim Sha Tsui, to immerse themselves in the heritage and charm of AXA’s 200 years of history and culture. They also went to the cutting-edge international landmark AXA x Wonderland to participate in exciting summit activities.

Finally, as the pinnacle honor ceremony of AXA China, the summit specially set up an awards ceremony to commend teams and individuals that demonstrated outstanding performances in 2023.

AXA Tianping’s Shandong Branch and Zhejiang Branch were awarded the Scale Contribution Award; the Shanghai Branch, Ningbo Branch and Jiangsu Branch were awarded the Cost Excellence Award. Ms. Sally WAN, CEO of AXA China, Mr. Kevin CHOR, CEO of AXA Tianping, and Mr. Liancheng ZHOU, Executive Vice President and Chief Channel Management and Sales Officer, presented awards to the winning organizations.

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