
闪亮进博会:安盛天平签署再保险“国际板”首单国际分入合约 CIIE: AXA Tianping signs first inward reinsurance agreement under Shanghai international board for reinsurance trading


CIIE: AXA Tianping signs first inward reinsurance agreement under Shanghai international board for reinsurance trading


图片说明:再保险“国际板”国际分入业务正式启动。左五:国家金融监督管理总局上海监管局党委书记、局长王俊寿,左四:法国驻上海总领事Joan Valadou,左三:上海保险交易所党委书记、董事长任春生,右三:临港新片区管委会金融贸易处处长孙筱和,右四:安盛天平财产保险有限公司董事长朱沙苗,右二:安盛天平财产保险有限公司首席执行官左伟豪,左二:安盛香港财产保险有限公司首席财产保险官黎柱基,左一:安盛天平财产保险有限公司总精算师、首席定价官兼上海再保险运营中心总经理殷兆男,右一:安盛天平财产保险有限公司首席商业险业务官曾翔。


AXA Tianping was invited to participate in the 6th China International Import Expo (CIIE) on November 6. As one of the first insurers to set up in the Lin-Gang Special Area International Reinsurance Center, AXA Tianping made a prominent appearance at the Lin-Gang Exhibition Hall and held a grand signing ceremony for the first cross-border inward reinsurance contract on the newly introduced international board. The signing represents an important milestone for Shanghai as international financial center.

From Lujiazui to Dishui Hu, China is committed to building a robust financial system and strengthening Shanghai’s position as an international financial center. AXA Tianping is glad to share the Group’s global network resources and experience, with the aim of serving the real economy and supporting the country’s modernization. We strive to provide high-quality cross-border financial products and services, contribute to enhancing the competitiveness and influence of Shanghai as international financial center, and promote the high-quality development of China’s financial sector.

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