
守护童心,共筑明天——安盛明亚携手开展公益行动计划 Protecting Children’s Hearts for a Better Tomorrow——AXA Partners with Mingyang for Chairty Event


Protecting Children’s Hearts for a Better Tomorrow——AXA Partners with Mingyang for Chairty Event

围绕 “关注弱势群体”的主题,安盛天平于今年组织了一系列面向员工及合作伙伴的志愿者活动,公益脚步遍及五湖四海,尽己所能为需要帮助的困境儿童提供所需的物资及教育。




















Focusing on the theme of “Caring For Vulnerable Groups”, AXA Tianping has organized a series of volunteer activities for employees and partners this year. The charity is implemented globally in order to provide the needed materials and education to needy children.

In October this year, AXA once again joined hands with its partner Mingya Insurance Brokers to launch a five-city charity plan, dedicating love and care to protect the innocence of children with serious illnesses to build a tomorrow together.

On October 16, volunteers came to the first stop of the Love Across Five Cities charity event at the Tianjin Hematology Research Laboratory.

Caring volunteers from AXA and Mingya completed the a egg coloring activity together with the children. They used colored pens to express their love for their favorite fruits and small animals, expressing their yearning for a better life, and spent quality time together during this warm and lovely afternoon.

On October 19, the second stop of the event was at Beijing Xuanwu Hospital. Volunteers and children mobilized their creativity, using their imagination and hands-on skills to jointly create 3D clay decorative paintings.

On October 20, the event travelled to the Shanghai Children’s Medical Center. Here, adults and children painted their love for life and their interpretation of love and warmth.

On October 23, the same day as the Chonggyang Festival, the charity event  took place at the Chongqing Medical University Affiliate Children’s Hospital. Amidst bursts of laughter, the children played the drums and passed flower balls around. Whenever the music stopped, the child with the flower ball in hand shared loving stories about their families. When there is warmth, pain temporarily subsides.

On October 24, the charity event concluded in Hangzhou at the Zhejiang University School of Medicine Affiliate Children’s Hospital. In the company of warmth and love, volunteers did handicrafts and paintings with the children. Though small, the space was filled with warm sunshine and the children’s smiling faces.

Thoughts from our volunteers:

Zhou Bo, Tianjin

“This event is very meaningful and seeing the innocent smiles of the children is deeply healing.”

Yin Peng, Beijing:

“I want to tell the children that it’s okay, there will always be bumps on the road to growth, but your smiles and bravery are the most powerful healing force in the world!”

Zhong Hua, Shanghai:

“Although they are chronically ill, they are very precious. Each one of them is so cheerful, lively, cute, sunny, and full of hope for life.”

He Yi, Chongqing:

“I hope that the charity activities can bring warmth and color to the children during their recovery period. Closely interacting with them slowed time down. I wish the children a speedy recovery, health and happiness.”

Chen Tingfang, Hangzhou:

“I hope more people can learn about participating in charity activities, spread more love to the world, and bring warmth to everyone!”

Although the Love Across Five Cities charity event has come to an end, in the future, we will continue to gather love from all walks of life, continue to deliver warmth, and work with channel partners and customers to provide support and assistance to children in need and children suffering from chronic illnesses. We will practice love and responsibility together, bridge the imbalance of development, and bring confidence and hope to the future of mankind!

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