
【守护+码 幸福家倍】 安盛家庭守护星比拼赢好礼活动 AXA Family Guardian Star Competition Abundant with Awards

【守护+码 幸福家倍】 安盛家庭守护星比拼赢好礼活动  

AXA Family Guardian Star Competition Abundant with Awards


这个夏天,安盛天平发起了以【守护加码 幸福家倍】为主题的家庭守护星故事征集活动。我们收到了来自十几个城市的踊跃投稿,并从中精选出12个动人故事,拍摄成12支【安盛家庭守护星】视频。故事的主人公或是家庭的守护人(渠道代理人),或是抵御健康风险的亲历者(安盛客户),他们用亲身经历告诉我们如何为每个幸福家庭保驾护航。




在两个多月的安盛家庭守护星活动期间,我们陆续发布的守护星视频收获了大家的认可和点赞。这次活动有三个奖项:人气守护星,最佳推广奖和卓越团队奖,奖品分别能获得迪士尼家庭票,家庭照片打印机,海马体全家福总换券,家庭露营户外天幕,利物浦家庭球票+LFC 签名球还有LFC充电宝。


Health is the foundation of happiness for families, and protecting family health is highly consistent with the humanistic philosophy advocated by AXA.

This summer, AXA Tianping launched a family guardian star activity with the theme of ” By increasing protection, you increase family happiness”. We received enthusiastic submissions across more than a dozen cities, and selected 12 touching stories, which were filmed into 12 “AXA Family Guardian Stars” videos. The protagonists of the story were either the guardians of families (channel agents) or those who have experienced health risks (AXA customers). They use their personal experiences to tell us how to protect every happy family.

During the more than two months of the AXA Family Guardian Star activity, the guardian star videos we released one after another, and received widespread recognition and likes. There are three awards for this event: Popularity Guardian Star, Best Promoter and Excellent Team Award. The prizes include family tickets to Disneyland, family photo printers, Haima family photo exchange coupons, family camping outdoor canopy, Liverpool family football tickets + LFC signed balls, and an LFC power bank.

Wonderful gifts await you!

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