
安盛天平荣获2023“极帜奖” 和“2023 CDI数字化营销创新奖” AXA Tianping awarded 2023 OneFLAG HR Awards and 2023 CDI Digital Retail Innovation Award

安盛天平荣获2023“极帜奖” 和“2023 CDI数字化营销创新奖”

AXA Tianping awarded 2023 OneFLAG HR Awards and 2023 CDI Digital Retail Innovation Award

金秋九月,安盛天平先后荣获2023“极帜奖” 和“2023 CDI数字化营销创新奖”,证明了企业在数字化创新和人力资源方面的卓越成就。

在9月5日举办的第九届“中国数字化创新博览会(CDIE)暨华鹰企业数字化指数(华鹰CDI)”上,安盛天平财产保险有限公司荣获“2023 CDI数字化营销创新奖”。安盛天平数字化营销总监黄蓓莹女士受邀出席活动,并发表了题为《数字驱动,创新求盛:安盛天平数字化营销的探索与实践》的演讲。她从运营创新、营销创新和服务创新等三个维度阐述了安盛天平数字化营销的创新方向和品牌实力,并且通过分享安盛天平数字化平台在不同场景中的实操应用,展现了公司在探索、实践并利用数字技术来提升自身核心竞争力,优化客户体验的精彩旅程。

CDI华鹰数字化指数是全球首个评估企业数字化程度的指数标准,也是中国首个以企业数字化程度为标准设立的奖项。作为一家倡导数字化转型和科技创新的企业,安盛天平高度重视在业务运营中应用数字化手段,通过不断的探索和创新,持续提升客户服务品质。安盛天平凭借其卓越实力在众多候选企业中脱颖而出,荣获“2023 CDI数字化营销创新奖”。这一荣誉既体现了中国数字化创新博览会对安盛天平在数字化领域持续创新探索的肯定和认可,也进一步坚定了安盛天平在数字化创新赋能和服务升级方面的决心,致力于打造一个持续创新的保险品牌。

2023 CDI数字化营销创新奖

而在9月7日举行的人力资源年度旗帜性奖项2023“极帜奖”(OneFLAG Awards)颁奖典礼上,安盛天平人力资源业务伙伴团队代表和“雇主承诺项目”代表分别获得:








AXA Tianping won the 2023 OneFLAG HR Award and the”2023 CDI Digital Retail Innovation Award in September, a testament to AXA’s achievements in digital innovation and human resources.

On September 5, during the 9th China Digital Innovation Expo (CDIE) and Huaying Enterprise Digital Index (Huaying CDI), AXA Tianping Property Insurance Co., Ltd. won the “2023 CDI Digital Retail Innovation Award”.

AXA Tianping Digital Marketing Director Catherine HUANG was invited to attend the event and delivered a speech entitled “Digital-driven Innovation and Prosperity: Exploration and Practice of Digital Marketing of AXA Tianping”. She elaborated on the innovative direction and brand strength of AXA Tianping’s digital marketing from three dimensions: operational innovation, marketing innovation and service innovation. She also demonstrated the company’s exploration and development by sharing the practical application of AXA Tianping’s digital platform in different scenarios, showing how AXA practices and uses digital technology to enhance its core competitiveness and optimize customer experience.

The CDI Huaying Digital Index is the world’s first index standard to evaluate the degree of digitalization of enterprises, and it is also China’s first award established based on the degree of digitalization of enterprises. As an enterprise that advocates digital transformation and technological innovation, AXA Tianping attaches great importance to the application of digital means in business operations, and continues to improve customer service quality through continuous exploration and innovation. With its outstanding strength, AXA Tianping stood out among many candidate companies and won the “2023 CDI Digital Retail Innovation Award”. This honor not only reflects China Digital Innovation Expo’s affirmation and recognition of AXA Tianping’s continuous innovation and exploration in the field of digitalization, but also further strengthens AXA Tianping’s determination in digital innovation empowerment and service upgrading, and building an innovative insurance brand.

And at the 2023 “OneFLAG Awards” ceremony, the annual flagship HR award, held on September 7, representatives of AXA Tianping’s HRBP team and representatives of the “Employer Commitment Project” won respectively the:

“OneFLAG Awards – BEST HRBP TEAM 2023” trophy

“OneFLAG Awards – BEST HR PROGRAMS 2023” trophy

The OneFLAG Award is China’s flagship award for human resources management. It is open to human resources executives and teams of enterprises in the Greater China region and selects human resources teams that inspire others with their extraordinary vision, superior leadership and outstanding achievements.

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