
AXA大中华区高峰会精彩预告 AXA Greater China Prime


AXA Greater China Prime


AXA安盛大中华区高峰会在紧锣密鼓地筹备当中,这将是AXA安盛大中华区4家兄弟公司——安盛香港、安盛澳门、安盛天平和工银安盛的首次相聚。出类拔萃的管理菁英和销售翘楚将汇聚一堂,展开一场经验互通、智慧交融的巅峰盛宴。在深圳,我们将迎来AXA安盛大中华区高峰会荣誉晚宴的盛大启幕;在香港AXA安盛竹翠公园——这一时下炙手可热的网红地标,安盛菁英将在声光电的奇妙旅程中燃烧激情、点燃梦想。届时安盛集团全球执行副总裁George Stansfield先生和安盛大中华区CEO尹玄慧女士将亲临现场,与大家共襄盛举,见证ONE AXA文化在大中华区交流融合、发扬光大,并为优秀个人和团队颁奖,为卓越加冕。

盛典的荣光属于脚踏实地的奋斗者,峰会的入场券只为最优秀的团队保留。为了激励大家,安盛大中华区CEO尹玄慧女士特录制视频为大家打call! 请安盛天平的各位同仁发挥“勇于奋斗、敢于拼搏“的精神,力争上游,为荣誉而战!


Autumn paints September in gold and perfumes it with the sweet smell of osmanthus. This is the season to reap what we’ve sown!

Preparations for the AXA Greater China Region Summit are underway. This will be the first gathering of the four sister companies of AXA Greater China – AXA Hong Kong, AXA Macau, AXA Tianping and ICBC AXA. Outstanding management and sales leaders will gather together for a lovely feast and engaging exchange. We will usher in the grand opening of the AXA Greater China Region Summit Banquet in Shenzhen, while in Hong Kong AXA x Wonderland (a popular photo destination), AXA elites will ignite passions and dreams in a spectacular experience of sound and light. George STANSFIELD, Global Executive Vice President of AXA Group, and Sally WAN, CEO of AXA Greater China, will be present to participate in the grand event with everyone, to participate in the exchange and promote the ONE AXA culture, and awarding outstanding individuals and teams for their excellence.

The heart of the ceremony lies in those who strive for the best, and tickets to the summit are reserved only for exceptional teams. In order to encourage everyone, Sally WAN, CEO of AXA Greater China, has specially recorded a motivational video for everyone! All colleagues at AXA Tianping are encouraged to show their fighting spirit to strive for the top!

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