
出席中法文化艺术交流招待酒会 Sino-French Culture and Art Exchange Cocktail Reception


Sino-French Culture and Art Exchange Cocktail Reception

11月11日晚,受法国驻上海总领事王度先生(Joan VALADOU)的盛情邀请,我与董事长朱沙苗女士、首席市场营销及公共事务官黄长青女士荣幸地出席了在法国驻沪总领事官邸举行的中法文化艺术交流招待酒会,与法国驻华大使罗梁先生(Laurent BILI),法国驻华大使馆文化、教育与科学事务公使衔参赞裴国良先生(Nicolas Pillerel)、法国驻上海总领事王度先生及其夫人等法方嘉宾共度了美好的夜晚。同场还有来自法国兴业银行、欧莱雅、人头马、香奈儿、保乐力加、迪奥、卡地亚、梵克雅宝、地中海俱乐部等80多位在华法资企业代表。



At the kind invitation of Mr. Joan VALADOU, Consul General of France in Shanghai, Chairman Sara Zhu, Chief Marketing and Public Affairs Officer Eva Huang and I attended the Sino-French Culture and Art Exchange Cocktail Reception at the residence of the French Consul General in Shanghai.
The event was also joined by Mr.Laurent BILI, French Ambassador to China, Mr.Nicolas Pillerel, Minister Counselor for Culture, Education and Science of the French Embassy in China, Mr.Joan VALADOU, Consul General of France in Shanghai, and his wife, as well as more than 80 representatives of French companies in China, including Societe Generale, L’Oreal, Remy Martin, Chanel, Pernod Ricard, Dior, Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels, and Club Med.
As Shanghai Art Week unfolded, the whole city is generating artistic vibrations. It was nice to have met many of our Chinese and French friends and guests and indulge ourselves in art and culture. Culture and civilization are the driving force for the development and progress of human society under a shared vision for mankind. November also marks the Sino-French Environment Month. As a French enterprise rooted in China, AXA Tianping attaches great attention to the dialogue and exchanges between China and France and is committed to promoting world peace and sustainable development, setting an example of a responsible enterprise. I believe that with joint efforts across industries, we will be able to overcome challenges and usher in a bright future together.

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