
媒体采访 |上海疫情,同舟共济;两会建言可持续发展 Media Interview | Stronger Together against the Coronavirus Outbreak; Calling for Collective Decarbonization Efforts During Two Sessions

媒体采访 |上海疫情,同舟共济;两会建言可持续发展

Media Interview | Stronger Together against the Coronavirus Outbreak; Calling for Collective Decarbonization Efforts During Two Sessions





Shanghai and many cities in China have been facing a new covid outbreak from March. Under this backdrop, state media Xinhua News talked to several foreign financial institutions including AXA Tianping on how we join efforts to protect employees and broader communities amid the challenging times. As shared in the interview, we remain optimistic despite the difficult conditions. Please find more details in the article:

In early March, I was also invited by the business media National Business Daily during the Two Sessions together with business leaders across all industries, to exchange views on future opportunities around innovation, decarbonization and green transformation.

As China implements the “dual carbon” national goal of reaching peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060, I thereby call for collective efforts from insurers with all industries to achieve sustainable development. Besides the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance, climate index insurance and 2023 green investment goal, AXA will soon run its serial climate campaign in China to showcase our determination in fighting climate change. Stay tuned! 

National Business Daily Two Sessions Campaign:

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