
3.0时代的车险蓝图 AXA 3.0 Era Motor Insurance Blueprint


AXA 3.0 Era Motor Insurance Blueprint

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在不久前召开的安盛亚非大区首届员工大会上,大中华区CEO Sally在讲话中特别介绍了新能源车险项目(NEV Project),足以体现集团、亚非和安盛天平管理层对该项目的高度重视,它不仅是当前的主要业务增长点,也代表着业务的未来,更承载了安盛天平车险业务条线实现弯道超车,重焕领导力的机遇。

安盛集团凭借强大的区域网络布局,以及在前沿科技方面的长期探索和积累,拥有得天独厚的全球化资源和领先技术。在安盛集团创新实验室、GI Hub技术中心的大力支持下,安盛天平新能源项目组正式成立,首要目标是梳理明晰该项业务的战略目标和方向,并为其未来发展建设和储备能力、资源。为协调所涉及的多个部门,确保各事项齐头并进,该项目被拆解为包括战略工作流、合作伙伴工作流、渠道工作流、核保定价工作流、理赔工作流、产品工作流等在内的多个子项目,并设定了清晰的目标和实施举措。



Motor insurance is the backbone of AXA’s 3.0, which centers around “diversified products, quality control, and sustainable development”. Accounting for the highest percentage of its business, the motor insurance business is crucial to the company’s standing out from its peers and its transformation towards AXA 3.0. On this note, Scott Yin, Chief Pricing Officer & Chief Actuary, shares his vision for the development of our auto insurance business.

The 1+2 Development Model

The motor insurance business will enter a new healthy and sustainable development phase in the 3.0 era. Its development model can be summarized as “1+2”, with 1 representing the top priority of cost optimization, and 2 referring to two key projects—the clientele upgrade project and the new energy vehicle (NEV) insurance project.

2021 was the first year to see motor insurance reforms, which have significantly impacted the entire industry: premiums declined, the combined ratio exceeded 100%, competition intensified, and several small and medium-sized companies gradually scaled down their businesses. Since the motor deregulation, AXA Tianping withstood the pressure from decreased premiums and expanded coverage to continuously navigate the negative impact and ultimately optimize its policy quality. In the 3.0 era, we will continue to optimize policy quality, strengthen the connection between the front and back offices, and strive to achieve the company’s cost KPIs.

On the other hand, the motor insurance development strategy needs to balance short-term and mid-to-long-term needs. We need to allow for effective cost control. We also need to improve various areas such as channel expansion, price management, claims management, product portfolio design, and investing in a more sustainable customer base. Upgrading the customer base means enhancing customer value and leveraging our current resources and experience to increase cross-selling, and lay the foundation for the company’s healthy future growth.

Although uncertainties remain on profitability and fierce competition in the coming year, we must stabilize our motor insurance scale and cement a concrete foundation for our business. With China’s new vehicle penetration rate of new energy vehicles reaching 20% in September last year, we are poised to enter this segment and grasp the growth opportunity.

A Strong Start in 2022

In Q1 2022, our motor insurance business achieved a strong start in terms of sales performance and cost control. We recorded a 9.5% increase in written premiums, which was the highest Q1 growth rate in recent years. At the same time, policy and finance costs were further optimized. Compared to last year, the total annual policy cost was optimized by 3.3% and the total annual financial cost ratio was optimized by 1.2%. Jiangsu (Region A), Shanghai (Region B), and Shandong (Region C) were leading in their respective region in motor insurance cost control and sales performance.

As 2022 marks the second full year under the reform, industry trends are expected to be clearer. Here are our observations:

1. Overall market looks promising and the competition is becoming more rational. The cost pressure will be more significant this year, as the financial indicator pressure gradually appears from declining post-reform premiums. On the other hand, claims standards are set to increase year by year. Therefore, leading companies will be more rational with their competitive strategies, which will help improve the market environment overall; smaller companies will also be forced to consciously implement aggressive strategies given greater cost pressures.

2. The rapid development of the NEV market will become a new growth engine, but it will also increase cost pressure, and as such, the market is expected to maintain a wait-and-see attitude.

3. There are still many uncertainties that will affect the business environment and development plan, for example, natural disasters, the COVID-19 pandemic, etc.

2022 will also be the year of launching NEV products, and the aforementioned trends also offer the following insights on motor insurance:

1. In a relatively rational market environment, we can build solid foundation, cultivate our existing customer base, and enhance customer value.

2. We have the chance to improve our capabilities internally and develop comprehensive offerings to help with emerging businesses, such as the necessary capabilities for the NEV business.

3. We will be more flexible with our strategy and plans amid uncertainties, while continuously improving and standardizing internal management capabilities. Our goal is to curate the right auto insurance pricing and management model for the Chinese market, which both meets the Group’s management requirements and reflects AXA Tianping’s unique positioning.

New Energy Vehicle Insurance—Faster and Steadier

Globally, sustainability has become a crucial topic. Energy and digital transformation are ushering the automotive industry into the new energy era. In China, these monumental changes present unprecedented opportunities. China’s national strategies have also offered full support to turbocharge the explosive growth. In 2021, China’s ownership of NEV reached 7.84 million, up 59.3% YoY, accounting for around half of global units. According to the Development Plan for the New Energy Vehicle Industry (2021-2035)released by the General Office of the State Council, the share of NEV sales is expected to reach about 20% by 2025. With the green economic policy support, improving technology and infrastructure, further decline in manufacturing costs, and rising consumer demands, NEV ownership is set to continue to grow as the transformation accelerates.

Technology development continues to drive the insurance industry’s evolution. On December 14, the Insurance Association of China released the Exclusive Terms and Conditions for New Energy Vehicle Commercial Insurance (Trial), the long-awaited NEV insurance plan for millions of NEV owners. At AXA Tianping, we have been following the development of new energy vehicles and their related technologies, and we have been studying and exploring how we can better provide customized coverage services for new energy vehicles. In the past few years, AXA Tianping has cooperated with numerous NEV companies. We have fully utilized their resource and technological advantages to explore the construction and improvement of the NEV service ecology.

At the first AXA Tianping Asia-Africa staff meeting recently, CEO of Greater China Sally introduced the New Energy Vehicle Project Team (NEV Project), which shows the all-around importance of this project. It is not only the main growth engine but also represents the future of the business and carries AXA’s vision to excel in the motor insurance industry.

With an extensive regional network and a long history of exploring and accumulating cutting-edge technologies, AXA Tianping is uniquely positioned to capture growth with the support of global resources and pioneering technologies. With the support of AXA Labs and GI Hub, the AXA Tianping NEV Project Team was established to identify strategic business objectives, while developing our capabilities for future development. To coordinate with the multiple departments involved and to ensure everything is progressing smoothly, the project was divided into multiple workflows, including Strategy, Partners, Channels, Underwriting and Pricing, Claims, and Products, among others. All of which were given clear objectives and implementation initiatives.

Through this period of hard work, the project team has been able to obtain valuable industry data, first-hand information, and feedback from the front-line staff. We now have an increasingly clear understanding of market patterns, trends, company capabilities, and key imperatives in the NEV business. At the same time, the team is aware that the project still falls in a relatively high-cost range. Therefore, how we balance cost control and development opportunities is a topic that must be meticulously addressed. The team is cautiously optimistic as it strives to curate a solid business development plan. ——“For NEV business, we must be the first-mover, but also act more consciously and steadily than others,” Scott summarized.

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