
感恩有你 一路同行 Celebrating Thanksgiving at AXA Tianping Headquarter

感恩有你 一路同行

Celebrating Thanksgiving at AXA Tianping Headquarter



活动中,中国大陆、香港和澳门行政总裁尹玄慧Sally Wan女士首先开场致辞,表达了安盛对中国市场的期望,同时对各位安盛同仁们致以感谢,激励大家在企业发展和转型的道路上继续前进。随后中国大陆、香港和澳门首席渠道官鲍可维Howard Pou先生以及新任安盛天平首席转型官李俊豪Jonathan Li先生发表了感恩节致辞,对未来的合作和发展给予肯定与期待。




On November 25th, Ruiming headquarter celebrated the Thanksgiving Day gathering employees, the management team and special guests. Thanks to Human Resources’ arrangement, the event brings with it an atmosphere of exuberance, delicate food and great company. It’s also a time of speaking out our gratitude to each other. A thank-you wall was also set up to display thank you letters from our colleagues.

Ms. Sally Wan, CEO of Great China opened the session, reinforced China’s role in AXA’s strategy, and delivered her appreciation to all AXA colleagues in driving the company growth. Mr. Howard Pou, Chief Distribution Officer of Great China and Mr. Jonathan Li, Chief Transformation Officer of AXA Tianping also expressed their anticipation to the future cooperation.

It’s a pity that I was not able to join the event in person and could only wrote a letter to say thanks to you all. The AXA Tianping management team also read their thank-you letters at the event.

This is the first year HR launched the Appreciation Campaign through email and Staff WeChat. We can see from the thank-you wall that many of you are actively using it to send gratitude to co-workers. During the event, Sally was also invited to present the awards to recognize those who received and sent the most Thank You Cards.

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