
“变革转型,人力先行”全国机构人力资源研讨会 “Transformation, Human Resource Go first” – 2021 National Branch Human Resources Conference Successfully Held  

“Transformation, Human Resource Go first” – 2021 National Branch Human Resources Conference Successfully Held

11月1日到11月3日,“变革转型,人力先行” 全国机构人力资源研讨会圆满召开。此次会议邀请了来自全国各家机构的综合管理部负责人集聚一堂,共同研讨在公司转型关键期人力资源工作的战略方向和规划,同时通过互动式讨论充分了解机构现状和组织诊断。


这次会议也听到了许多来自机构一线的声音。我们一起来听一听:“公司在转型在变革,条线也在转型在突破,这次研讨会让我看到和体验到了变化,我会把所学所想带回去,融入到我们机构的变革中去”;“创新、透明、协作、开放,努力成为各条线转型路上的陪伴者” ;“重任在肩,拥抱变革。团结就是力量,希望有更多的机会聚在一起研讨”

2021 National Branch Human Resources Conference “Transformation, Human Resource Go first” was successfully held from Nov.1st to 3rd, 2021. Heads of general management departments across the country participated the conference to discuss HR strategic planning during the critical period of transformation, as well as to fully understand current branch situations and organizational diagnosis by group discussion.

The conference included several parts: branch organizational transformation summary, “AXA Ambassador” talent project, branch talent development project, branch policy review project, discussion on how to change from HR role first and seeking for our new values, discussion solutions for pain points and challenges faced by branches. In addition, as 1st professional training for AXA Ambassador, market expert was invited to share some best practices and open our mindsets to help solve talent sourcing problems.

I am glad to hear branch voices during the conference and willing to share with you what I have heard. “The company is in the critical period of transformation. Branches should keep up with the rhythm of company’s development. I will change from myself and bring what I learnt from the meeting back to our branch.”; “Innovation, transparency, collaboration and openness, strive to be a good partner of transformation road.”; “It’s our responsibility to embrace and drive change. One AXA, one team. Hope we have more oppor.


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