
以爱驱散孤独,以陪伴治愈病痛 Love and Accompany is the Best Cure

Love and Accompany is the Best Cure



童乐园篇,我也一直知道,同事们希望在“童乐园”陪伴宝贝的热情从未因疫情而减弱半分,尽管此前组织的爱心探访被迫取消,仍会想方设法通过 “公益集市”等活动表达对“童乐园”公益项目的支持。真心感谢同事们持续的热情和能量,也无比坚信,我们的爱汇聚在一起会很强大,可以驱散他们的孤独;我们的陪伴若能坚持,足以抵御他们的病痛。


最后,特别鸣谢渠道发展中心个人渠道管理部的王婷,系统规划部的董贞君、安秋艳,财务会计部的陈蕾、廖舒雅,市场营销及公共事物部的郑萌、余姝毅、杨欣,你们用润物无声的力量, 正在一点点改变这个世界。

On November 12th, in the afternoon, eight colleagues from Shanghai headquarters landed on [Aiyou x AXA Playroom] that is located in Shanghai Children’s Medical Center to show their love and care for the sick orphans, through three hours of countless stitches and threads, which is three hours of hard work for sewing baby bibs.

“Aiyou x AXA Playroom”has been officially put into operation since July. I am very pleased to learn that those sick orphans from orphanages across the country are able to have a friendly and warm space dedicated to them, apart from the cold clinic in Shanghai Children’s Medical Center.

I have always known that our colleagues’ have big hearts. Your philanthropic enthusiasm has not been affected a bit, even in face of the forced cancellation of onsite volunteering activity due to the prevention and control of the epidemic. Instead, you keep showing your support through other formats, such as the organization of “charity flea markets”. I sincerely am grateful for your continuous enthusiasm and energies, and I am deeply convinced that our love is strong enough to dispel their loneliness, and our accompany can help cure their pain.

It is also my belief that the children that we cure today, will help to heal the world tomorrow. While AXA’s purpose is to ‘Act for Human Progress by Protecting What Matters’, children are what really matter to us. Children are the flames of hope, and as long as these flames remain, our humanity is expected to make continuous progress.

Finally, special thanks to Ting WANG, from Distribution team; Zhenjun DONG and Qiuyan AN, from IT team; Lei CHEN and Shuya LIAO, from big Finance team, and last but not least, Sheen Yang, Zoe ZHENG and Angelika YU, from Marketing & Communications team. I would like to express my most sincere gratitude and thank you for helping change the world using your power.

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