
出席临港科技保险创新试验区专题座谈会 Attending Technology Insurance Innovation Symposium in Lingang Organized by Shanghai Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau


Attending Technology Insurance Innovation Symposium in Lingang Organized by Shanghai Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau




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Invited by Shanghai Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, I was very honored to attend the Technology Insurance Innovation Symposium in Lingang, attended by industry peers in the prosperous and ever-changing city, sharing our insights on how AXA in China can contribute to supporting Shanghai as an international financial center, as well as how we can respond to the challenges in face of a time where climate change has become a global issue.

It is my belief that we, as a leading foreign insurer, have the ability to cope with climate related challenges by levering our scenario based global expertise and “insurtech”, and to expand our pilot climate index insurance products to the country to benefit those who are in need, which will eventually contribute to the development of Lingang, one of the starting points for China’s sustainable development as well as to participate in the strategic global resource allocation. As Mr. Duverne said, AXA will help contribute in Shanghai’s becoming a leading center for climate finance, with many of our great initiatives, including green investments, and health insurance schemes built as public-private partnerships.

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