
CEO Newsletter ISSUE 52–PC


辞旧贺岁,福满新程。在 2025 年的开端,我谨代表公司管理层,向每一位辛勤付出的员工致以最诚挚的感谢和最崇高的敬意!

回首 2024 年,我们携手奋进,成绩斐然。在每一位伙伴的共同努力下,我们在高质量发展和精细化运营的征途中不懈追求,成功达成业务目标,在安盛扎根中国25年的历程上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。




展望 2025 年,让我们携手共进,续写华章,为客户、为行业创造更多价值。让我们秉持“从赔付者到陪伴者”的企业愿景,积极推动战略转型,优化多元产品布局,为客户生活的方方面面提供坚实保障;积极响应政府要求,严格遵循集团的ESG倡议,以高标准规范运营,确保公司实现安全、可持续、合乎道德规范的发展。


Dear colleagues,

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year full of abundance and prosperity!

As we step into the year of 2025, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and highest respect for your exceptional hard work and dedication over the past year.

In 2024, our collective efforts led to extraordinary achievements. We made significant strides in high-quality development and operational excellence, successfully achieving our business goals and creating a remarkable legacy, standing as a shining tribute to the 25 journey of AXA’s entrance in China market.

This year marked a series of milestones for us as we celebrated the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations and actively embraced the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference and the new “Ten Measures”. In January, we achieved a breakthrough by signing a memorandum of cooperation with PICC Group,  underscoring our commitment to deepening our presence in China. This partnership not only highlights our dedication to support Chinese enterprises in their global ambitions but also showcases our capabilities to deliver cross-border financial solutions and risk management services.

We positioned ourselves as a pioneer in commemorating the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Lingang New Area. By being the first to complete the entire process of on-site transactions and spearheading the exploration of cross-border data flow, we contributed to the development of the Shanghai International Financial Center and promoting the integration of financial services and technological innovation.

We have also witnessed the historic moment when AXA Partners Meeting was held in Hongkong and Shenzhen, outside Europe for the first time in history ever a powerful demonstration of AXA Group’s strong commitment to support the integrated development of the Greater Bay Area. During this pivotal event, we strengthened communication and cooperation with government stakeholders  departments and conducted a successful visit to BYD Group, laying a solid foundation for us to capture immense opportunities brought by the vigorous development of the new energy vehicle industry through comprehensive insurance solutions and risk management strategies.

I wish to see all of us joining forces together for a bold new chapter for the new year of 2025, delivering more value for our customers and the industry at large, Guided by our corporate vision of “From Payer to Partner”, we will drive strategic transformation, optimize our diversified product portfolio, and provide solid and comprehensive protection for all aspects of our customers’ lives through innovative insurance solutions and customer-centric services. Let us remain committed to actively respond to government requirements, upholding group’s ESG standards, and embracing responsible business practices. Together, we will shape a future defined by trust, innovation and impact through ethical governance and sustainable operations.

As the old year unfurls its thousand layers of brilliance, the new year strides forward with renewed promises. Through this video, I would like to once again extend my New Year greetings to everyone, may your families be filled with joy, your health remain solid and strong, and your endeavors flourish the in new year ahead.

安盛天平首席执行官 左伟豪
CEO of AXA Tianping Kevin Chor

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