
年末喜报频传:卓越服务、ESG典范与公益案例三冠加冕 AXA Tianping Recognized for Service Excellence, ESG Leadership, and Community Impact


AXA Tianping Recognized for Service Excellence, ESG Leadership, and Community Impact


As we approach the end of the year, AXA Tianping Insurance Co., Ltd. is celebrating a series of notable achievements, earning awards for its exceptional service, commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) , and powerful philanthropy contribution to our community, underscoring AXA Tianping’s leadership and dedication across various domains.


Shanghai Securities News “Golden Finance” Annual Insurance Service Award

2024 年 12 月 21 日,在由新华社旗下《上海证券报》主办的“2024上证·大虹桥金融高质量发展大会”暨“金理财”颁奖典礼上,安盛天平凭借“WE CARE 安盛好服务”项目荣获“上证·金理财”年度保险服务奖。此次评选吸引了超过 120 家机构的 280 多个候选品牌、团队及产品参与,安盛天平以“以客户为中心”的服务理念、卓越的一站式服务实力以及良好的业界口碑,在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,彰显了其在保险服务领域的专业能力和客户至上的服务精神。

In a prestigious event hosted by Shanghai Securities News, a subsidiary of Xinhua News Agency, AXA Tianping was honored with the “Golden Finance” Annual Insurance Service Award for its “WE CARE AXA Good Service” initiative. The award, bestowed on December 21, 2024, acknowledges AXA Tianping’s unwavering commitment to customer-centric service and its outstanding one-stop service capabilities. The competition, featuring over 120 institutions and 280 brands, teams, and products, showcased AXA Tianping’s strong industry reputation and its ability to deliver exceptional service in a competitive landscape.


Today’s Insurance “Most Valuable ESG Company” Award

2024 年 12 月 16 日,由中央财经大学与今日保联合颁发的 2024 保险年度投资价值榜单揭晓,安盛天平凭借“净水守护 安盛筑爱”项目荣获“年度最具ESG价值公司”奖项。2024 年,安盛天平携手公益伙伴爱佑慈善基金会,为四川省凉山彝族自治州乃拖镇中心校的 712 名困境儿童捐助净水设备,解决健康安全用水难题,并配备健康用水物资包,有效提升孩子们的健康认知,助力良好卫生习惯的养成。此外,安盛天平还通过组织员工志愿者参与“微信捐步挑战赛”、开展爱心探访之旅等活动,持续为改善孩子们的用水条件贡献力量,用实际行动诠释了企业的 ESG 价值内涵与深厚的社会情怀。

On December 16, 2024, AXA Tianping was recognized as the “Most Valuable ESG Company” at the 2024 Insurance Annual Investment Value List, jointly presented by the Central University of Finance and Economics and Today’s Insurance. The accolade highlighted AXA Tianping’s “AXA Week for Good Campaign” that addresses the importance of sanitary water for vulnerable communities, showcasing its dedication to ESG and societal responsibilities.

In partnership with the Aiyou Charity Foundation, AXA Tianping donated water purification equipment to 712 underprivileged children at the Naituo Town Central Primary School in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. This initiative not only addressed the critical need for safe and clean drinking water but also enhanced the children’s health awareness and hygiene habits. AXA Tianping’s efforts, including employee volunteering initiatives and on site visits, demonstrate its commitment to making a positive impact in the communities it serves.


Public Welfare Festival “ESG Model Enterprise Award” and “Public Welfare Case Award”

2025 年 1 月 9 日,在北京开幕的第十四届公益节上,安盛天平荣获“2024 年度 ESG 典范企业奖”和“2024 年度公益案例奖”。本届公益节以“共筑可持续发展未来”为主题,聚焦公益创新、ESG 发展等议题。安盛天平凭借其在公益事业和 ESG 领域的杰出贡献获此殊荣,并将在“2024 有温度的品牌”展中展示其“净水守护,安盛筑爱”等公益项目成果。安盛天平始终秉持“以人为本,服务至上”的理念,积极参与公益事业,关注弱势群体,推动可持续发展,如长期开展“净水守护”公益项目,为偏远地区学校提供净水设备,守护孩子们的健康与梦想;同时,还积极参与环保行动,推动绿色办公,鼓励员工绿色出行,以实际行动践行环保理念。

AXA Tianping’s dedication to ESG and community impact was further recognized at the 2024 Public Welfare Festival, where the company was awarded the “ESG Model Enterprise Award” and the “Public Welfare Case Award.” These honors, were presented at the festival in Beijing on January 9,2025, celebrate AXA Tianping’s commitment to building a sustainable future through public welfare innovation and ESG leadership.

AXA Tianping’s participation in the “Brands with Societal Responsibilities” exhibition will showcase its impactful initiatives, including the “AXA Week for Good” project. The company’s unwavering dedication to “people-oriented, service-first” principles is evident through its ongoing efforts to support vulnerable groups and promote sustainable development.

Through aforementioned initiatives and environmental protection actions, AXA Tianping demonstrates its commitment to creating a positive and sustainable impact in society.

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