秋风轻拂,金桂满枝,我们再次有幸见证并参与了金融业对外开放的里程碑时刻——在2024年上海 国际再保险会议主论坛,安盛天平上海再保险运营中心完成上海国际再保险登记交易中心首单场内全流程再保险交易,不仅入选临港新片区国际再保险功能区2024年度典型案例,更荣获首笔交易奖励。首单交易实现了登记、交易、清分、结算全流程落地,成为临港新片区在跨境金融服务领域的又一重大成果,具有深刻的行业意义。我想与大家分享这份成就与荣耀,以及它对公司未来发展的深远意义。
9月24日至26日,我代表公司出席了“2024 中外知名企业四川行”活动,与四川省政府领导及各界人士深入交流,分享安盛在四川的发展历程和未来规划。自2006年进入四川以来,安盛始终致力于服务地方经济发展,通过依托集团经验和优势资源,充分把握四川的发展机遇。同时,自2022年以来,我们在四川开展了多项公益活动,包括可持续清洁能源项目、困境儿童爱心捐助等。今年10月,我们携手泛华、合力、隽天、黎明、明亚、志远等6家渠道伙伴,走进四川凉山,向乃拖镇中心校捐赠净水设备,见证了安盛天平员工志愿者的涓涓爱心汇聚为触手可及的清洁用水,守护孩子们的身心健康。
Dear colleagues,
As the autumn breeze stirs gently , we are once again honored to witness a historic moment in the opening-up of the financial industry.
At the main forum of the 2024 Shanghai International Reinsurance Conference, AXA Tianping’s Shanghai Reinsurance Operations Center completed the first full-process reinsurance transaction on the Shanghai International Reinsurance Registration and Trading Center. This accomplishment not only garnered the 2024 annual typical case award of the Lingang New Area International Reinsurance Functional Zone but also received recognition as the first transaction award, which marked the full realization of registration, trading, clearing, and settlement —- another significant achievement of Lingang New Area in the realm of cross-border financial services carrying far – reaching industry impact. I am thrilled to share this milestone and honor with everyone of you, and to reflect on its profound significance for the future growth of our company.
From September 24th to 26th, I had the honor of representing AXA to attend the“2024 Well-known Chinese and Foreign Enterprises’Visit to Sichuan”event, engaging in in-depth discussions with the leaders of the Sichuan Provincial Government and various community representatives. Together, we explored AXA’s history and future ambitions in Sichuan, where we have proudly supported local development since 2006. Drawing on the Group’s expertise and strengths, AXA remains dedicated to seizing opportunities to contribute to Sichuan’s growth.
In addition to our business endeavors, we have prioritized community services in this region as well. Since 2022, we have undertaken a series of corporate philanthropy projects in Sichuan, including biog as projects as well as initiatives that aid vulnerable children in difficulty. Most recently, in October this year, we collaborated with six distribution partners including Fanhua, Heli, Juntian, Liming, Mingya, and Zhiyuan, to visit Liangshan where we have raised charitable donations to install water purification equipment to the center school of Naituo town, which embodies the collective care and commitment of AXA Tianping and its business parnters.
From setting a benchmark for the industry’s openness and reform to advancing sustainable development that benefits the society, AXA Tianping is dedicated to fostering social stability and driving economic growth, embodying corporate responsibility. Our story continues, with this recognition as a starting point. Together, we will relentlessly pursue excellence and create a brighter future.

安盛天平首席执行官 左伟豪
CEO of AXA Tianping Kevin Chor