
安盛天平荣膺2024年度DEI雇主大奖 AXA Tianping Awarded the 2024 DEI Employer in China


AXA Tianping Awarded the 2024 DEI Employer in China


该奖项旨在表彰在多元、公平、包容(DEI- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)领域取得卓越成就的雇主企业,帮助企业了解其在DEI领域的投资与建设现状,同时满足全球监管机构对合规性和透明度日益增长的披露要求,助力组织构建自身的DEI核心竞争力与影响力。


On Aug 26th, AXA Tianping stood out from 635 well-known domestic and foreign enterprises and won the “2024 DEI Employer Award (China)” from DEI Award ceremony hosted by the globally leading employer brand research institution – Employer Branding Institute.

This award aims to recognize employers’ outstanding achievements in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), helping them understand their investment and constructions in the DEI dimensions, while meeting the increasing disclosure requirements of global regulatory agencies for compliance and transparency, helping employers build their own core DEI competitiveness and influence.

AXA Tianping has always considered sustainable development as one of its long-term development goals, establishing a diverse, equal, and inclusive corporate culture and work environment, creating a diversified and comprehensive training system for employees to help them better understand the functions and strategies of each business unit; Actively organize employees to participate in various social welfare activities and health themed days, providing comprehensive attention and care to women and vulnerable groups; Give strong recognition to outstanding teams and individuals, promote team cohesion and employee morale, and ensure that every employee has equal opportunities to succeed. In the inclusive and diverse culture of AXA Tianping, employees can achieve growth and success, have a sense of belonging, and work together to shape the corporate culture of AXA Tianping.

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