
2024年度机构年中工作会议暨“菁才俱乐部”高峰会圆满落幕2024 mid-year Branch meeting and“AXA Tianping Elite Sales Club” summit successfully convened


2024 mid-year Branch meeting and“AXA Tianping Elite Sales Club” summit successfully convened




在接下来的渠道以及财务报告中,我们进一步了解了2024上半年的经营成果:首席渠道管理和销售官周连成从产品经营、渠道建设两个维度对业绩展开深入解读,并提出确保利润、专业经营、做实渠道、严守红线四大要求;首席财务官Pierre LAUR肯定了公司在上半年的战略调整,并表达了后续持续优化利润以重回正增的期待。






July 25-26, the 2024 branch meeting and“AXA Tianping Elite Sales Club” summit concluded successfully. AXA Tianping management team, leading representatives of Greater China, heads of regional and branch offices, and heads of departments of the head office gathered in Beihai, Guangxi, to review the achievements of the company in the first half of the year, while looking forward to the development blueprint of “Xinghuo”Transformation.

Mr. Kevin CHOR, CEO of AXA Tianping opened the meeting, affirming the achievement of the first half year while clearly emphasizing the company’s commitment to sustainable business. He praised the team on its excellent execution and resilience in the first half of the year‚ and expressed high expectations for the second half of the year and beyond. He stressed the importance of maintaining a strong business foundation and set a clear target of achieving 2.82 billion yuan in premium income, representing a year–on–year growth rate of 2.6%, for the second half of the year.

After four years of persistent struggle and profound transformation and development, we are standing at a landmark turning point, which is not only the best reward for the unremitting efforts of the past, is the first time in corporate history to achieve solid profit growth of the landmark moment, a complete farewell to the long-term loss plight, ushered in the dawn of a new chapter.

In the following reports, we have further learned the results of the first half of 2024: Chief Distribution Management and sales officer Liancheng Zhou called for ensuring profits, professional operations, solid channels and strict compliance with red lines, while chief financial officer Pierre Laur acknowledged the company’s strategic change in the first half of the year, expecting to continue to optimize profits to return to positive growth.

Subsequently, various business lines also passed on the determination to adhere to quality control, comprehensive improvement of operating capacity: motor in sureness to restore the normal operation of the platform, and strive to achieve the annual 3.84 Billion Premium Budget, 97.5% in the second half of the marginal goal; Health insurance should firmly grasp the development opportunities brought by emerging markets and health care reform, hold the market leading position, and strive to achieve positive growth in new orders, while enhancing the risk-resistant capability of the business, we should continue to strengthen capacity-building in the areas of dual-core insurance and risk reduction; retail insurance needs to make efforts to explore new business channels and new projects to fill the gap in retail insurance premiums, to increase the overlap rate of driving accidents and maintain the momentum of continuous growth in the advantageous sectors.

On the second day of the conference,Mr. Kevin CHOR listened to the first-half business analysis reports from three regions, and expected that the profit target of the second half of the year is reached and the annual premium budget is fulfilled.

In addition, areas related to compliance and consumer protections also need solid progress to promote cost control measures, in-depth implementation of this culture.

It is worth mentioning that Xinghuo transformation project has also achieved phased results during this mid-year meeting. For the first time, the Jiangsu, Guangxi and Shandong branches have conducted thematic reports on the spark transformation project to discuss how to achieve the local business model and the plate breakthrough in the fields of health insurance cost management, new energy business development and second-hand vehicle business expansion. Since its official launch on June 14, we have gathered  53 project proposals, and conducted 8 onsite research preparing a solid foundation for the transformation, which undoubtedly fueled the company with extra forces in the future.

After the in-depth discussion and exchange of the semi-annual working meeting, it is firmly believed that with the cooperation of the headquarters, through the joint efforts of all staff, the company will be able to achieve the goal of the second half. In the face of the future, let us take a more firm step, following the development path of Xinghuo Transformation Plan, and create a brilliant future together!

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