
安盛之星 AXA Stars


AXA Stars



In 2023, a total of 25 headquarters and corporate colleagues were selected as the star of customer, the star of Unity, the star of courage, the star of integrity and the star of transformation. The magazine will provide a special column for these colleagues, “AXA Star”, to help you further understand the AXA people practice AXA values story.

This month, we will share with you the star of integrity-liang Chunchang, head of the business management section of the claims management department, and Zhong Jiyu, system management manager of the sales management department, the star of transformation, the brave star-the story of Liang Yueyuan, assistant manager, marketing department, Xingtai Center branch.



Q1:  获得安盛之星是什么样的感受? 


Q2: 平时生活中有哪些保持自信、健康、快乐的习惯或者爱好?


Q3: 请分享最近在看的一本书、一部电影或一部剧。



The star of integrity

Liang Chunchang has a rich professional background in auto insurance and many years of experience in surveying and damage determination. He was responsible for surveying and management, complaint management, etc. , and is currently the director of the Claims Management Department, he is mainly responsible for customer service and vehicle cost control for auto insurance users. In terms of customer service, he has improved the online claims process to increase the online claims proportion and customer satisfaction. In terms of business support, he has formed a team of new energy claims experts to continuously enhance the new energy claims risk management capability In terms of vehicle and material cost control, he provided efficient and professional services for AXA users and organizations to survey damage personnel through online low-carbon insurance platform to control risks and reduce damage costs.

Q 1: How does it feel knowing that you’ve been awarded as AXA Star?

I feel proud and grateful for the team who supports me on a daily basis, thanks to the driver physical claims staff in the vehicle damage and customer service to make unremitting efforts! We will continue to uphold our work principle and practice the duties of insurer.

Q 2:What are your habits to keep confident, healthy and positive?

Usually I like to take my baby to play outdoor sports, walk in the park or take the children to play ball, breathe the fresh air. Full exercise helps to keep the body healthy, accompany the child in the growth of every bit can bring physical and mental pleasure.

Q 3:Please share with us a book, a movie or a theatre piece.

Recently saw the“Chang ‘an 30,000 Miles” of the “rencontre” of Gao Shi and Li Bai. Gao Shi was a man who had joined the world and was dedicated to serving his country. Li Bai was an immortal poet, and everyone in the world knew him.

I strongly recommend this book, a story of true brotherhood.









The star of transformation

In view of the importance of compliance to the company’s management, as well as the lack of systematic and normative compliance training in the earlier sales line, Zhong Jiyu took the initiative to build the sales line compliance training system. Through in-depth research, he planned for different target compliance training programs, the introduction of industry-leading curriculum system, and the formation of a comprehensive compliance training system. In addition, in order to consolidate risk prevention capacity, risk intermediary channels also established a list of banks and regular sampling inspection system.
Today, every salesperson must undergo compliance training and testing when they enter the job, and receive system compliance training and keep records while working with agents and salespeople. At the same time, Zhong Jiyu has also established a list of intermediary channels to identify and prevent high risks in intermediary cooperation, implemented regular spot checks to prevent and forewarn risks, and consolidated the company’s sales system infrastructure, it has filled in the gaps in the system and laid a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the business.

Q 1:How does it feel knowing that you’ve been awarded as AXA Star?

I am deeply honored and excited to receive this award, which represents the recognition and affirmation of the company and the leadership. This award has witnessed my efforts and sweat, but also witnessed my growth and progress. It made me believe that if I put my heart into it, I can achieve results. I will cherish this honor, continue to maintain a humble and enterprising attitude, constantly improve their ability and quality, for the development of the company to contribute more strength. At the same time, I also look forward to the future to meet more challenges and create more brilliant.

Q 2:What are your habits to keep confident, healthy and positive?

I usually prefer reading, will be in the leisure and commuting time to read e-books. For me, books are not only a treasure trove of knowledge, but also a window into the world. I like to immerse myself in the world of books and enjoy the feeling of quiet and concentration. Whether it’s fiction, prose, or popular science, I enjoy reading and learning from it. Reading helps me appreciate the beauty of life and enriches my inner world. For me, reading is a simple and pure enjoyment.

Q 3:Please share with us a book, a movie or a theatre piece.

I recently read a book called insight, which provides insight into the limitations and blind spots of human cognition in an easy-to-understand way. The book offers a wealth of case studies and original perspectives that give me new insights into self-knowledge, ways of thinking, and relationships. It taught me that our way of thinking is often limited by past experience and preconceived notions, and that these limitations are the“Blind spots” that prevent us from seeing the truth. Through the guidance of the book, I began to reflect on my own thinking patterns, trying to get out of the frame, with a new perspective to look at the problem. At the same time, the book also emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, only really know themselves, in order to better deal with the challenges of life. Reading this book, not only let me gain knowledge, but also let me in the depths of the soul was touched and inspired.



  • 2023年度,部门保费达成率135%,位列河北分公司第2名;
  • 2023年度,新能源车险保费达成率1042%,位列河北分公司第1名;
  • 2023年度,大分销当年件数续保率43.97%,位列河北分公司第2名;
  • 2023年度,商业险保费达成率109%,位列河北分公司第1名。







The brave star

Liang Yueyuan is from the marketing department of Xingtai branch of Hebei branch company. Since he joined the company in 2012, he has worked as assistant manager of Business Administration Department, Supervisor of Business Promotion Office, assistant manager of marketing department, etc. , and won a number of honors: 2018,2019 the head office of the authorized speaker of the individual channels, the 2017 head office of the individual channels gold medal curriculum design competition“Finalist”, 2018 head office individual generation channel gold medal curriculum design competition“Excellent Work Award”, 2019 Head Office Individual Generation Channel gold medal curriculum design competition“Third Prize”, he branch 2020 generation channel excellent sales team, 2021 Hebei Branch Excellent Driving Insurance Promotion Award, 2021 Hebei branch excellent H24 product promotion award. In addition, she has made many achievements with the team:

  • In 2023, the department achieved 135% of the premium rate, ranked second in Hebei branch;
  • In 2023, the new energy vehicle insurance premium rate of 1042% , ranked first in Hebei branch;
  • In 2023, the renewal rate of large-scale distribution was 43.97% , ranking 2nd in Hebei branch;
  • In 2023, the rate of commercial insurance premium reached 109% , ranked first in Hebei branch.

Q 1: How does it feel knowing that you’ve been awarded as AXA Star?

I am grateful for the opportunity and platform that the company has given me to display myself and realize my value, and for the support and help of my leaders and colleagues in my work, the recognition of my past work and the encouragement of my future work.

Q 2: What are your habits to keep confident, healthy and positive?

I like traveling and reading with my children in my daily life. Traveling can broaden my horizons, increase my knowledge, and at the same time keep a good mood; parent-child reading makes me broaden my mind, increase my knowledge, and promote a good parent-child relationship.

Q 3: Please share with us a book, a movie or a theatre piece.

I’ve recently revisited “life saved”. The book tells the story of the architect and his wife who spent nearly 40 years building their dream home. The couple work at sunrise and rest at sunset. They keep their life in order and lead a quiet and comfortable life. Reading this book gives me peace of mind. Good Life is the accumulation of time, you and I can have, as long as the heart firmly, start early, time will give us the best answer.

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