
“清查违规操作、严查内部欺诈” ——“惊雷”行动拉开序幕Project “Thunderbolt” Kicked-off to Inspect Illegal Operations and Investigate Internal Fraud

“清查违规操作、严查内部欺诈” ——“惊雷”行动拉开序幕

Project “Thunderbolt” Kicked-off to Inspect Illegal Operations and Investigate Internal Fraud 




随着专项行动的深入开展, 后续将推进“异常行为”理赔人员排查、高风险案件“旧案新查”、投诉案件回顾、异常指标人员案件回顾、收款人多次支付案件检查、内部欺诈风险防控工作检查、开展警示教育培训等各项工作, 确保专项行动稳打稳扎落到实处。

In order to implement the company’s high-quality development strategy and safeguard the company’s operation, the entire staff of the Claims and Customer Service Center of the head office recently held a kick-off meeting for the “Thunderbolt” action at Jinqiao workplace. The meeting focused on the theme of “inspecting illegal operations and strictly investigating internal fraud”, aiming to unite efforts to build a strong and incorruptible claims team with high combat effectiveness.

At the kick-off meeting, Yang Yong, Chief Claims and Customer Service Officer of AXA Tianping, emphasized the importance of integrity and self-discipline for claims positions. He urged all personnel to remain clear-headed, adhere to integrity, abide by the law, and follow the rules. He expressed his hope that the claims personnel could truly practice the values mentioned above, and continue to intensify the efforts in conducting internal anti-fraud work to safeguard the company’s sustainable development.

Following the session, claims across various branches will also sign the “Collective Commitment for Integrity and Honesty of Claims and Customer Service Personnel”, jointly committing to follow all the company’s claims processes, abide by the company’s rules and regulations, and safeguard the interests of customers.

With the in-depth implementation of the special action, the follow-up work will include the screening of “abnormal behavior” of claims personnel, the “re-examination of old cases” of high-risk cases, the review of complaint cases, the review of cases involving personnel with abnormal indicators, the inspection of cases with repeated payments to payees, the inspection of internal fraud risk prevention and control work, and the conduct of warning education and training. All these efforts will ensure that the special action is steadily implemented in a down-to-earth manner.

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