
安盛天平荣获“年度保险业数字化转型突破奖”AXA Tianping Recognized for Its Innovation in Digitalization


AXA Tianping Recognized for Its Innovation in Digitalization 

2024 年 6 月 13 日,在上海举行的“第六届中国保险业数字化与人工智能发展大会”上,安盛天平财产保险有限公司荣获“年度保险业数字化转型突破奖”,连续第三年在保险科技领域获得业界认可。作为一家倡导数字化转型与科技创新的企业,安盛天平高度重视数字化手段在业务运营中的应用,通过不断探索和创新,持续提升客户服务品质。此次获奖不仅是对安盛天平在数字化转型道路上持续探索与创新实践的肯定,更充分展现了安盛天平在数字化领域的引领地位。


安盛天平数字化营销总监黄蓓莹受邀发表了题为《数字赋能 转型求盛:安盛天平数字化营销的探索与实践》的演讲。她从运营创新、营销创新和服务创新等三个维度阐述了安盛天平数字化营销的创新方向和品牌实力,分享安盛天平数字化平台在不同场景中的实操应用,展现了公司在探索、实践并利用数字技术来提升自身核心竞争力,优化客户体验的精彩旅程。

On June 13, 2024, at the “6th  China Insurance Industry Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence Development Conference” held in Shanghai, AXA Tianping Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. was awarded the “Annual Insurance Industry Digital Transformation Breakthrough Award,” marking the third consecutive year of recognition in the insurance technology sector. As a company that is backboned by digital transformation and technological innovation, AXA Tianping attaches great importance to the application of digital means in business operations. Through continuous exploration and innovation, it has continuously improved the quality of customer service. This award not only affirms AXA Tianping’s continuous exploration and innovative practices on the path of digital transformation, but also fully demonstrates AXA Tianping’s leading position in the digital field.

Fred Ding, Chief Health Officer of AXA Tianping, was invited to attend the event and presided over the roundtable discussion on “Promoting Integration of Industry and Technology to Boost the High-Quality Development of Financial Insurance.” With his profound industry experience and forward-looking insights into cutting-edge technology, Mr. Ding conducted an in-depth analysis of the innovative potential of artificial intelligence and big data applications in the insurance industry.

Catherine HUANG, Director of Digital Marketing of AXA Tianping, delivered a speech titled “Digital Empowerment and Transformation for Prosperity: Exploration and Practice of Digital Marketing in AXA Tianping.” She elaborated on the innovative direction and brand value of AXA Tianping’s digital marketing regarding operational innovation, marketing innovation, and service innovation, and shared practical applications of AXA Tianping’s digital platform in different scenarios, demonstrating the company’s exciting journey in exploring, practicing, and utilizing digital technology to enhance its core competitiveness and optimize customer experience.

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