
乘风破浪,奋勇争先——2024陆家嘴金融城第五届龙舟赛安盛速度再创新高Braving the Waves and Surging Forward with Courage AXA Tianping sets a new record at the 5th Lujiazui Financial City Dragon Boat Race in 2024



Braving the Waves and Surging Forward with Courage AXA Tianping sets a new record at the 5th Lujiazui Financial City Dragon Boat Race in 2024






On June 2, 2024, the AXA Tianping’s Dragon Boat Team named “Sailing Forward” enthusiastically participated in the 5th Lujiazui Financial City Dragon Boat Race in 2024.

Hosted by the Comprehensive Party Committee of Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone in Shanghai, the General Union of Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone in Shanghai, and the Comprehensive Youth League Committee of Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone in Shanghai, this dragon boat race attracted 7 participating teams coming from various enterprises and institutions in Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone. Joining the race for four consecutive years, AXA Tianping hopes to convey its solidarity and perseverance while expressing its best wishes to the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the 25th anniversary of AXA’s establishment in China.

The recruitment email received positive responses from IT, claims customer service, audit, distribution, and health. Leader and Drummer Zhongyun LU,together with Wei YANG, Shouhan LIU, Haojie FAN, Lin YE, Peng GONG, Pengle AI, Mingzhu JIAO, Yuzhi YAN, and Qiaobian NIU  some of whom were experienced players that have achieved excellent results in previous raches, teamed up this year for a better coordination and teamwork. Although the newcomers lack experience, they are fully committed with high enthusiasm and fighting spirit, contributing their strength to fight for honor and victory.

The team underwent two training sessions and a water trial before the competition. All participants adhered strictly to the schedule and cooperated seamlessly in spite of the hot weather.

Ye Lin, “The training was tiring, but no one complained. We arrived on time and spared no efforts paddling, although my back couldn’t bend and my legs couldn’t lift. Everyone took it seriously has put a lot of efforts in it. I would like to express my gratitude and my love to all of them.”

On the day of the competition, with the sound of the starting pistol, all the AXAers of “Sailing Forward” Dragon Boat Team put in their full effort. Accompanied by the sound of the drumbeat and the cheering from the sidelines, they struck the water despite the waves that were holding back the flying boat. There was nothing but AXAers’ spirit and vitality that was demonstrated.

The competition was fierce as there were professional teams that had been trained for years. Facing the challenges, the “Sailing Forward” Dragon Boat Team cooperated sincerely and united as one. Not only did they complete the race smoothly, but they also achieved their best result in history – 13 seconds faster than last year and even 0.24 seconds ahead of this year’s third-place team. However, due to the competition rules, we were in the “Group of Death” and narrowly missed the trophy. But our resilience and tenacity in facing strong opponents have stood out. We believe that in the coming year, we will definitely break through and achieve even better results!

Mingzhu JIAO: “It is my first time participating the race. I am touched by the solidarity and the conviviality of the team. The training was highly effective and we all got along with each other. During the competition, we all gave our best, and hang in there despite the challenge. It has been quite an inspiring and encouraging experience for me.”

Lin YE: “I knew that the other teams were so much stronger but no one from our team gave in. We all did our best and made our way to the final stage, thanks to our perseverance and insistence.”

Lin YE: “We were a bit anxious in the group competition and were not performing well, but we adjusted ourselves in time, and have summed our ‘lessons learned’ after the competition.  We pulled together as a team in the semifinal, and improved by 4 seconds despite our physical exhaustion, achieving our best result in history. Our team members are just amazing!”

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