
安盛之星 AXA Stars


AXA Stars



25 employees from headquarters and branches have stood out at the end of the AXA Star Nomination, being awarded for embedding AXA values throughout their daily work. A special column has been created for us to know them better.

This month, we are delighted to share with you the stories of Donghao SUN from Wenzhou sub-branch, the Star of Courage; Bin ZU from non-motor Sales, Star of Customers First, and Jun LIU from Claims department, Star of AXA One.












Courage: Donghao SUN

As the general manager of the Wenzhou sub-branch, Donghao has always adhered to the management principle of “thinking in place, execution in place, and results in place” in facing various challenges, winning the company a good reputation and sustainable development.

By strengthening cooperation with distributions and intensifying interaction frequency, starting from focusing on renewal insurance and quality, Donghao has propelled the Wenzhou Central Branch to make significant progress in the construction of motor distribution, successfully establishing five million-scale motor insurance distributions and expanding the original 2 million-scale distribution to 4.5 million. He has optimized the inventory scale of the auto dealers’ distribution of Wenzhou Star and Wuzhou Group, and added four new BYD 4S stores as partners, two of which have insurance premium capacity exceeding 1.3 million yuan.

By establishing a mechanism for promoting repair and insurance premium renewal, and strengthening the linkage between claims and business operations, he has successfully increased the ratio of repair promotion to production from the original 1:0.6 to the current 1:1.8. He focuses on enhancing the quality of motor insurance business, taking a series of measures such as optimizing business selection, increasing anti-fraud and violation factors, and identifying high-risk individuals, which have effectively optimized the claims process, reduced compensation costs, and lowered the historical compensation ratio from 67% in April 2023 to 54.34% by the end of November of the same year. Additionally, the claims cost ratio has dropped from 8.61% in 2022 to 6%.

At the same time, the Wenzhou branch has also made significant breakthroughs in the field of corporate cargo insurance. He led his team to communicate with clients multiple times, providing holiday greetings and guidance on claims, and successfully won the recognition of AXA’s brand and services from clients such as Tsingshan Group. It is estimated that the premium in 2024 will exceed 1.2 million.

Q1:How does it feel knowing that you’ve been awarded as AXA Star?

Seeing my name attached to that award is encouraging. I would like to thank my colleagues, my family and friends without whom I wound not have made it. Being awarded will only motivate me to work harder and move forward with more confidence.

Q2:What are your habits to keep confident, healthy and positive?

I love jogging, bicycling, and trekking, as outdoor activities can boost positive emotions and prevent negativities from happening. Being emerged in the nature can also set me free and give me peace of mind.

Q3:Please share with us a book, a movie or a theatre piece.

I really enjoy reading biographies, and I recently finished reading “The Biography of Chu Shijian”, who became the director of a sugar mill and turned it from a loss-making enterprise to a profitable one in just one year at the age of 36. When he was 52, he was transferred to a cigarette factory, and over the next 17 years, he brought the local cigarette factory to the first place in the country and the fifth place in the world. After reaching the peak of his life, he encountered setbacks when his daughter committed suicide at 68 and he was imprisoned at 72. When he reappeared in the public, he was already 75 years old, borrowing 10 million RMB to start a new business – planting oranges. In five years, he repaid all the loans. He has the magic of turning losing companies into profitable ones to achieve good business results. Mr. Chu said, “Looking back on these years, I am most conscience-clear that I have not lived an indifferent life.” I am deeply inspired and come to understand that nobody can beat you up unless you allow them to do so.









Q3: 请分享最近在看的一本书、一部电影或一部剧。


Customer First:Bin ZU

Zu Bin serves as the Client Manager of AXA Jinan subbranch. After nearly three years of working at AXA, he has been fighting at the forefront, listening closely to the voices of agents, accurately identifying the specific needs of customers, actively sharing claims cases and product interpretations through WeChat groups, timely communicating and delivering information, and answering questions from distribution partners, earning the trust of everyone.

In 2023, Bin has accumulated a total premium of 9.07 million yuan in health, retail and commercial lines. He actively promoted and expanded the distributions of AXA’s global high-end health insurance, with his business promotion accounting for 65% of the province’s total business. He repeatedly assisted brokers and customers in contacting medical services, collecting claim information, and received praises and commendation flags from customers. He successfully promoted 10,000 policies of the People’s Insurance program, enabling more local residents to enjoy comprehensive protection at affordable prices.

Bin always keeps in mind that we are not a payer, but rather a partner to our customers, and is committed to making more customers know, understand, and trust AXA’s brand as well as its protection services.

Q1:How does it feel knowing that you’ve been awarded as AXA Star?

I feel very proud for being recognized by colleagues and my business partners who have always supported me, motivating me to work harder and live AXA values to bring better services to our customers.

Q2:What are your habits to keep confident, healthy and positive?

During the holiday, I will take my family for a short trip to relax in nature. I will maintain pleasant communication with friends of the same wavelength, balancing work and rest, and bringing a good state of mind back to life and work.

Q3:Please share with us a book, a movie or a theatre piece.

Recently, I’ve been reading “Patients Without Borders”. In my daily work, I often encounter clients who seek medical treatment in different cities. I’ve seen too many cases of high-end medical services assisting clients with overseas treatment. However, after reading this book, I was still deeply shocked. It reveals more details than conventional insurance claims cases. The author’s personal struggles with overseas treatment, psychological changes, the full support from family and friends, and the mutual encouragement between doctors and patients… all these stories are touching and teach us about resilience, perseverance, and hope in facing life.











One AXA: Jun LIU

Since joining AXA Tianping in 2011, Jun has successively held the positions of major vehicle claim management and SIU special investigation. During this period, he has constantly honed his professional skills and was appointed as a new energy claim expert by the headquarters in 2023. He has also achieved the intermediate level in vehicle claim and anti-fraud investigation and the entry-level in accident and health insurance within the claim series. He is adept at utilizing his professional knowledge and skills in his daily work to help the claim management department continuously improve its claim handling skills and service awareness, providing better and more efficient services to the company and customers.

In the field of new energy vehicle insurance, Jun actively participated in the “AXA Tianping 2023 Advanced Training Course on New Energy Vehicle Claims Practices” organized by the headquarters and successfully obtained the graduation certificate. In the same year, he collaborated with leading new energy vehicle repair enterprises in the industry to jointly organize several special new energy training sessions and had in-depth communication and exchanges with the training institutions during the training period.

Without increasing his own personnel, he successfully took over the personnel injury work and made rational use of the remote loss assessment team scheduling tool, achieving a per capita productivity of 4.4 (while the average per capita productivity of urban institutions is 3.8), an increase of 22.2% compared to 2022, ranking among the top in the company.

Q1:How does it feel knowing that you’ve been awarded as AXA Star?

It’s been an extremely encouraging and honorable feeling, which represents a recognition of my leadership, my skillset, and team spirit. It will inspire me to continue to strive forward, constantly surpass myself, and make greater contributions to the company’s development and achievements. I feel the responsibility of having greater influence serving as a role model to the team.

Q2:What are your habits to keep confident, healthy and positive?

A healthy body is the foundation for maintaining self-confidence and happiness. I work out on regular basis. It keeps me healthy, energetic, and helps to relieve stress, and enhance my self-confidence. I usually prefer to travel to island resorts and cities. Gazing at the blue sea and the sky can keep me happy, help me relax, and enable me to enjoy life better.

Q3:Please share with us a book, a movie or a theatre piece.

I’ve been reading “Teacher HE on Economics”, in which it’s been mentioned that “true knowledge is a framework, and it’s about transforming chaotic inorganic matter into organic matter, forming higher life forms from simple single cells, and integrating fragmented information into a system that shapes one’s worldview and life values.”  I really like this quote that says “knowledge is important, and everyone is constantly absorbing new knowledge day and night. However, this knowledge is often scattered and fragmented. Only by placing that information into an established framework, can it become useful and applicable. Ultimately, this will form a powerful system that can change one’s life.

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