
“WE CARE安盛好服务”荣膺金融品牌产品传播案例AXA Tianping’s “We Care” Selected as Best Product Marketing Case in Finance Industry

“WE CARE安盛好服务”荣膺金融品牌产品传播案例

AXA Tianping′s ″We Care″ Selected as Best Product Marketing Case in Finance Industry 

5月9日,在由国家金融监督管理总局主管媒体《中国银行保险报》主办的第八届金诺·金融品牌影响力论坛上,安盛天平财产保险有限公司选送的“WE CARE 安盛好服务”传播案例在200家机构的近500余个案例中脱颖而出,荣膺2024金诺·金融品牌年度产品传播案例。



“WE CARE 安盛好服务”凝聚了安盛200多年历史的稳健发展和经验,全面覆盖车险、健康险、旅行及意外险和商业企业险等多元领域,带给客户专业、便捷、暖心的服务体验,助力客户应对风险挑战。

On May 9th, at the 8th Jinnuo·Financial Brand Influence Forum, hosted by the China Banking and Insurance News, a media outlet under the supervision of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration, ″WE CARE AXA Excellent Service″ submitted by AXA Tianping Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. stood out among nearly 500 cases from 200 institutions and was honored as the 2024 Jinnuo·Annual Product Marketing Case of Finance Industry.

″Customer first″ is the core value, and also the core competitiveness of AXA Tinaping, whose service quality has always been widely favored and recognized by all parties, including the government, distributors and customers. Facing increasingly fierce homogenized competition, we firmly believe that only by providing excellent customer service can we enhance customers′ trust in AXA and improve their satisfaction and loyalty.

From Payer to Partner, We are beckoned by insights to meet customers′ diversified needs. We are committed to demonstrating professional expertise and sincere commitment in every detail, aiming to create a better service experience for customers.

″WE CARE, AXA′s Excellent Service″ encapsulates the stable development and experience of AXA with a history of over 200 years, comprehensively covering diverse fields such as motor, health, travel, accident, and commercial. It brings customers professional, convenient, and heartwarming service experiences, helping them cope with risk challenges.

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