
CEO Newsletter ISSUE46–Moblie





月底,公司参加了ITB China旅游贸易展,与业界有识之士共同为全球旅游业的发展注入活力,赋能旅游市场的蓬勃发展。旅游是人民群众对美好生活的向往与追求,更是跨越文明的沟通交流的重要途径。远方的世界令人向往,周到的保障让人安心。我们将继续加深与全球伙伴的合作,为游客提供更多优质便捷贴心的服务,推动全球旅游行业的繁荣与进步。


Dear AXA Tianping colleagues:

As the Dragon Boat Festival approaches, carrying the fragrance of bamboo leaves, I extend the company′s most heartfelt wishes to all of you: may this season bring you health, wealth, and fortuitous blessings, to you and to your families.  

Let us paddle forward carrying the strength and harmony of a dragon boat, navigating through waves and forging ahead together as a united team.

In early May, President Xi’s visit to France marked the celebration of the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations. During this momentous occasion, the CEO of AXA Group graced the pages of China Daily with a signed article, reaffirming AXA′s steadfast commitment to China′s development. For the past 25 years, we have proudly served as ambassadors of Sino-French cultural exchange, dedicated builders of financial strength, and pioneered high-level financial openness.

We will remain devoted to elevating Sino-French relations to new heights moving forward.

On May the 24th, we had the honor of attending the Gala Dinner themed ″Celebrating Six Decades of Sino-French Brilliance″ hosted by CCI, celebrated the dawn of a new chapter in Sino-French cooperation, looking forward to a future filled with shared achievements and enduring partnership.

On May 24th, we had the honor of welcoming Chen Jinshan, esteemed member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Lingang New Area, and Director of the Management Committee, along with his delegation. Mr. Chen lauded our collaboration with the Lingang New Area and expressed his aspiration for us to jointly advance the establishment of the international reinsurance board.  

AXA remains steadfast in leveraging its professional expertise in insurance protection and risk management. We are dedicated to fulfilling our corporate responsibilities and commitment to the China market, supporting the development of the real economy, and safeguard both financial and social stability. Together, we strive to shape a resilient and prosperous future.

At the end of the month, we have proudly participated in the ITB China Travel Trade Show, invigorating the global tourism industry and fostering robust market growth alongside fellow industry leaders. Tourism represents not only people′s yearning for a better life, but also a vital conduit for cross-civilization dialogue and exchange. The world beyond beckons with its wonders, and thoughtful preservation nurtures peace within our hearts. We are committed to deepening our collaboration with global partners, offering travelers enhanced quality, convenience, and heartfelt service. Together, we aim to promote the prosperity and progress of the global tourism industry, enriching lives and bridging cultures around the world.

Time flows like a river, and seasons dance in their eternal waltz. Next month heralds our annual global employee volunteering week ″AXA Week for Good″, embracing the theme of ″water″ inherited from Group. This year, we are to continue our partnership with Aiyou Charity Foundation to provide safe and sanitary drinking water for disadvantaged children in Liangshan, Sichuan Province. I hereby invite all partners and your relatives and friends to actively participate in the WeChat Step Donation Challenge held from June 3rd to 7th through Emma by AXA mini program. Together, let us spread love and warmth, contributing to AXA′s global campaign with strength and passion from China.

安盛天平首席执行官 左伟豪

CEO of AXA Tianping Kevin Chor

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