
安盛天平“畅享未来,无惧风险”出境旅行交流会AXA Tianping’s “Why should the future be a risk?”Outbound Travel Seminar


AXA Tianping′s ″Why should the future be a risk?″Outbound Travel Seminar

随着出境游的持续火热,旅行险的热度也在不断攀升,已经成为不少旅客畅游天下的必备要件。5月27日,安盛天平财产保险有限公司(以下简称:“安盛天平”)参加ITB China旅游贸易展,与业界有识之士共同为全球旅游业的发展注入活力,赋能旅游市场的蓬勃发展。



今年是中法建交六十周年,也是联合国教科文组织确定的国际旅游合作和发展年。担任本次活动开幕嘉宾的法国旅游发展署大中华区总经理邓佳琳(Catherine ODEN)女士表示,2024年是中法文化合作的重要年份,预计将有140多个重大文化活动贯穿全年举行,期待与安盛携手,共同推动中法文化交流,为两国民众提供卓越的文旅体验。







With the continued popularity of outbound tourism, the demand for travel insurance has also been constantly rising, becoming essential for many travelers to roam the world freely. On May 27th, AXA Tianping Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ″AXA Tianping″) participated in the ITB China Travel Trade Show, joining forces with industry insiders to inject vitality into the global tourism industry and empower the booming development of the tourism market.

Kevin CHOR, CEO of AXA Tianping, stated that leveraging its leading edge in risk management and protection services, AXA Tianping is experienced with the insurance services required for various travel scenarios. Focusing on the real needs of customers, the company continuously expands the breadth and depth of its insurance services, integrates cross-border travel protection resources from different dimensions, and is willing to share the successful experiences of the AXA Group in different countries and regions around the world. The company integrates consumers′ personalized needs in travel protection into its products and services.

Travel Insurance Getting Increasingly Requested

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, as well as the Year of International Tourism Cooperation and Development designated by UNESCO. Catherine ODEN, General Manager of Greater China Region of Atout France, who served as the opening guest of this event, expressed that 2024 will be an important year for Sino-French cultural cooperation, with more than 140 major cultural activities expected to be held throughout the year. She looked forward to working with AXA to jointly promote Sino-French cultural exchanges and provide excellent cultural and tourism experiences for the people of both countries.

AXA Tianping Travel Insurance focuses on the middle and high-end markets. It not only conducts deep cooperation with multiple distributions such as mainstream vertical insurance sales platforms, online travel platforms, and travel agency integration platforms, but is also a certified partner of renowned visa centers, with offline visa centers covering 15 provinces across the country. Mr. Kevin CHOR stated that travel is the aspiration and pursuit of the people for a better life, and an important path for communication and exchange across civilizations. The world beyond is fascinating, and comprehensive protection brings peace of mind. AXA Tianping will continue to deepen cooperation with global partners, provide Chinese outbound tourists with more high-quality, convenient, and caring services, jointly promote cultural and tourism exchanges between China and the world, and drive the prosperity and progress of the global tourism industry.

Only 8.3 seconds′ response time for emergency thanks to global network coverage

AXA Tianping actively innovates cross-border travel insurance products and constantly expands the breadth and depth of insurance services, providing a variety of risk compensation for overseas tourism, covering multiple areas such as motor, travel, health, and more. Leveraging the Group′s 41 rescue centers distributed across five continents and a service network covering 208 countries and regions, AXA Tianping Travel Insurance stands out in terms of global professional rescue services, local services, resource allocation, and more. With over 6,500 emergency contact points, over 700,000 medical cooperation institutions, and a 24-hour rapid response service, AXA Tianping collaborates with multiple professional travel platforms to establish professional communication channels and service interfaces. Its offline visa center exhibition stands cover 15 provinces nationwide, enabling it to provide efficient and convenient overseas comprehensive travel insurance for Chinese travelers globally, including but not limited to emergency medical rescue, medical expense reimbursement, emergency evacuation, medical transportation, accidental death and disability protection, and other services. This ensures that travelers can receive year-round, 24-hour, and multilingual emergency assistance in case of accidents, with an average response time of only 8.3 seconds.

In addition, for enthusiasts of high-risk sports such as skiing and diving, as well as fans of extreme fans, AXA Tianping has accelerated product innovation in response to changes in market demand, increased protection for unconventional subjects such as extreme sports, innovated accident insurance for spectator events, and enriched diversified insurance plans. Whether it is cautious travelers pursuing cost-effectiveness or experiential travelers seeking high-quality experiences, they can all enjoy peace of mind for popular recreational sports, guaranteed protection against accidental injuries, cross-border medical coverage, and compensation for travel delays.

Media Coverage

Mr. Kevin CHOR, CEO of AXA Tianping got interviewed by mainstream media outlets. While sharing the cross-border travel insurance products and experiences of AXA Group, he stated that AXA Tianping is committed to promoting cultural exchange and tourism between China and foreign countries, and actively fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities. This has created a favorable public opinion atmosphere for the company′s sustainable development. Relevant reports have been published successively. Please click the link below for more details:

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