
同贺甲子盛事 共谱璀璨新章 ——安盛恭贺中法建交60周年Looking ahead after six decades of China-France friendship

同贺甲子盛事 共谱璀璨新章 ——安盛恭贺中法建交60周年

Looking ahead after six decades of China-France friendship


At this critical moment when the world is facing unprecedented changes, the harmonious and stable relationship between China and France, as two representatives of excellent civilizations in the East and the West, is particularly precious. This year marks the 25th anniversary of AXA′s establishment in China. AXA Tianping will unswervingly serve as an ambassador of Sino-French cultural exchange, strive to be a builder of a financial power, and take the lead in high-level financial openness, contributing our part to promoting Sino-French relations to new heights.

Looking ahead after six decades of China-France friendship

on January 27, 2024, we celebrated the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between France and the People′s Republic of China. This year, AXA, as a global leader in insurance with French roots, also celebrates the 25 years of its presence in the Chinese market.

Since the determination of our two countries six decades ago to strengthen their ties and cooperation, the world has significantly evolved. As risk management is at the heart of AXA′s concerns and expertise as an insurer, we have been keen to use our expertise to the benefit economic development and the broad ambitions of China and France in their economic cooperation. We share the common objective to understand the new risks our societies are facing and to reinforce protection against them. I am obviously thinking of climate change.

AXA has been operating in China for more than 25 years and wishes to make use of the tools at its disposal to deploy innovative and high-quality service offerings for the Chinese population and businesses in line with our mission to act for human progress by protecting what matters.

Thus, with a global and mature vision, AXA wishes to represent a unique model of establishment in the Chinese market. Thanks to our long-term commitment strategy and the presence in all the business lines with ICBC-AXA Life, AXA-Tianping P&C, AXA SPDB and AXA XL, supported by our global expertise and resources, we can provide the population with property and casualty, life, health, protection and pension insurance, as well as assets and wealth management, and contribute to the development of the Chinese market.

Insurance is focused on anticipating and mitigating future risks in order to protect populations in the best possible way. In the context of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between France and the People′s Republic of China, AXA looks forward to using its global experience and deep expertise to contribute to the next phase of China′s economic development.

承前启后 继往开来安盛庆祝中法建交60周年







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