
上海市委常委、临港新片区党工委书记一行访问安盛天平The Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Led by the Secretary of the Lingang New Area Party Working Committee Visited AXA Tianping


The Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Led by the Secretary of the Lingang New Area Party Working Committee Visited AXA Tianping







On the morning of May 24, 2024, Chen Jinshan, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Lingang New Area Party Working Committee, and Director of the Management Committee, led a delegation to visit AXA Tianping Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ″AXA Tianping″). Accompanying the delegation were Zhao Yihuai, member of the Party Working Committee of the Lingang New Area and full-time deputy director of the Management Committee, Liu Wei, member of the Party Committee and vice president of the Lingang Group, and relevant responsible persons from relevant departments of the Management Committee, the joint working team for reinsurance, and the economic company of the New Area.

Ms. Sara Zhu, Chairman of Board of AXA Tianping, and Mr. Kevin CHOR, Chief Executive Officer, warmly received the delegation and hosted a symposium. Both parties conducted deep discussions on topics such as deepening cooperation between AXA Tianping and the Lingang New Area in the fields of reinsurance and financial technology, as well as accelerating the introduction of technological talents.

Sara mentioned the new trends of development in Lingang New Area. She stated that this year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, as well as the 25th anniversary of AXA′s deepening presence in the Chinese market. AXA is one of the earliest foreign insurance groups to participate in China′s financial market and has been a witness, participant, and beneficiary of China′s high-level opening-up in the financial industry. Every milestone of the company′s development cannot be separated from the unique business environment and strong support from all levels.

AXA Group attaches great importance to its development in the Chinese market and maintains a strategic commitment to deepening its presence in the local market. In the future, AXA Tianping will continue to increase its investment and promote innovative cooperation between the company′s business in reinsurance and technology finance and Lingang New Area.

Kevin reported on the specific measures taken by AXA Tianping to deepen cooperation with the Lingang Special Area, including the promotion of the trading platform and business implementation of the Shanghai Reinsurance Operation Center, the introduction of cross-border reinsurance business promoted by the export of reinsurance data, the enhancement of AXA′s technology-enabled insurance business level by relying on technology insurance in the Lingang New Area, and the acceleration of the introduction of scientific and technological talents. He said, ″Adhering to the national strategy of insurance services and leading technological innovation is AXA′s corporate responsibility and commitment to the Chinese market. Rooted in the Shanghai International Financial Center and working hand in hand with the innovative development of the Lingang New Area, AXA Tianping has always closely followed the national strategy and Shanghai′s positioning, implemented the instructions of the ′Central Financial Work Conference′, and made positive contributions to the ′Five Major Articles′ of finance. ″

At the meeting, Secretary Chen Jinshan learned in detail about AXA Tianping′s business development, the introduction of high-tech talents and the layout of reinsurance business in Lingang New Area. He expressed the hope that AXA Tianping will give full play to the institutional and institutional advantages of the Lingang New Area, further innovate the development model, improve the service level, and help the construction of the Lingang International Reinsurance Functional Zone; The second is to make full use of the industry′s resource integration capabilities to seek greater breakthroughs in the fields of science and technology finance and green finance.

Moving forward, AXA Tianping will continue to leverage its professional advantages in insurance protection and risk management, fulfill its corporate responsibilities and commitment to the Chinese market, serve the development of the real economy, and maintain financial and social stability. With the support of a series of supporting policies in Lingang New Area, AXA Tianping will increase its efforts in innovation and development, and continue to invest in business expansion, technology and system construction, product and solution design, as well as the establishment of a professional team, to facilitate the rapid launch of its business and make greater contributions to the prosperity and development of Lingang New Area.

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