
首届公司级合规风险治理跨部门培训顺利举行The First inter-departmental Training on Corporate Compliance & Risk Management Successfully Convened


The First inter-departmental Training on Corporate Compliance & Risk Management Successfully Convened












最后,总经理办公室主任兼首席转型官戴思远为本次培训进行结训总结,并基于2026集团人力资源战略“We Care and Dare for Progress”,从通识力、业务力、领导力和实践力展示了安盛天平学习发展体系。




Under the increasingly stringent regulatory environment, the requirements for transparent risk management under solvency II as well as the company’s compliance management practical development, the first cross-departmental training on corporate- compliance & risk management was convened, adopting online + offline format, thanks to the organization of compliance, risk and MKT. This was a specialized training for colleagues following the training of heads of various levels at the institutional year-end work conference in January. It aimed to strengthen the institutional requirements for risk management, compliance governance, marketing, reputation risk management, and other areas to ensure that each department or institutional liaison performs their duties and fulfills their responsibilities. By listening to the voices and needs of the frontline, and conducting practical case exchanges, the effectiveness of management systems and process frameworks can be ensured. More than 100 colleagues from the headquarters and various national institutions participated in this training.

Kevin CHOR, CEO of AXA Tianping, opened for the training, stressing on the importance of systematic risk management, which is the foundation of the company’s operation, and it is particularly important to raise the compliance and risk awareness of all staff and ensure the soundness and effective implementation of the system.

Richard QIU, Chief Risk Officer & Secretary of the Board of Directors; Norman LUO, Head of Legal and Compliance Department, and Eva HUANG, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, made speeches illustrating both the group norms and daily practices need to start from two aspects: the soundness of the system and the effectiveness of compliance. Through cross-departmental collaboration, institutional culture promotion, employee training and other methods, we can build a solid risk defense line, promote the enterprise culture of compliance and law-abiding, and enhance the risk resistance resilience of the company’s operation.

Zhang Jie, Director of Learning and Development of the headquarter, introduced the schedule of this training and the competition rules of the courses. She led the online and offline participants to conduct opening interaction to break the ice, helping them quickly get to know each other within the groups and create a positive and harmonious learning atmosphere.

This training is divided into four parts: risk management, legal compliance, reputation risk and brand communication.

On risk Management, General Manager of Risk Management Department Song Youcheng introduced the risk management system and three lines of defense architecture of AXA Tianping, helping the audience to better understand, evaluate and manage risks, protect the interests of the company, and ensure its sustained development and stable operation. Operational Risk Manager Zhao Chen popularized the definition and characteristics of operational risks, processes and three major tools, and shared various categories and cases of operational risk loss events. Internal Control Manager Ouyang Shanshan introduced the definition and basic management principles of internal control from the perspective of internal control, as well as its relevance to operational risks. She also demonstrated 26 processes applicable to AXA Tianping according to the requirements of the group and the provided evaluation standards, which helped to better understand and apply internal control measures and reduce losses and risks to the company.

A special guest, Mr. Zhong Changjiang, Director of Deloitte Risk Consulting help been invited to inform the changes in the regulatory environment, standardize business operations, strengthen risk awareness, and improve response capabilities from three aspects: interpretation of new operational risk regulations, analysis of the impact of new regulations on insurance companies, and analysis of suggestions for the implementation of new regulations.

On legal Compliance, Lawyer Li Weihua from Jintiancheng Law Firm was invited to give a specialized training on the interpretation of data security regulations and their application in the insurance industry. With humorous language, excellent teaching skills, and rich practical experience in the industry, Lawyer Li helped the participants understand the key points of the “Three Laws” in an interactive teaching atmosphere, and integrated the essence into work scenarios through practical exercises.

Director Pan Mengxiang of the Regulatory Affairs and Institutional Compliance Department guided the participants to interact on site, introducing theoretical knowledge points through the creation of vivid and imaginative interactive games and scenario questions. This approach allowed for the analysis and identification of specific situations, thereby aiding in a deeper understanding and mastery of the knowledge.

On Reputation Risk, Assistant General Manager of Public Affairs and Sustainable Development, Li Sitao, provided an in-depth analysis of the current public opinion environment faced by the insurance industry. Drawing from a wealth of cases and practical experience, he detailed the principles, approaches, and strategies for managing reputation risk.

On Brand Communication, The Director of Product Marketing, Liu Chunling, presented the management methods for brand and product marketing, focusing on three aspects: the AXA Group standards, brand marketing and brand gift management, as well as product marketing management. This session helped participants gain a deeper understanding of the company’s brand’s core values, positioning, and communication methods, thereby enhancing their cognition and comprehension of the brand, and contributing to the unification of the brand image.

Finally, Dai Siyuan, the Director of the General Manager’s Office and the Chief Transformation Officer, delivered the closing summary for this training session. Based on the 2026 Group Human Resources Strategy “We Care and Dare for Progress,” he presented the learning and development system of AXA Tianping, emphasizing the importance of general knowledge, business acumen, leadership, and practical skills. This comprehensive approach to learning and development aims to equip employees with the necessary tools and capabilities to drive the company’s progress and success.

At the end of the training, the winning teams for both online and offline participation were selected based on the level of engagement throughout the day. A certificate presentation ceremony was then held to honor their achievements. Participants unanimously praised the training and expressed a high level of anticipation for future learning opportunities of this kind.

Finally, to recognize the performance of the organization in the past year, the headquarters awarded the titles of “Compliance Star,” “Compliance Shining Star,” “Reputation Risk Star,” and “Marketing Star” to outstanding partners working on the front line. These awards were presented to express gratitude and appreciation for their active participation and significant contributions to the work. Everyone has a responsibility in risk prevention, and we would like to express our gratitude to all the participants for their high attention and active cooperation. We look forward to working together to solidify the foundation of risk management, strengthen the compliant business environment, and protect the brand image of AXA.

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