
安盛之星 AXA Stars


AXA Stars



In the AXA Star contest , altogether 22 AXA colleagues from headquarters and branches are entitled to awards of AXA Stars in Transformation , Customer First , Integrity , Courage , and One AXA . This special column was set up for them so we can all know their stories in living the AXA values and making their contribution to the company’s growth.

This month we will introduce stories of our Transformation Star – GE Minggang, Courage Star – ZHOU Rongbin, Transformation Star – ZHANG Xian, Customer Star- WANG Mei.









Transformation Star – GE Minggang

Since joining AXA in 2011, Ge Minggang has been the General Manager’s Assistant at the Jinan Branch. He pours his heart into fulfilling performance targets, leading all insurance segments to improve their operations to expand the branch’s profits. In 2021, he made great efforts to drive forward the Jinan Insurance Project (Qilubao), giving speeches on the advanced philosophy of the products in companies, communities, and rural regions. In 2022, Ge Minggang refined the indicators and closely followed company progress to catch up on targets. The motor insurance distribution plan he was responsible for had a fulfillment rate of 109%, reaching 76.6 million sales compared with the 70.44 million target. The e-commerce distribution plan had a fulfillment rate of 97%, reaching 17.42 million sales compared with the 18.02 million target.

Q1: Would you share with us how it feels to receive the AXA Star Award?

I am extremely happy and honored to have received the AXA Star Award. Winning this award recognizes my individual work and our team’s collective effort. I owe this success to the trust and support of my superiors and the help and encouragement of my colleagues. After receiving the AXA Star Award, I am clearer about my responsibilities and mission; I value teamwork more. I will live up to my exemplary role and grow with my colleagues to better contribute to our company and the team.

Q2: What habit or hobby do you have to keep up your confidence, health, and happiness?

I always get up early; it is very good for your health. Getting up early helps improve metabolism, enhance physical health, and elevate focus. As a result, I am more focused and alert. Getting up early also gives me enough time to review my work and plan for the next step. I will look at what I have learned and think about how to make improvements; I also plan for the goals at the next stage and key areas that need attention.

Q3: Can you share with us a book, film, or TV show you read or watched recently?

I recently watched the movie Endless Journey. The film follows the protagonist, police captain Cheng Bing, who pursues criminals after being released from prison and is no longer a policeman. His obsession with justice is heartbreaking and admirable. Not everyone can commit their life to chasing criminals for decades without stopping. However, people like him who have such unwavering faith and strong spirit make this world full of light and hope. In our work, we also need to have the same determination as Cheng Bing, staying resolutely on our path. When we face challenges and obstacles, we have the courage to keep looking for better solutions to lead the team towards our common goals.













Courage Star – ZHOU Rongbin

Worked in the insurance industry for 15 years, Zhou Rongbin is the Deputy-Manager of the Jiangsu Branch, mainly responsible for the promotion of non-motor segments for the branch. He streamlines market channels, enhancing health insurance platform performance through groundwork management and specialized team operations. Organizing non-motor insurance knowledge training for tertiary institutions, Zhou Rongbin drives business transformations at the tertiary level by adjusting the premium pricing structure and personnel operation systems. He also actively encouraged the formation of specialized non-motor insurance teams and proposed running pilot guidelines designed exclusively for managing health insurance channels. His two-member team expanded to a large family of 16 members. In 2022, Zhou led the transformation of the non-motor segments in the Jiangsu branch, increasing the proportion of non-motor business performance to 24%, with a health insurance monthly platform exceeding 2 million, commercial insurance monthly platform over 1.5 million, and retail insurance monthly averaging 3.5 million.

Q1: Would you share with us how it feels to receive the AXA Star Award?

I am delighted to receive the AXA “Stars of Courage” Award, and I really feel that the company recognizes and appreciates my work. I am really grateful for the patience and teamwork of my colleagues and superiors. It is thanks to them that I had the opportunity to shine and room to grow. I also feel more pressure to do even better in the future. I am determined to be more disciplined and deliver better performance at work in the future. I will continue to improve on the segments I excel in and take the initiative to learn and improve on the segments where I fall short at the moment. I will live up to the title of AXA’s “Stars of Courage”.

Q2: What habit or hobby do you have to keep up your confidence, health, and happiness?

Aside from work, I spend most of my time exercising. A good physical condition keeps my energy up. Of course, maintaining health is also my duty to myself and my family.

Q3: Can you share with us a book, film, or TV show you read or watched recently?

I haven’t had time to really delve into a new book or a show lately. But a TV show that I can watch again and again every year is the Medical Examiner Dr. Qin series. I inherited the love for the mystery genre from my parents. I like the Medical Examiner series because of the courses I studied in university. For these reasons, I watch the Medical Examiner Dr. Qin series again every year.

The novel and the TV adaptation tell a story of modern medical examiners, criminal investigations, and human nature. It consists of many mini-stories, very suitable for us who only have a little free time.

Medical examiner Qin Ming is the narrator of the story. He dissects case after case of strange happenings with professionalism and calmness. By meticulously examining the victim’s body, he with his team used forensic science to analyze and deduct the story behind the case, unveiling the truth of the crime, and bringing the perpetrator to justice.

This book/drama can’t be defined as belonging to the mystery or detective genre. A series of bizarre and complex cases show us the many faces of humanity: greed, jealousy, pride, wrath. When faced with choices between life and death, good and evil, some people’s lives are changed forever with just one thought. In the stories, there is family loyalty and betrayal, adoration and control for one’s children, and desire and fear of power. These intricate emotions and dilemmas are all presented by Medical Examiner Dr. Qin.

I highly recommend you to have a look at the series.









Transformation Star – ZHANG Xian

Zhang Xian joined AXA in February 2009; she is working on training and management at the Department of Training and Development. Faced with the company’s transition to non-motor insurance, Zhang Xian has taken the time to consider and explore, as a training coach, improving her skill sets for non-motor segment operations. She took the initiative to learn about the latest news in the industry and studied ahead on non-motor insurance, spending her time digging potentials in the consumer market. She eagerly combed through sales strategies for the non-motor segments. She inspired consumers to realize their needs while helping them to organize a non-motor product portfolio, increasing sales numbers. Zhang Xian organized and constructed an on-the-job training system for non-motor operations at the direct sales online center, developing 15 multi-dimensional courses attended by 2,961 people, with a coverage rate of 99%. The non-motor business performance was consequently improved. Her pilot courses improved non-motor business performance by 25%, from the pre-training number of 1,086,842 RMB to the post-training number of 1,360,973 RMB.

Q1: Would you share with us how it feels to receive the AXA Star Award?

I am honored to be one of the people to receive the AXA Star in Transformation. People often say a seed needs fertile land to live up to all its thriving potential. I think the same is true for people: one only progress in an environment of striving for success. I am very fortunate to have found the “fertile land” for my growth; my achievements are thanks to its nurturing and encouragement. This honor is also a recognition of our team members’ collective efforts on the path of transformation. We will continue to closely align with the company’s strategic direction, maintain a pioneering spirit, and move forward together

Q2: What habit or hobby do you have to keep up your confidence, health, and happiness?

I have an eye for small happiness in life. Life is iridescent. You find different beauty in it from different angles. Beauty is the warm sunshine, the verdant plants, lovely friends, and unexpected surprises… these moments make me immensely satisfied and joyous. I am passionately in love with life, and in turn, my heartaches get healed because of that love. It’s a positive cycle.

Q3: Can you share with us a book, film, or TV show you read or watched recently?

Life is Short, by Wang Zengqi, encourages you not to let a day of perfect weather and a good cup of tea go to waste. Mr. Wang Zengqi doesn’t entice you with dramatic stories or cunning plots. His writing is a flowing stream that nourishes your heart as you read the book. It is like listening to a kind elder telling you about the things he learned in life. You can feel a gentle but firm strength between the lines; at the same time, he is also so very humorous about it! It is lovely and healing. Little sparkling moments in every day are the best things about life.











Customer Star- WANG Mei

Wang Mei has worked in the Claims Department for years. She is currently at the Claims Customer Service Department of the Tianjin Branch on legal management of personal injuries. She is a long-time practitioner of the service principle “from payer to partner”. With professionalism and a dutiful personality, she led the medical claims investigation team to make a proactive transformation and insist on improving service quality through the consumers’ perspectives and demands. Her concrete actions drove operation development, effectively facilitating the sustained development of the company’s business. With her professional knowledge and rich experience, Wang Mei has been selected as the mediator for insurance contract disputes in the Tianjin insurance industry for consecutive years, with a high degree of customer satisfaction rate, and has received unanimous praise from many third-party organizations and the court.

Q1: Would you share with us how it feels to receive the AXA Star Award?

Receiving the AXA Star Award marks a significant milestone in my career. It is not only a recognition of my own work but also the result of our outstanding teamwork. I am proud but also inspired to become better. I believe the award injects new motivations into my career. I will take this opportunity to work harder and create more value for the company. The award is the answer to my hard work of the past; it is also the beginning of achieving new heights in the future. I must thank my colleagues and the company for their support. Hopefully, we can deliver more excellent performance in the future, making contributions to the company’s future through our collective efforts.

Q2: What habit or hobby do you have to keep up your confidence, health, and happiness?

I think it is really important to travel and maintain a healthy diet to stay confident, healthy, and happy. I am particularly partial to less oil and less salt diet to make sure my body gets enough nourishment. Travel is a great way for me to relieve stress. It gives me the opportunity to immerse myself in different cultures and experience beautiful scenery, pumping new, refreshing energy into my life. These two habits help me enjoy great food and maintain physical health, keeping my internal balance as I explore the world and staying forever young and happy.

Q3: Can you share with us a book, film, or TV show you read or watched recently?

I recently watched Twelve Angry Men, an old movie from 50 years ago. The film tells the story of a boy in charge of patricide. Following the court proceedings, a jury of twelve men discuss his case. The first scene is at the front of a New York courthouse; after a brief summary of the case, the jury deliberation phase begins.

The film addresses the issue of power, with Henry Fonda’s character accusing another juror, What right do we have to kill someone so casually and without discussion? Ending another person’s life is not a matter to be taken lightly, and what should have been an unquestionable vote is now complicated by respect for life. With extensive long takes and rapid-paced discussions, calm rebuttals, and logical deductions, the ninety-minute debate is captivating, well-paced, tightly structured, and solemn. The story is never dull despite being set in a confined space.

Today, a movie from two months ago no longer counts as new. Yet, this film of 50 years ago still resonates today. I now believe that there are things such as timeless classics. Some may be forgotten with time. But some remains to be talked about, thought about, and remembered.

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